R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ageadjust.direct()
- ageadjust.indirect()
- as.hour()
- as.month()
- as.week()
- binom.conf.int()
- colorbrewer()
- colors.plot()
- epicurve()
- epidate()
- epitab()
- epitable()
- expand.table()
- expected()
- julian2date()
- kapmeier()
- oddsratio()
- or.midp()
- ormidp.test()
- oswego()
- pois.conf.int()
- probratio()
- rate2by2.test()
- rateratio()
- ratetable()
- riskratio()
- tab2by2.test()
- table.margins()
- wcgs()
- wnv()
R Codes
- ageadjust.direct.R
- ageadjust.indirect.R
- as.hour.R
- as.month.R
- as.week.R
- binom.approx.R
- binom.exact.R
- binom.wilson.R
- colorbrewer.data.R
- colorbrewer.display.R
- colorbrewer.pallette.R
- colors.matrix.R
- colors.plot.R
- epicurve.dates.R
- epicurve.hours.R
- epicurve.months.R
- epicurve.table.R
- epicurve.weeks.R
- epidate.R
- epitab.R
- epitable.R
- expand.table.R
- expected.R
- julian2date.R
- kapmeier.R
- oddsratio.fisher.R
- oddsratio.midp.R
- oddsratio.R
- oddsratio.small.R
- oddsratio.wald.R
- or.midp.R
- ormidp.test.R
- pois.approx.R
- pois.byar.R
- pois.daly.R
- pois.exact.R
- rate2by2.test.R
- rateratio.midp.R
- rateratio.R
- rateratio.wald.R
- ratetable.R
- riskratio.boot.R
- riskratio.R
- riskratio.small.R
- riskratio.wald.R
- tab2by2.test.R
- table.margins.R
Selected R package: epitools
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