R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- applyChangeMeta()
- applyLookup()
- applyLookup_expandVar()
- applyNumCheck()
- assimilateValLabels()
- autoRecode()
- calculateScale()
- cbind.GADSdat()
- changeMissings()
- changeSPSSformat()
- changeValLabels()
- changeVarLabels()
- changeVarNames()
- check4SPSS()
- checkEmptyValLabels()
- checkFormat()
- checkMissings()
- checkTrendStructure()
- checkUniqueness()
- checkUniqueness2()
- checkValue()
- checkVarNames()
- clean_cache()
- cloneVariable()
- collapseColumns()
- collapseMC_Text()
- collapseMultiMC_Text()
- compareGADS()
- composeVar()
- convertCase()
- createGADS()
- createLookup()
- createNumCheck()
- createVariable()
- dummies2char()
- eatGADS-package()
- emptyTheseVariables()
- equalGADS()
- export_tibble()
- extractData()
- extractData2()
- extractDataOld()
- extractGADSdat()
- extractMeta()
- extractVars()
- fac2dummies()
- fac2dummies_complex()
- fillImputations()
- fixEncoding()
- getChangeMeta()
- getGADS()
- getGADS_fast()
- getTrendGADS()
- getTrendGADSOld()
- import_convertLabel()
- import_DF()
- import_raw()
- import_raw2()
- import_RDS()
- import_spss()
- import_stata()
- insertVariable()
- inspectDifferences()
- inspectMetaDifferences()
- labelsGADS()
- matchValues_varLabels()
- merge.GADSdat()
- mergeLabels()
- miss2NA()
- multiChar2fac()
- namesGADS()
- orderLike()
- pisa()
- recode2NA()
- recodeGADS()
- recodeNA2missing()
- recodeString2NA()
- relocateVariable()
- remove2NAchar()
- removeValLabels()
- reuseMeta()
- splitGADS()
- stringAsNumeric()
- subImputations()
- updateMeta()
- write_spss()
- write_spss2()
R Codes
- applyChangeMeta.R
- applyLookup.R
- applyLookup_expandVar.R
- assimilateValLabels.R
- autoRecode.R
- calculateScale.R
- cbind.R
- changeMissings.R
- changeSPSSformat.R
- changeValLabels.R
- changeVarLabels.R
- changeVarNames.R
- char_valLabels2numeric.R
- check4SPSS.R
- checkMissings.R
- checkTrendStructure.R
- checkUniqueness.R
- checkUniqueness2.R
- checkValLabels.R
- checkValue.R
- checkVarNames.R
- check_functions.R
- clean_cache.R
- cloneVariable.R
- collapseColumns.R
- collapseMC_Text.R
- collapseMultiMC_Text.R
- compareGADS.R
- composeVar.R
- convertCase.R
- createGADS.R
- createLookup.R
- createVariable.R
- dummies2char.R
- eatGADS-package.R
- emptyTheseVariables.R
- equalGADS.R
- export_tibble.R
- extractData.R
- extractData2.R
- extractDataOld.R
- extractGADSdat.R
- extractMeta.R
- extract_labels.R
- fac2dummies.R
- fac2dummies_complex.R
- fillImputations.R
- fixEncoding.R
- GADSdat_utilities.R
- getChangeMeta.R
- getGADS.R
- getGADS_fast.R
- getTrendGADS.R
- getTrendGADSOld.R
- import_convertLabel.R
- import_DF.R
- import_raw.R
- import_raw2.R
- import_RDS.R
- import_spss.R
- import_stata.R
- insertVariable.R
- inspectDifferences.R
- inspectMetaDifferences.R
- labelsGADS.R
- matchValues_varLabels.R
- merge.R
- mergeLabels.R
- miss2NA.R
- multiChar2fac.R
- namesGADS.R
- NumCheck.R
- orderLike.R
- pisa.R
- prepare_labels.R
- recode2NA.R
- recodeGADS.R
- recodeNA2missing.R
- recodeString2NA.R
- relocateVariable.R
- remove2NAchar.R
- removeValLabels.R
- removeVars.R
- reuseMeta.R
- splitGADS.R
- stringsAsNumeric.R
- subImputations.R
- times2character.R
- updateMeta.R
- write_spss.R
- write_spss2.R
Selected R package: eatGADS
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