R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AddListRemoveAttrDefLabelGroup()
- AddListRemoveLabelGroup()
- AddListRemoveLevelDefinitions()
- AddListRemoveLinkDefinition()
- AddListRemovePerspective()
- AddListRemoveSsffTrackDefinition()
- AddListRenameRemoveAttributeDefinitions()
- add_files()
- as.matrix.emusegs()
- as.spectral()
- as.trackdata()
- autobuild_linkFromTimes()
- bark()
- bayes.dist()
- bayes.lab()
- bayesian.metric()
- bayesplot()
- bind.default()
- bind()
- bind.trackdata()
- bridge()
- buildtrack()
- by.trackdata()
- cbind.trackdata()
- cen.sub()
- classify()
- classplot()
- closest()
- convert_BPFCollection()
- convert_legacyEmuDB()
- convert_TextGridCollection()
- convert_txtCollection()
- convert_wideToLong()
- coutts.epg()
- coutts.l()
- coutts()
- coutts.rms()
- coutts.sam()
- coutts2.epg()
- coutts2.l()
- coutts2()
- coutts2.sam()
- cr()
- create_emuDB()
- create_emuRdemoData()
- create_emuRtrackdata()
- create_itemsInLevel()
- create_links()
- create_spectrogram_image_as_raster()
- crplot()
- dapply()
- dbnorm()
- dbtopower()
- dct()
- dcut()
- ddiff()
- delete_itemsInLevel()
- demo.all.f0()
- demo.all.fm()
- demo.all()
- demo.all.rms()
- demo.vowels.f0()
- demo.vowels.fm()
- demo.vowels()
- dextract.lab()
- dextract()
- dim.trackdata()
- dimnames.trackdata()
- dip.fdat()
- dip.l()
- dip()
- dip.spkr()
- distance()
- dplot()
- dsmooth()
- dtime()
- duplicate_level()
- dur.emusegs()
- dur()
- dur.trackdata()
- e.dft()
- ellipse()
- emuR-package()
- emuRsegs()
- emuRtrackdata()
- emusegs.database()
- emusegs.query()
- emusegs.type()
- engassim.epg()
- engassim.l()
- engassim()
- engassim.w()
- epgai()
- epgcog()
- epggs()
- epgplot()
- epgsum()
- eplot()
- euclidean()
- expand_labels()
- export_BPFCollection()
- export_seglistToTxtCollection()
- export_TextGridCollection()
- fapply()
- frames()
- frames.time()
- freqtoint()
- fric.dft()
- fric.l()
- fric()
- fric.w()
- gerst.sub()
- get.time.element()
- get.trackkeywrd()
- get_trackdata()
- import_mediaFiles()
- is.seglist()
- is.spectral()
- is.trackdata()
- isol.fdat()
- isol.l()
- isol()
- label()
- label_convert()
- label_num()
- linear.av()
- linear()
- list_bundles()
- list_files()
- list_sampleRates()
- list_sessions()
- load_emuDB()
- lob.sub()
- locus()
- mahal.dist()
- mahal()
- mahalanobis.metric()
- make.emuRsegs()
- make.seglist()
- makelab()
- matscan()
- mel.default()
- mel()
- modify.seglist()
- moments()
- mu.colour.get()
- mu.colour()
- mu.legend()
- mu.linetype.get()
- muclass()
- nearey.sub()
- norm()
- normalize_length()
- outliers()
- palate()
- perform()
- plafit()
- plot.spectral()
- plot.trackdata()
- polhom.epg()
- polhom.l()
- polhom()
- polygonplot()
- print.emuRsegs()
- print.emuRtrackdata()
- print.emusegs()
- print.trackdata()
- query()
- rad()
- radians()
- randomise.segs()
- rbind.trackdata()
- read.emusegs()
- read_bundleList()
- rename_bundles()
- rename_emuDB()
- replace_itemLabels()
