R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acknowledgements()
- authors()
- bada.wine()
- beer.tasting.notes()
- beers2007()
- calculateConstraints()
- caNorm()
- caSupplementalElementsPreProcessing()
- chi2Dist()
- coffee.data()
- computeMW()
- coreCA()
- coreMDS()
- corePCA()
- createDefaultDesign()
- designCheck()
- dica.ad()
- dica.wine()
- ep.iris()
- epCA()
- epGPCA()
- epGraphs()
- epMCA()
- epMDS()
- epPCA()
- expo.scale()
- ExPosition-package()
- faces2005()
- french.social()
- genPDQ()
- great.beer.tasting.1()
- great.beer.tasting.2()
- hellingerNorm()
- hellingerSupplementaryColsPreProcessing()
- hellingerSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing()
- jlsr.2010.ad()
- jocn.2005.fmri()
- makeDistancesAndWeights()
- makeNominalData()
- makeRowProfiles()
- mca.eigen.fix()
- mca.wine()
- mdsSupplementalElementsPreProcessing()
- mdsTransform()
- nominalCheck()
- pause()
- pca.wine()
- pcaSupplementaryColsPreProcessing()
- pcaSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing()
- pickSVD()
- print.epCA()
- print.epGPCA()
- print.epGraphs()
- print.epMCA()
- print.epMDS()
- print.epPCA()
- print.epSVD()
- print.expoOutput()
- rowNorms()
- rvCoeff()
- snps.druguse()
- supplementalProjection()
- supplementaryCols()
- supplementaryRows()
- wines2007()
- wines2012()
- words()
R Codes
- acknowledgements.R
- benzecri.eigenfix.R
- calculateConstraints.R
- caNorm.R
- caSupplementalElementsPreProcessing.R
- chi2Dist.R
- computeConstraints.R
- computeMW.R
- coreCA.R
- coreMDS.R
- corePCA.R
- createDefaultDesign.R
- designCheck.R
- epCA.R
- epGPCA.R
- epGraphs.R
- epMCA.R
- epMDS.R
- epOutputHandler.R
- epPCA.R
- expo.scale.R
- genPDQ.R
- greenacre.tau.adjust.benzecri.R
- hellingerNorm.R
- hellingerSupplementaryColsPreProcessing.R
- hellingerSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing.R
- i.bar.compute.R
- isDiagonal.matrix.R
- makeDistancesAndWeights.R
- makeNominalData.R
- makeRowProfiles.R
- mca.eigen.fix.R
- mdsSupplementalElementsPreProcessing.R
- mdsTransform.R
- nominalCheck.R
- pause.R
- pcaSupplementaryColsPreProcessing.R
- pcaSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing.R
- pickSVD.R
- print.epCA.R
- print.epGPCA.R
- print.epGraphs.R
- print.epMCA.R
- print.epMDS.R
- print.epPCA.R
- print.epSVD.R
- print.expoOutput.R
- rowNorms.R
- rvCoeff.R
- sqrt.mat.R
- supplementalProjection.R
- supplementaryCols.R
- supplementaryRows.R
Selected R package: ExPosition
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