R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abnormal()
- abnormal_by_baseline()
- abnormal_by_marked()
- abnormal_by_worst_grade()
- abnormal_by_worst_grade_worsen()
- add_riskdiff()
- add_rowcounts()
- aesi_label()
- afun_riskdiff()
- afun_selected_stats()
- analyze_colvars_functions()
- analyze_functions()
- analyze_variables()
- analyze_vars_in_cols()
- append_varlabels()
- apply_auto_formatting()
- argument_convention()
- arrange_grobs()
- as.rtable()
- assertions()
- as_factor_keep_attributes()
- bins_percent_labels()
- cfun_by_flag()
- check_diff_prop_ci()
- check_same_n()
- combination_function()
- combine_counts()
- combine_groups()
- combine_levels()
- combine_vectors()
- compare_variables()
- control_analyze_vars()
- control_coxph()
- control_coxreg()
- control_incidence_rate()
- control_lineplot_vars()
- control_logistic()
- control_step()
- control_surv_time()
- control_surv_timepoint()
- count_cumulative()
- count_missed_doses()
- count_occurrences()
- count_occurrences_by_grade()
- count_patients_events_in_cols()
- count_patients_with_event()
- count_patients_with_flags()
- count_values_funs()
- cox_regression()
- cox_regression_inter()
- create_afun_compare()
- create_afun_summary()
- cut_quantile_bins()
- c_label_n()
- c_label_n_alt()
- day2month()
- decorate_grob()
- decorate_grob_factory()
- decorate_grob_set()
- default_na_str()
- default_stats_formats_labels()
- desctools_binom()
- df_explicit_na()
- draw_grob()
- d_count_abnormal_by_baseline()
- d_count_cumulative()
- d_count_missed_doses()
- d_onco_rsp_label()
- d_pkparam()
- d_proportion()
- d_proportion_diff()
- d_rsp_subgroups_colvars()
- d_survival_subgroups_colvars()
- d_test_proportion_diff()
- empty_vector_if_na()
- estimate_coef()
- estimate_multinomial_rsp()
- estimate_proportions()
- explicit_na()
- extract_by_name()
- extract_rsp_biomarkers()
- extract_rsp_subgroups()
- extract_survival_biomarkers()
- extract_survival_subgroups()
- extreme_format()
- ex_data()
- fct_collapse_only()
- fct_discard()
- fct_explicit_na_if()
- fit_coxreg()
- fit_logistic()
- fit_rsp_step()
- fit_survival_step()
- forest_viewport()
- formatting_functions()
- format_auto()
- format_count_fraction()
- format_count_fraction_fixed_dp()
- format_count_fraction_lt10()
- format_extreme_values()
- format_extreme_values_ci()
- format_fraction()
- format_fraction_fixed_dp()
- format_fraction_threshold()
- format_sigfig()
- format_xx()
- f_conf_level()
- f_pval()
- get_covariates()
- get_smooths()
- groups_list_to_df()
- g_forest()
- g_km()
- g_lineplot()
- g_step()
- g_waterfall()
- h_adlb_abnormal_by_worst_grade()
- h_adlb_worsen()
- h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flag()
- h_ancova()
- h_append_grade_groups()
- h_col_indices()
- h_count_cumulative()
- h_cox_regression()
- h_data_plot()
- h_decompose_gg()
- h_format_row()
- h_ggkm()
- h_glm_count()
- h_grob_coxph()
- h_grob_median_surv()
- h_grob_tbl_at_risk()
- h_grob_y_annot()
- h_g_ipp()
- h_incidence_rate()
- h_km_layout()
- h_logistic_regression()
- h_map_for_count_abnormal()
- h_odds_ratio()
- h_pkparam_sort()
- h_proportions()
- h_prop_diff()
- h_prop_diff_test()
- h_response_biomarkers_subgroups()
- h_response_subgroups()
- h_split_by_subgroups()
- h_split_param()
- h_stack_by_baskets()
- h_step()
- h_survival_biomarkers_subgroups()
- h_survival_duration_subgroups()
- h_tab_one_biomarker()
- h_tbl_coxph_pairwise()
- h_tbl_median_surv()
