R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Accident()
- AccountantsAuditorsPct()
- Airline()
- Airq()
- bankingCrises()
- Benefits()
- Bids()
- breaches()
- BudgetFood()
- BudgetItaly()
- BudgetUK()
- Bwages()
- Capm()
- Car()
- Caschool()
- Catsup()
- Cigar()
- Cigarette()
- Clothing()
- Computers()
- Consumption()
- coolingFromNuclearWar()
- CPSch3()
- Cracker()
- CRANpackages()
- Crime()
- CRSPday()
- CRSPmon()
- Diamond()
- DM()
- Doctor()
- DoctorAUS()
- DoctorContacts()
- Earnings()
- Electricity()
- Fair()
- Fatality()
- FinancialCrisisFiles()
- Fishing()
- Forward()
- FriendFoe()
- Garch()
- Gasoline()
- Griliches()
- Grunfeld()
- HC()
- Heating()
- Hedonic()
- HHSCyberSecurityBreaches()
- HI()
- Hmda()
- Housing()
- Hstarts()
- Icecream()
- incomeInequality()
- IncomeUK()
- Index.Econometrics()
- Index.Economics()
- Index.Observations()
- Index.Source()
- Index.Time.Series()
- Irates()
- Journals()
- Kakadu()
- Ketchup()
- Klein()
- LaborSupply()
- Labour()
- Longley()
- LT()
- Macrodat()
- Males()
- ManufCost()
- Mathlevel()
- MCAS()
- MedExp()
- Metal()
- Mishkin()
- Mode()
- ModeChoice()
- Mofa()
- Money()
- MoneyUS()
- Mpyr()
- Mroz()
- MunExp()
- MW()
- NaturalPark()
- Nerlove()
- nonEnglishNames()
- nuclearWeaponStates()
- OCC1950()
- OFP()
- Oil()
- Orange()
- Participation()
- PatentsHGH()
- PatentsRD()
- PE()
- politicalKnowledge()
- Pound()
- PPP()
- Pricing()
- Produc()
- PSID()
- RetSchool()
- Schooling()
- Solow()
- Somerville()
- SP500()
- Star()
- Strike()
- StrikeDur()
- StrikeNb()
- SumHes()
- Tbrate()
- terrorism()
- Tobacco()
- Train()
- TranspEq()
- Treatment()
- Tuna()
- UnempDur()
- Unemployment()
- University()
- USclassifiedDocuments()
- USFinanceIndustry()
- USGDPpresidents()
- USincarcerations()
- USnewspapers()
- USPS()
- USstateAbbreviations()
- UStaxWords()
- VietNamH()
- VietNamI()
- Wages()
- Wages1()
- Workinghours()
- Yen()
- Yogurt()
R Codes
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