R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- california_ev_model()
- california_ev_sessions()
- california_ev_sessions_profiles()
- california_GMM()
- choose_k_GMM()
- cluster_sessions()
- convert_time_dt_to_plot_dt()
- convert_time_dt_to_plot_num()
- convert_time_num_to_chr()
- convert_time_num_to_period()
- cut_sessions()
- define_clusters()
- detect_outliers()
- divide_by_disconnection()
- divide_by_timecycle()
- drop_outliers()
- get_charging_rates_distribution()
- get_connection_models()
- get_connection_model_mclust_object()
- get_connection_model_params()
- get_daily_avg_n_sessions()
- get_daily_n_sessions()
- get_dbscan_params()
- get_division_line()
- get_energy_models()
- get_energy_model_mclust_object()
- get_energy_model_parameters()
- get_ev_model()
- mutate_to_log()
- plot_bivarGMM()
- plot_density_2D()
- plot_density_3D()
- plot_division_lines()
- plot_energy_models()
- plot_histogram()
- plot_histogram_grid()
- plot_kNNdist()
- plot_model_clusters()
- plot_outliers()
- plot_points()
- print.evmodel()
- read_ev_model()
- round_to_half()
- round_to_interval()
- save_clustering_iterations()
- save_ev_model()
- sessions_feature_names()
- sessions_summary_feature_names()
- set_profiles()
- summarise_sessions()
R Codes
Selected R package: evprof
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