R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ACE.13.TCE.df()
- anovaPE()
- aovN()
- aovPower()
- base()
- Benthic.df()
- boxcox()
- boxcoxject()
- boxcoxCensored()
- boxcoxCensoredject()
- boxcoxLmject()
- boxcoxTransform()
- calibrate()
- calibrateject()
- CastilloAndHadi1994()
- cdfCompare()
- cdfCompareCensored()
- cdfPlot()
- chenTTest()
- Chi()
- ciBinomHalfWidth()
- ciBinomN()
- ciNormHalfWidth()
- ciNormN()
- ciNparConfLevel()
- ciNparN()
- ciTableMean()
- ciTableProp()
- cv()
- detectionLimitCalibrate()
- distChoose()
- distChooseject()
- distChooseCensored()
- distChooseCensoredject()
- Distribution.df()
- ebeta()
- ebinom()
- ecdfPlot()
- ecdfPlotCensored()
- eevd()
- eexp()
- egamma()
- egammaAltCensored()
- egammaCensored()
- egeom()
- egevd()
- ehyper()
- elnorm()
- elnorm3()
- elnormAlt()
- elnormAltCensored()
- elnormCensored()
- elogis()
- Empirical()
- enbinom()
- enorm()
- enormCensored()
- enparCensored()
- Environmental()
- EnvStats-internal()
- EnvStats-package()
- EPA.02d.Ex.2.ug.per.L.vec()
- EPA.02d.Ex.4.mg.per.kg.vec()
- EPA.02d.Ex.6.mg.per.kg.vec()
- EPA.02d.Ex.9.mg.per.L.vec()
- EPA.09.Ex.6.3.sulfate.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.7.1.arsenic.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.10.1.nickel.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.11.1.arsenic.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.12.1.ccl4.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.12.4.naphthalene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.13.1.iron.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.14.1.manganese.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.14.3.alkalinity.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.14.4.arsenic.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.14.8.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.16.1.sulfate.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.16.2.benzene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.16.4.copper.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.16.5.PCE.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.1.loglead.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.2.toluene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.3.chrysene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.3.log.chrysene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.4.copper.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.5.chloride.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.6.sulfate.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.17.7.sodium.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.18.4.xylene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.19.1.sulfate.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.19.2.chloride.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.19.5.mercury.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.20.1.nickel.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.21.1.aldicarb.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.21.2.benzene.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.21.5.beryllium.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.21.6.nitrate.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.21.7.TCE.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.22.1.VC.df()