- h_worsen_counter()
- h_xticks()
- imputation_rule()
- incidence_rate()
- individual_patient_plot()
- labels_or_names()
- labels_use_control()
- logistic_regression_cols()
- logistic_summary_by_flag()
- make_names()
- month2day()
- muffled_car_anova()
- n_available()
- odds_ratio()
- prop_diff()
- prop_diff_test()
- prune_occurrences()
- range_noinf()
- reapply_varlabels()
- response_biomarkers_subgroups()
- response_subgroups()
- rtable2gg()
- rtables_access()
- sas_na()
- score_occurrences()
- split_cols_by_groups()
- split_text_grob()
- stack_grobs()
- stat_mean_ci()
- stat_mean_pval()
- stat_median_ci()
- stat_propdiff_ci()
- strata_normal_quantile()
- study_arm()
- summarize_ancova()
- summarize_change()
- summarize_colvars()
- summarize_functions()
- summarize_glm_count()
- summarize_logistic()
- summarize_num_patients()
- summarize_patients_exposure_in_cols()
- survival_biomarkers_subgroups()
- survival_coxph_pairwise()
- survival_duration_subgroups()
- survival_time()
- survival_timepoint()
- s_cox_multivariate()
- tern-package()
- tidy.glm()
- tidy.step()
- tidy_coxreg()
- to_n()
- to_string_matrix()
- try_car_anova()
- ungroup_stats()
- univariate()
- unlist_and_blank_na()
- update_weights_strat_wilson()
- utils_split_funs()
R Codes
- abnormal.R
- abnormal_by_baseline.R
- abnormal_by_marked.R
- abnormal_by_worst_grade.R
- abnormal_by_worst_grade_worsen.R
- analyze_colvars_functions.R
- analyze_functions.R
- analyze_variables.R
- analyze_vars_in_cols.R
- argument_convention.R
- combination_function.R
- compare_variables.R
- control_incidence_rate.R
- control_logistic.R
- control_step.R
- control_survival.R
- count_cumulative.R
- count_missed_doses.R
- count_occurrences.R
- count_occurrences_by_grade.R
- count_patients_events_in_cols.R
- count_patients_with_event.R
- count_patients_with_flags.R
- count_values.R
- coxph.R
- cox_regression.R
- cox_regression_inter.R
- data.R
- decorate_grob.R
- desctools_binom_diff.R
- df_explicit_na.R
- d_pkparam.R
- estimate_multinomial_rsp.R
- estimate_proportion.R
- fit_rsp_step.R
- fit_survival_step.R
- formatting_functions.R
- g_forest.R
- g_lineplot.R
- g_step.R
- g_waterfall.R
- h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flag.R
- h_biomarkers_subgroups.R
- h_cox_regression.R
- h_logistic_regression.R
- h_map_for_count_abnormal.R
- h_pkparam_sort.R
- h_response_biomarkers_subgroups.R
- h_response_subgroups.R
- h_stack_by_baskets.R
- h_step.R
- h_survival_biomarkers_subgroups.R
- h_survival_duration_subgroups.R
- imputation_rule.R
- incidence_rate.R
- individual_patient_plot.R
- kaplan_meier_plot.R
- logistic_regression.R
- missing_data.R
- odds_ratio.R
- package.R
- prop_diff.R
- prop_diff_test.R
- prune_occurrences.R
- response_biomarkers_subgroups.R
- response_subgroups.R
- riskdiff.R
- rtables_access.R
- score_occurrences.R
- split_cols_by_groups.R
- stat.R
- summarize_ancova.R
- summarize_change.R
- summarize_colvars.R
- summarize_coxreg.R
- summarize_functions.R
- summarize_glm_count.R
- summarize_num_patients.R
- summarize_patients_exposure_in_cols.R
- survival_biomarkers_subgroups.R
- survival_coxph_pairwise.R
- survival_duration_subgroups.R
- survival_time.R
- survival_timepoint.R
- utils.R
- utils_checkmate.R
- utils_default_stats_formats_labels.R
- utils_factor.R
- utils_ggplot.R
- utils_grid.R
- utils_rtables.R
- utils_split_funs.R
Selected R package: tern
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