R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- all_tokenized()
- count_functions()
- emoji_samples()
- pipe()
- reexports()
- required_pkgs.step()
- show_tokens()
- step_clean_levels()
- step_clean_names()
- step_dummy_hash()
- step_lda()
- step_lemma()
- step_ngram()
- step_pos_filter()
- step_sequence_onehot()
- step_stem()
- step_stopwords()
- step_textfeature()
- step_texthash()
- step_text_normalization()
- step_tf()
- step_tfidf()
- step_tokenfilter()
- step_tokenize()
- step_tokenize_bpe()
- step_tokenize_sentencepiece()
- step_tokenize_wordpiece()
- step_tokenmerge()
- step_untokenize()
- step_word_embeddings()
- textrecipes-package()
- tidy.recipe()
- tokenlist()
- tunable_textrecipes()
R Codes
- 0_imports.R
- aaa.R
- clean_levels.R
- clean_names.R
- count_functions.R
- cpp11.R
- data.R
- dummy_hash.R
- lda.R
- lemma.R
- ngram.R
- pos_filter.R
- reexports.R
- selections.R
- sequence_onehot.R
- show_tokens.R
- stem.R
- stopwords.R
- textfeature.R
- texthash.R
- textrecipes-package.R
- text_normalization.R
- tf.R
- tfidf.R
- tidy.R
- tokenfilter.R
- tokenize.R
- tokenizer-sentencepiece.R
- tokenizer-spacyr.R
- tokenizer-tokenizersbpe.R
- tokenizer-udpipe.R
- tokenize_bpe.R
- tokenize_sentencepiece.R
- tokenize_wordpiece.R
- tokenlist.R
- tokenmerge.R
- tunable.R
- untokenize.R
- utils-pipe.R
- word_embeddings.R
Selected R package: textrecipes
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