- EPA.09.Ex.22.2.Specific.Conductance.df()
- EPA.09.Table.9.1.TCE.df()
- EPA.09.Table.9.3.df()
- EPA.09.Table.9.4.nickel.vec()
- EPA.89b.aldicarb1.df()
- EPA.89b.aldicarb2.df()
- EPA.89b.benzene.df()
- EPA.89b.cadmium.df()
- EPA.89b.chlordane1.df()
- EPA.89b.chlordane2.df()
- EPA.89b.edb.df()
- EPA.89b.lead.df()
- EPA.89b.loglead.df()
- EPA.89b.manganese.df()
- EPA.89b.sulfate.df()
- EPA.89b.t29.df()
- EPA.89b.toc.vec()
- EPA.92c.arsenic1.df()
- EPA.92c.arsenic2.df()
- EPA.92c.arsenic3.df()
- EPA.92c.benzene1.df()
- EPA.92c.benzene2.df()
- EPA.92c.ccl4.df()
- EPA.92c.chrysene.df()
- EPA.92c.copper1.df()
- EPA.92c.copper2.df()
- EPA.92c.lognickel1.df()
- EPA.92c.nickel1.df()
- EPA.92c.nickel2.df()
- EPA.92c.toluene.df()
- EPA.92c.zinc.df()
- EPA.92d.chromium.df()
- EPA.92d.chromium.vec()
- EPA.94b.lead.df()
- EPA.94b.tccb.df()
- EPA.97.cadmium.111.df()
- epareto()
- epdfPlot()
- epois()
- epoisCensored()
- eqbeta()
- eqbinom()
- eqevd()
- eqexp()
- eqgamma()
- eqgeom()
- eqgevd()
- eqhyper()
- eqlnorm()
- eqlnorm3()
- eqlnormCensored()
- eqlogis()
- eqnbinom()
- eqnorm()
- eqnormCensored()
- eqnpar()
- eqpareto()
- eqpois()
- equnif()
- eqweibull()
- eqzmlnorm()
- eqzmnorm()
- errorBar()
- estimateject()
- estimateCensoredject()
- EulersConstant()
- eunif()
- EVD()
- evNormOrdStats()
- eweibull()
- ezmlnorm()
- ezmnorm()
- FcnsByCat()
- FcnsByCatCalibration()
- FcnsByCatCensoredData()
- FcnsByCatDataTrans()
- FcnsByCatEstDistParams()
- FcnsByCatEstDistQuants()
- FcnsByCatGOFTests()
- FcnsByCatHypothTests()
- FcnsByCatMCandRisk()
- FcnsByCatPlotProbDists()
- FcnsByCatPlotUsingggplot2()
- FcnsByCatPower()
- FcnsByCatPredInts()
- FcnsByCatPrintPlot()
- FcnsByCatProbDists()
- FcnsByCatSumStats()
- FcnsByCatTolInts()
- FcnsByCatTrend()
- GammaAlt()
- geoMean()
- geom_stripchart()
- geoSD()
- GEVD()
- Gibbons.et.al.09.Alkilinity.vec()
- Gibbons.et.al.09.Vinyl.Chloride.vec()
- gofject()
- gofCensoredject()
- gofGroupject()
- gofGroupTest()
- gofOutlierject()
- gofTest()
- gofTestCensored()
- gofTwoSampleject()
- gpqCiNormCensored()
- gpqTolIntNormCensored()
- Graham.et.al.75.etu.df()
- Grice.Bain.80.mat()
- Helsel.Cohn.88.app.b.df()
- Helsel.Cohn.88.silver.df()
- Helsel.Hirsch.02.Mayfly.df()
- HoskingEtAl1985()
- htestject()
- htestCensoredject()
- inversePredictCalibrate()
- iqr()
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest()
- kendallTrendTest()
- kurtosis()
- Lin.Evans.80.df()
- linearTrendTestN()
- linearTrendTestPower()
- linearTrendTestScaledMds()
- lMoment()
- Lognormal3()
- LognormalAlt()
- LognormalMix()
- LognormalMixAlt()
- LognormalTrunc()
- LognormalTruncAlt()
- longToWide()
- Millard.Deverel.88.df()
- Modified.TcCB.df()
- newsEnvStats()
- NIOSH.89.air.lead.vec()
- NormalMix()
- NormalTrunc()
- Olympic.NH4.df()
- oneSamplePermutationTest()
- Ozone.NE.df()
- Pareto()
- pdfPlot()
- permutationTestject()
- plot.boxcox()
- plot.boxcoxCensored()
- plot.boxcoxLm()
- plot.gof()
- plot.gofCensored()
- plot.gofGroup()
- plot.gofTwoSample()
- plot.permutationTest()
- plotAovDesign()
- plotCiBinomDesign()
- plotCiNormDesign()
- plotCiNparDesign()
- plotLinearTrendTestDesign()
- plotPredIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPowerCurve()
