R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- alleleFreqMatGeneration()
- areThereHomoz()
- catn()
- check.genome()
- check.metapopulation()
- check.mutationMatrix()
- check.population()
- check.selection()
- extractAlleleComb()
- Genome-class()
- genotyping()
- getCustomOutput()
- getRecords()
- getResults()
- haploCrossMatrix()
- haplotyping()
- IDgenomeGeneration()
- IDgenotypeGeneration()
- IDhaplotypeGeneration()
- initialize-Genome-method()
- initialize-Metapopulation-method()
- initialize-MutationMatrix-method()
- initialize-Population-method()
- initialize-Selection-method()
- is.correct.transition.matrix()
- is.default.matrix()
- is.probability.matrix()
- isAffected()
- isHaploSelectFormula()
- listing()
- meiosisMatrix()
- Metapopulation-class()
- mutation()
- MutationMatrix-class()
- mutMatFriendly()
- mutMatRates()
- outFunct()
- Population-class()
- print-Genome-method()
- print-Metapopulation-method()
- print-MutationMatrix-method()
- print-Population-method()
- print-Selection-method()
- recombinationMatrix()
- rowResultGen()
- selectFormIntoVect()
- selectInputTreatment()
- Selection-class()
- selection.form.treatment()
- setGenome()
- setMetapopulation()
- setMutationMatrix()
- setPopulation()
- setSelectNeutral()
- setSelectOnGametes()
- setSelectOnGametesProd()
- setSelectOnInds()
- show-Genome-method()
- show-Metapopulation-method()
- show-MutationMatrix-method()
- show-Population-method()
- show-Selection-method()
- simulate-Metapopulation-method()
- whichHomoz()
R Codes
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