- requery_hier()
- requery_seq()
- resample_annots()
- rescale.gerst()
- rescale.lob()
- rescale.nearey()
- runBASwebservice_all()
- runBASwebservice_chunker()
- runBASwebservice_g2pForPronunciation()
- runBASwebservice_g2pForTokenization()
- runBASwebservice_maus()
- runBASwebservice_minni()
- runBASwebservice_pho2sylCanonical()
- runBASwebservice_pho2sylSegmental()
- segmentlist()
- serve()
- SetGetlevelCanvasesOrder()
- SetGetRemoveLegalLabels()
- SetGetSignalCanvasesOrder()
- shift()
- Slope.test()
- sort.emuRsegs()
- sortmatrix()
- splitstring()
- start.emusegs()
- sub-.EPG()
- sub-.spectral()
- sub-.trackdata()
- summary.emuDBhandle()
- summary.emusegs()
- summary.trackdata()
- track.gradinfo()
- track.gradinfo.sub()
- trackdata()
- trackfreq()
- tracktimes()
- train()
- trapply()
- update_itemsInLevel()
- vowlax.df()
- vowlax.dft.5()
- vowlax.fdat.5()
- vowlax.fdat()
- vowlax.fund.5()
- vowlax.fund()
- vowlax.l()
- vowlax.left()
- vowlax()
- vowlax.right()
- vowlax.rms.5()
- vowlax.rms()
- vowlax.spkr()
- vowlax.word()
- wordlax.l()
- write.emusegs()
- write_bundleList()
R Codes
- apply.R
- bark.R
- bayesdist.R
- bind.R
- buildtrack.R
- by.trackdata.R
- cbind.trackdata.R
- classplot.R
- cr.R
- dapply.R
- dct.R
- ddiff.R
- dextract.lab.R
- dextract.R
- dfuns.R
- dimtrackdata.R
- dplot.R
- dsmooth.R
- dtime.R
- emuR-annotations_crud.R
- emuR-autobuild.R
- emuR-autoproc_annots.R
- emuR-bas_webservices.R
- emuR-bas_webservicesDBI.R
- emuR-bundleList.R
- emuR-convert_BPFCollection.R
- emuR-convert_TextGridCollection.R
- emuR-convert_txtCollection.R
- emuR-create_DBconfigFromTextGrid.R
- emuR-create_emuRdemoData.R
- emuR-create_filePairList.R
- emuR-create_seglists.R
- emuR-crud-helpers.R
- emuR-database.annotJSON.R
- emuR-database.caching.R
- emuR-database.DBconfig.EMUwebAppConfig.R
- emuR-database.DBconfig.R
- emuR-database.files.R
- emuR-database.flatfiledata.R
- emuR-database.R
- emuR-databaseGit.R
- emuR-dataDocs.R
- emuR-emuDBhandle.R
- emuR-emuRsegs.R
- emuR-emuRtrackdata.R
- emuR-export_BPFCollection.R
- emuR-export_TextGridCollection.R
- emuR-get_trackdata.R
- emuR-legacy.R
- emuR-legacy.template.R
- emuR-objDocs.R
- emuR-packageDocs.R
- emuR-parser.BPF.R
- emuR-parser.common.R
- emuR-parser.esps.R
- emuR-parser.hlb.R
- emuR-parse_TextGridDBI.R
- emuR-play_segs.R
- emuR-plotting.R
- emuR-query.database.R
- emuR-releaseQuestions.R
- emuR-requery.database.R
- emuR-server.R
- emuR-validate.R
- emusegs.R
- end.emusegs.R
- epg.class.R
- eplot.R
- euclidean.R
- fft.fns.R
- generics.R
- linear.R
- locus.R
- makelab.R
- mel.R
- MethodEPG.R
- Methodspectral.R
- misc.R
- moments.R
- mu.colour.R
- mu.legend.R
- norm.R
- outliers.R
- palate.R
- perform.R
- plafit.R
- rbind.trackdata.R
- slope.test.R
- spectralclass.R
- start.trackdata.R
- track.gradinfo.R
- trackdata.class.R
- tracktimes.R
- trapply.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: emuR
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