- plotPredIntLnormAltTestPowerCurve()
- plotPredIntNormDesign()
- plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve()
- plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve()
- plotPredIntNparDesign()
- plotPredIntNparSimultaneousDesign()
- plotPredIntNparSimultaneousTestPowerCurve()
- plotPropTestDesign()
- plotTolIntNormDesign()
- plotTolIntNparDesign()
- plotTTestDesign()
- plotTTestLnormAltDesign()
- pointwise()
- ppointsCensored()
- predict.lm()
- predict()
- predIntGamma()
- predIntGammaSimultaneous()
- predIntLnorm()
- predIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPower()
- predIntLnormAltTestPower()
- predIntLnormSimultaneous()
- predIntNorm()
- predIntNormHalfWidth()
- predIntNormK()
- predIntNormN()
- predIntNormSimultaneous()
- predIntNormSimultaneousK()
- predIntNormSimultaneousTestPower()
- predIntNormTestPower()
- predIntNpar()
- predIntNparConfLevel()
- predIntNparN()
- predIntNparSimultaneous()
- predIntNparSimultaneousConfLevel()
- predIntNparSimultaneousN()
- predIntNparSimultaneousTestPower()
- predIntPois()
- print.boxcox()
- print.boxcoxCensored()
- print.boxcoxLm()
- print.distChoose()
- print.distChooseCensored()
- print.estimate()
- print.estimateCensored()
- print.gof()
- print.gofCensored()
- print.gofGroup()
- print.gofOutlier()
- print.gofTwoSample()
- print.htestCensored()
- print.htestEnvStats()
- print()
- print.permutationTest()
- print.summaryStats()
- propTestMdd()
- propTestN()
- propTestPower()
- ProUCL.Crit.Vals.for.AD.Test.for.Gamma.array()
- ProUCL.Crit.Vals.for.KS.Test.for.Gamma.array()
- pwMoment()
- qqPlot()
- qqPlotCensored()
- qqPlotGestalt()
- quantileTest()
- quantileTestPValue()
- Refinery.CO.df()
- rosnerTest()
- serialCorrelationTest()
- signTest()
- simulateMvMatrix()
- simulateVector()
- Skagit.NH3_N.df()
- skewness()
- stat_mean_sd_text()
- stat_median_iqr_text()
- stat_n_text()
- stat_test_text()
- stripChart()
- summaryFull()
- summaryStats()
- summaryStatsject()
- tolIntGamma()
- tolIntLnorm()
- tolIntLnormCensored()
- tolIntNorm()
- tolIntNormCensored()
- tolIntNormHalfWidth()
- tolIntNormK()
- tolIntNormN()
- tolIntNpar()
- tolIntNparConfLevel()
- tolIntNparCoverage()
- tolIntNparN()
- tolIntPois()
- Total.P.df()
- Triangular()
- tTestAlpha()
- tTestLnormAltN()
- tTestLnormAltPower()
- tTestLnormAltRatioOfMeans()
- tTestN()
- tTestPower()
- tTestScaledMdd()
- twoSampleLinearRankTest()
- twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored()
- twoSamplePermutationTestLocation()
- twoSamplePermutationTestProportion()
- varGroupTest()
- varTest()
- ZeroModifiedLognormal()
- ZeroModifiedLognormalAlt()
- ZeroModifiedNormal()
- zTestGevdShape()
R Codes
- adGammaProUCLGofTest.R
- adGeneralGofTest.R
- adGofTest.R
- anovaPE.R
- aovN.R
- aovN.scalar.R
- aovPower.R
- aovPower.scalar.R
- arg.names.R
- base.R
- boxcox.default.R
- boxcox.lm.R
- boxcox.R
- boxcoxCensored.R
- boxcoxMultiplyCensored.R
- boxcoxSinglyCensored.R
- boxcoxTransform.R
- calibrate.R
- cbind.no.warn.R
- cdfCompare.R
- cdfCompareCensored.R
- cdfPlot.R
- check.distribution.args.R
- check.distribution.args.simulate.R
- checkGraphicsPars.R
- chenTTest.ci.R
- chenTTest.R
- chenTTest.sub.R
- chiobs.1.R
- chiobs.2.R
- chisqGofTest.R
- ci.binom.adjusted.Wald.R
