R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AOD()
- bal.stat()
- bal.table()
- boxplot.mnps()
- boxplot.ps()
- desc.wts()
- displayPlots()
- dx.wts()
- egsingle()
- get.weights.num()
- get.weights()
- get.weights.unstab()
- iptw()
- iptwExLong()
- iptwExWide()
- lalonde()
- lindner()
- means.table()
- mnIptwExLong()
- mnIptwExWide()
- mnps()
- plot.dxwts()
- plot.iptw()
- plot.mniptw()
- plot.mnps()
- plot.ps()
- print.dxwts()
- print.iptw()
- print.mniptw()
- print.mnps()
- print.ps()
- print.summary.iptw()
- print.summary.mniptw()
- print.summary.mnps()
- print.summary.ps()
- ps()
- raceprofiling()
- sensitivity()
- stop.methods()
- summary.iptw()
- summary.mniptw()
- summary.mnps()
- summary.ps()
- twang-package()
R Codes
- bal.stat.fast.R
- bal.stat.R
- bal.table.hidden.R
- bal.table.mnps.R
- bal.table.ps.R
- bal.table.R
- boxplot.mnps.R
- boxplot.ps.R
- calcES.R
- calcKS.R
- cb.evaluation.log.R
- cb.print.evaluation.R
- check.err.R
- desc.wts.fast.R
- desc.wts.R
- diag.plot.color.R
- diag.plot.R
- displayPlots.R
- dx.wts.R
- esStat.R
- gen.bal.data.R
- get.weights.num.R
- get.weights.R
- get.weights.unstab.R
- iptw.fast.R
- iptw.old.R
- iptw.R
- ksStat.R
- makePlotDat.R
- makeWeightsMNPS.R
- means.table.R
- MetricI.R
- mnps.fast.R
- mnps.old.R
- mnps.R
- mnps2.R
- pairwiseComp.R
- pairwiseComparison.R
- pairwiseCompForPlot.R
- plot.dxwts.R
- plot.iptw.R
- plot.mniptw.R
- plot.mnps.2.R
- plot.mnps.R
- plot.ps.R
- plotTruePairs.R
- pred.xgboost.R
- print.dxwts.R
- print.iptw.R
- print.mniptw.R
- print.mnps.R
- print.ps.R
- print.summary.iptw.R
- print.summary.mniptw.R
- print.summary.mnps.R
- print.summary.ps.R
- ps.fast.R
- ps.old.R
- ps.R
- ps.summary.new.R
- ps.summary.new2.R
- sensitivity.R
- stop.methods.R
- summary.iptw.R
- summary.mniptw.R
- summary.mnps.R
- summary.ps.R
- surveytable.R
- twang.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: twang
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