R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_vertices()
- apportion_lr()
- arrivals.2g.net()
- arrivals.icm.bip()
- arrivals.icm()
- arrivals.net()
- as.data.frame.dcm()
- as.data.frame.icm()
- as.data.frame.netdx()
- as.network.transmat()
- as.phylo.transmat()
- auto_update_attr()
- brewer_ramp()
- check_attr_lengths()
- check_degdist_bal()
- color_tea()
- common_updater()
- comp_plot()
- control.dcm()
- control.icm()
- control.net()
- copy_datattr_to_nwattr()
- copy_nwattr_to_datattr()
- create_dat_object()
- create_scenario_list()
- crosscheck.dcm()
- crosscheck.icm()
- crosscheck.net()
- dcm.mods()
- dcm()
- deleteAttr()
- delete_attr()
- delete_vertices()
- departures.2g.net()
- departures.icm.bip()
- departures.icm()
- departures.net()
- discord_edgelist()
- dissolution_coefs()
- edgelist_censor()
- edges_correct()
- EpiModel-package()
- epiweb()
- epi_trackers()
- format_param()
- generate_random_params()
- geom_bands()
- get_args()
- get_attr_history()
- get_attr_prop()
- get_cumulative_edgelist()
- get_cumulative_edgelists_df()
- get_current_timestep()
- get_degree()
- get_edgelist()
- get_formula_term_attr()
- get_network()
- get_network_term_attr()
- get_nwparam()
- get_nwstats()
- get_param_set()
- get_partners()
- get_sims()
- get_transmat()
- get_vertex_attribute()
- icm()
- idgroup()
- increment_timestep()
- infection.2g.net()
- infection.icm.bip()
- infection.icm()
- infection.net()
- init.dcm()
- init.icm()
- init.net()
- InitErgmTerm.absdiffby()
- InitErgmTerm.absdiffnodemix()
- InitErgmTerm.fuzzynodematch()
- initialize.icm()
- initialize.net()
- init_status.icm()
- init_status.net()
- init_tergmLite()
- is_active_posit_ids()
- is_active_unique_ids()
- make_stats_table()
- mcat()
- merge.icm()
- merge.netsim()
- modules.icm()
- modules.net()
- mutate_epi()
- net-accessor()
- netdx()
- netest()
- netsim()
- netsim_cond_msg()
- networkLite()
- networkLitemethods()
- network_initialize()
- nwupdate.net()
- param.dcm()
- param.icm()
- param.net()
- param.net_from_table()
- param_random()
- plot.dcm()
- plot.icm()
- plot.netdx()
- plot.netsim()
- plot.transmat()
- prevalence.icm.bip()
- prevalence.icm()
- prevalence.net()
- print.netdx()
- print_nwstats_table()
- process_out.net()
- record_attr_history()
- record_raw_object()
- recovery.2g.net()
- recovery.icm.bip()
- recovery.icm()
- recovery.net()
- resim_nets()
- saveout.dcm()
- saveout.icm()
- saveout.net()
- set_current_timestep()
- set_transmat()
- set_vertex_attribute()
- sim_nets_t1()
- ssample()
- summary.dcm()
- summary.icm()
- summary.netest()
- summary.netsim()
- tedgelist_to_toggles()
- test_icm()
- test_net()
- toggles_to_diss_stats()
- trim_netest()
- truncate_sim()
- unique_id-tools()
- update_cumulative_edgelist()
- update_dissolution()
- update_list()
- update_params()
- update_unique_ids()
- use_scenario()
- verbose.dcm()
- verbose.icm()
- verbose.net()
R Codes
- as.data.frame.R
- dcm.inputs.R
- dcm.mods.R
- dcm.R
- dendo.R
- el_cuml.R
- EpiModel-package.R
- ErgmTerms.R
- get.R
- icm.inputs.R
- icm.mod.init.R
- icm.mod.status.R
- icm.mod.vital.R
- icm.R
- icm.utils.R
- initialize.R
- merge.R
- modules.icm.R
- modules.net.R
- net.accessor.R
- net.helpers.R
- net.inputs.R
- net.mod.infection.R
- net.mod.init.R
- net.mod.nwupdate.R
- net.mod.prevalence.R
- net.mod.recovery.R
- net.mod.simnet.R
- net.mod.trackers.R
- net.mod.updater.R
- net.mod.vital.R
- net.record.R
- net.scenarios.R
- net.utils.R
- netdx.R
- netest.R
- netsim.R
- netsim_checkpoint.R
- network.R
- networkLite.R
- plot.R
- print.R
- RcppExports.R
- saveout.R
- shiny.R
- summary.R
- test.R
- update.R
- utils.R
- verbose.R
Selected R package: EpiModel
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