- ci.binom.exact.R
- ci.binom.score.R
- ci.binom.Wald.R
- ci.epoisCensored.profile.likelihood.R
- ci.exp.exact.R
- ci.gamma.chisq.adj.R
- ci.gamma.chisq.approx.R
- ci.gamma.normal.approx.R
- ci.gamma.profile.likelihood.R
- ci.gammaAltCensored.profile.likelihood.R
- ci.land.R
- ci.land.vec.R
- ci.lnorm.2.zou.R
- ci.lnorm.land.R
- ci.lnorm.zou.R
- ci.lnorm3.likelihood.profile.R
- ci.lnorm3.zero.skew.R
- ci.norm.R
- ci.norm.var.R
- ci.norm.w.cov.R
- ci.normal.approx.R
- ci.pois.exact.R
- ci.pois.pearson.hartley.approx.R
- ci.qnorm.R
- ci.qnpar.exact.R
- ci.qnpar.interpolate.R
- ci.qnpar.normal.approx.R
- ci.qnpar.R
- ci.qpois.R
- ciBinomHalfWidth.R
- ciBinomN.R
- ciBinomN.vec.R
- ciNormHalfWidth.R
- ciNormN.R
- ciNparConfLevel.R
- ciNparConfLevelScalar.R
- ciNparN.R
- ciNparNScalar.R
- ciTableMean.R
- ciTableProp.R
- cv.R
- cvmGeneralGofTest.R
- cvmGofTest.R
- dchi.R
- demp.R
- derivative.R
- detectionLimitCalibrate.R
- devd.R
- dgammaAlt.R
- dgevd.R
- dilog.R
- distChoose.default.R
- distChoose.formula.R
- distChoose.R
- distChooseCensored.R
- dlands.t.R
- dlnorm3.R
- dlnormAlt.R
- dlnormMix.R
- dlnormMixAlt.R
- dlnormTrunc.R
- dlnormTruncAlt.R
- dnormMix.R
- dnormTrunc.R
- dpareto.R
- dT.R
- dtri.R
- Dunnetts.K.F1.R
- Dunnetts.K.F2.R
- Dunnetts.K.fcn.to.integrate.1.R
- Dunnetts.K.fcn.to.integrate.2.R
- Dunnetts.K.R
- dzmlnorm.R
- dzmlnormAlt.R
- dzmnorm.R
- ebeta.R
- ebinom.R
- ecdfPlot.R
- ecdfPlotCensored.R
- eevd.R
- eexp.R
- egamma.R
- egammaAlt.cv.mle.at.fixed.mean.R
- egammaAlt.R
- egammaAltCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- egammaAltCensored.cv.mle.at.fixed.mean.R
- egammaAltCensored.jackknife.R
- egammaAltCensored.mle.R
- egammaAltCensored.R
- egammaCensored.mle.R
- egammaCensored.R
- egeom.R
- egevd.R
- egevd.tsoe.init.h.R
- egevd.tsoe.init.R
- ehyper.R
- elnorm.R
- elnorm3.R
- elnormAlt.R
- elnormAltCensored.cv.mle.at.fixed.mean.R
- elnormAltCensored.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.bcmle.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.jackknife.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.mle.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.qmvue.R
- elnormAltMultiplyCensored.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.bcmle.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.impute.w.mle.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.w.cen.level.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.jackknife.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.mle.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.qmvue.R
- elnormAltSinglyCensored.R
- elnormCensored.R
- elnormMultiplyCensored.R
- elnormSinglyCensored.R
- elogis.R
- enbinom.R
- enorm.R
- enormCensored.R
- enormCensored.sd.mle.at.fixed.mean.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.jackknife.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.mle.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.qq.reg.R
- enormMultiplyCensored.R
- enormSinglyCensored.bcmle.R
- enormSinglyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- enormSinglyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- enormSinglyCensored.impute.w.mle.R
- enormSinglyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.R
- enormSinglyCensored.impute.w.qq.reg.w.cen.level.R
