varGroupTest.list <- function (object, ...) { length.object <- length(object) if (length.object == 1 || !all(sapply(object, is.numeric))) stop(paste("When 'object' is a list,", "it must have 2 or more components, and", "all components must be numeric")) names.object <- names(object) if (is.null(names.object)) names.object <- paste("Component", 1:length.object, sep = ".") group.Ns <- sapply(object, length) group <- factor(rep(names.object, group.Ns), levels = names.object) arg.list <- list(object = as.vector(unlist(object)), group = group) dots.list <- list(...) names.list <- list( = deparse(substitute(object)), = "Components") match.vec <- pmatch(names(dots.list), c("", ""), nomatch = 0) if (length(match.vec) == 0 || all(match.vec == 0)) arg.list <- c(arg.list, names.list, dots.list) else arg.list <- c(arg.list, list( = deparse(substitute(object)), = "Columns")[-match.vec], dots.list)"varGroupTest.default", args = arg.list) }