- enormSinglyCensored.iterative.impute.w.qq.reg.R
- enormSinglyCensored.jackknife.R
- enormSinglyCensored.m.est.R
- enormSinglyCensored.mle.R
- enormSinglyCensored.qq.reg.R
- enormSinglyCensored.qq.reg.w.cen.level.R
- enormSinglyCensored.R
- enparCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- enparCensored.jackknife.R
- enparCensored.km.R
- enparCensored.R
- EnvStats-internal.R
- envstatsDistChoose.R
- envstatsDistChooseCensored.R
- epareto.R
- epdfPlot.R
- epois.R
- epoisCensored.jackknife.R
- epoisCensored.R
- epoisMultiplyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- epoisMultiplyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- epoisMultiplyCensored.mle.R
- epoisMultiplyCensored.R
- epoisSinglyCensored.bootstrap.ci.R
- epoisSinglyCensored.half.cen.level.R
- epoisSinglyCensored.mle.R
- epoisSinglyCensored.R
- eqbeta.R
- eqbinom.R
- eqevd.R
- eqexp.R
- eqgamma.R
- eqgammaAlt.R
- eqgeom.R
- eqgevd.R
- eqhyper.R
- eqlnorm.R
- eqlnorm3.R
- eqlnormCensored.R
- eqlogis.R
- eqnbinom.R
- eqnorm.R
- eqnormCensored.R
- eqnpar.R
- eqpareto.R
- eqpois.R
- equnif.R
- eqweibull.R
- eqzmlnorm.R
- eqzmlnormAlt.R
- eqzmnorm.R
- errorBar.R
- etaobs.1.R
- etaobs.2.R
- eunif.R
- evNormOrdStats.R
- evNormOrdStatsScalar.R
- eweibull.R
- ezmlnorm.R
- ezmlnormAlt.R
- ezmnorm.R
- finneys.g.R
- finneys.g.scalar.R
- finneys.g.scalar.sub.R
- fix0101.R
- fix0102.R
- fix0103.R
- fix0104.R
- fix0106.R
- fix0107.R
- fix0108.R
- fix0109.R
- fix0111.R
- fix0201.obs.R
- fix0202.R
- fix0203.R
- fix0204.R
- fix0205.R
- fix0207.R
- g1.m.singly.censored.R
- g2.m.singly.censored.R
- gamcen.11.R
- gamcen.12.R
- gamcen.22.R
- gamobs.11.R
- gamobs.12.R
- gamobs.22.R
- gaussian.hypergeometric.R
- geoMean.R
- geom_stripchart.R
- geoSD.R
- gofGroupTest.data.frame.R
- gofGroupTest.default.R
- gofGroupTest.formula.R
- gofGroupTest.list.R
- gofGroupTest.matrix.R
- gofGroupTest.R
- gofTest.default.R
- gofTest.formula.R
- gofTest.R
- gofTestCensored.R
- gpqCiNormMultiplyCensored.R
- gpqCiNormSinglyCensored.R
- gpqTolIntNormMultiplyCensored.R
- gpqTolIntNormSinglyCensored.R
- hnorm.R
- inversePredictCalibrate.R
- iqr.R
- is.even.R
- is.na.matrix.R
- is.not.finite.warning.R
- is.odd.R
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest.data.frame.R
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest.default.R
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest.formula.R
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest.matrix.R
- kendallSeasonalTrendTest.R
- kendallTrendTest.default.R
- kendallTrendTest.formula.R
- kendallTrendTest.R
- ksGammaProUCLGofTest.R
- ksGofTest.R
- kurtosis.R
- lands.C.R
- lands.cond.t.prop.density.polar.R
- lands.cond.t.prop.density.R
- length.list.R
- lillieGeneralGofTest.R
- lillieGofTest.R
- linearTrendTestN.R
- linearTrendTestPower.R
- linearTrendTestScaledMds.R
- lMoment.R
- logChooseMultinomial.R
- loglikCensored.R
- loglikComplete.R
- loglike.norm.boxcox.R
- loglike.norm.boxcoxMultiplyCensored.R
- loglike.norm.boxcoxSinglyCensored.R
- loglike.norm.multiply.censored.R
- loglike.norm.R
- loglike.norm.singly.censored.R
- longToWide.R
- M.singly.censored.R
- mode.lands.t.R
- n.unique.R
- newsEnvStats.R
- number.suffix.R
- number.suffix.scalar.R
- nyblom.lambda.R
- oneSamplePermutationTest.R
- pchi.R
- pdfPlot.R
- pemp.R
- perm.R
- permutations.R
- permute.signs.R
- pevd.R
- pgammaAlt.R
- pgevd.R
- plands.t.R
- plnorm3.R
- plnormAlt.R
- plnormMix.R
- plnormMixAlt.R
- plnormTrunc.R
- plnormTruncAlt.R
- plot.boxcox.R
- plot.boxcoxCensored.R
- plot.boxcoxLm.R
- plot.gof.R
- plot.gofCensored.R
- plot.gofGroup.R
- plot.gofTwoSample.R
- plot.permutationTest.R
- plotAovDesign.R
- plotCiBinomDesign.R
- plotCiNormDesign.R
- plotCiNparDesign.R
- plotLinearTrendTestDesign.R
- plotPredIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPowerCurve.R
- plotPredIntLnormAltTestPowerCurve.R
- plotPredIntNormDesign.R
- plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve.R
- plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve.R
- plotPredIntNparDesign.R
- plotPredIntNparSimultaneousDesign.R
- plotPredIntNparSimultaneousTestPowerCurve.R
- plotPropTestDesign.R
- plotTolIntNormDesign.R
- plotTolIntNparDesign.R
- plotTTestDesign.R
- plotTTestLnormAltDesign.R
- pnct.pos.ncp.pos.q.finite.sum.R
- pnct.pos.ncp.pos.q.R
- pnct.pos.ncp.R
- pnormMix.R
- pnormTrunc.R
- points.w.dups.R
- pointwise.R
- ppareto.R
- ppccEvdGofTest.R
- ppccEvdGofTestPValue.R
- ppccGeneralGofTest.R
- ppccGofTest.R
- ppccNorm.R
- ppccNormMultiplyCensored.R
- ppccNormMultiplyCensoredGeneralGofTest.R
- ppccNormMultiplyCensoredGofTest.R
- ppccNormSinglyCensored.R
- ppccNormSinglyCensoredGeneralGofTest.R
- ppccNormSinglyCensoredGofTest.R
- ppointsCensored.R
- pred.int.norm.CA.on.r.integrand.R
- pred.int.norm.CA.on.r.K.R
- pred.int.norm.CA.on.r.prob.R
- pred.int.norm.k.of.m.on.r.integrand.R
- pred.int.norm.k.of.m.on.r.K.R
- pred.int.norm.k.of.m.on.r.prob.R
- pred.int.norm.Modified.CA.on.r.integrand.R
- pred.int.norm.Modified.CA.on.r.K.R
- pred.int.norm.Modified.CA.on.r.prob.R
- pred.int.npar.CA.on.r.conf.level.R
- pred.int.npar.k.of.m.on.r.conf.level.R
- pred.int.npar.Modified.CA.on.r.conf.level.R
- predict.default.R
- predict.lm.R
- predict.R
- predIntGamma.R
- predIntGammaAlt.R
- predIntGammaAltSimultaneous.R
- predIntGammaSimultaneous.R
- predIntLnorm.R
- predIntLnormAlt.R
- predIntLnormAltSimultaneous.R
- predIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPower.R
- predIntLnormAltTestPower.R
- predIntLnormSimultaneous.R
- predIntNorm.R
- predIntNormHalfWidth.R
- predIntNormK.R
- predIntNormN.R
- predIntNormSimultaneous.R
- predIntNormSimultaneousK.R
- predIntNormSimultaneousProb.R
- predIntNormSimultaneousTestPower.R
- predIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerScalar.R
- predIntNormTestPower.R
- predIntNormTestPowerScalar.R
- predIntNpar.R
- predIntNparConfLevel.R
- predIntNparConfLevelScalar.R
- predIntNparN.R
- predIntNparNScalar.R
- predIntNparSimultaneous.R
- predIntNparSimultaneousConfLevel.R
- predIntNparSimultaneousConfLevelScalar.R
- predIntNparSimultaneousN.R
- predIntNparSimultaneousNScalar.R
- predIntNparSimultaneousTestPower.R
- predIntPois.R
- print.boxcox.R
- print.boxcoxCensored.R
- print.boxcoxLm.R
- print.default.R
- print.distChoose.R
- print.distChooseCensored.R
- print.estimate.R
- print.estimateCensored.R
- print.gof.R
- print.gofCensored.R
- print.gofGroup.R
- print.gofOutlier.R
- print.gofTwoSample.R
- print.htestCensored.R
- print.htestEnvStats.R
- print.intervalEstimate.R
- print.intervalEstimateCensored.R
- print.permutationTest.R
- print.R
- print.summaryStats.R
- propTestMdd.R
- propTestN.R
- propTestNVecExact.R
- propTestPower.R
- prouclDistChoose.R
- prouclDistChooseCensored.R
- psicen.1sq.R
- psicen.2sq.R
- psicen.12.R
- psiobs.1sq.R
- psiobs.2sq.R
- psiobs.12.R
- pT.R
- ptri.R
- pwMoment.R
- pzmlnorm.R
- pzmlnormAlt.R
- pzmnorm.R
- qchi.R
- qemp.R
- qevd.R
- qgammaAlt.R
- qgevd.R
- qlands.t.R
- qlnorm3.R
- qlnormAlt.R
- qlnormMix.R
- qlnormMixAlt.R
- qlnormTrunc.R
- qlnormTruncAlt.R
- qnormMix.R
- qnormTrunc.R
- qpareto.R
- qqLine.R
- qqPlot.R
- qqPlotCensored.R
- qqPlotGestalt.R
- qT.R
- qtri.R
- quantileTest.R
- quantileTestPValue.R
- qzmlnorm.R
- qzmlnormAlt.R
- qzmnorm.R
- rank.w.na.R
- rchi.R
- remp.R
- revd.R
- rgammaAlt.R
- rgevd.R
- rlnorm3.R
- rlnormAlt.R
- rlnormMix.R
- rlnormMixAlt.R
- rlnormTrunc.R
- rlnormTruncAlt.R
- rnormMix.R
- rnormTrunc.R
- rosnerTest.R
- rosnerTestLambda.R
- rpareto.R
- rtri.R
- rzmlnorm.R
- rzmlnormAlt.R
- rzmnorm.R
- s.0.m.singly.censored.R
- s.1.m.singly.censored.R
- s.2.m.singly.censored.R
- s.3.m.singly.censored.R
- serialCorrelationTest.default.R
- serialCorrelationTest.lm.R
- serialCorrelationTest.R
- sfGeneralGofTest.R
- sfGofTest.R
- sfGroupGofTest.R
- sfMultiplyCensoredGeneralGofTest.R
- sfMultiplyCensoredGofTest.R
- sfSinglyCensoredGeneralGofTest.R
- sfSinglyCensoredGofTest.R
- signTest.R
- simulateMvMatrix.R
- simulateVector.R
- skewGofTest.R
- skewness.R
- snorm.R
- space.R
- StatMeanSDText.R
- StatMedianIQRText.R
- StatNText.R
- StatTestText.R
- stat_mean_sd_text.R
- stat_median_iqr_text.R
- stat_n_text.R
- stat_test_text.R
- string.break.line.R
- stripChart.default.R
- stripChart.formula.R
- stripChart.R
- summaryFull.data.frame.R
- summaryFull.default.R
- summaryFull.formula.R
- summaryFull.list.R
- summaryFull.matrix.R
- summaryFull.R
- summaryFull.vec.R
- summaryStats.character.R
- summaryStats.data.frame.R
- summaryStats.default.R
- summaryStats.factor.R
- summaryStats.factor.vec.R
- summaryStats.formula.R
- summaryStats.list.R
- summaryStats.logical.R
- summaryStats.matrix.R
- summaryStats.R
- summaryStats.vec.R
- swGeneralGofTest.R
- swGofTest.R
- swGofTestStatistic.R
- swGroupGofTest.R
- swSinglyCensoredGeneralGofTest.R
- swSinglyCensoredGofTest.R
- swSinglyCensoredGofTestStatistic.R
- tolIntGamma.R
- tolIntGammaAlt.R
- tolIntLnorm.R
- tolIntLnormAlt.R
- tolIntLnormCensored.R
- tolIntNorm.R
- tolIntNormCensored.R
- tolIntNormHalfWidth.R
- tolIntNormK.R
- tolIntNormN.R
- tolIntNpar.R
- tolIntNparConfLevel.R
- tolIntNparConfLevelScalar.R
- tolIntNparCoverage.R
- tolIntNparCoverageScalar.R
- tolIntNparN.R
- tolIntNparNScalar.R
- tolIntPois.R
- tTestAlpha.R
- tTestLnormAltN.R
- tTestLnormAltPower.R
- tTestLnormAltRatioOfMeans.R
- tTestN.R
- tTestNormal.approx.R
- tTestPower.R
- tTestScaledMdd.R
- twoSampleLinearRankTest.R
- twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored.R
- twoSamplePermutationTestLocation.R
- twoSamplePermutationTestProportion.R
- varGroupTest.data.frame.R
- varGroupTest.default.R
- varGroupTest.formula.R
- varGroupTest.list.R
- varGroupTest.matrix.R
- varGroupTest.R
- varTest.R
- which.na.R
- wsGofTest.R
- z.test.normal.approx.R
- zTestGevdShape.R
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