R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- auto_test()
- auto_test_package()
- capture_condition()
- capture_output()
- CheckReporter()
- compare()
- compare_state()
- comparison-expectations()
- context()
- context_start_file()
- DebugReporter()
- default_reporter()
- describe()
- dir_state()
- equality-expectations()
- evaluate_promise()
- expect()
- expectation()
- expect_equivalent()
- expect_error()
- expect_invisible()
- expect_is()
- expect_known_output()
- expect_length()
- expect_less_than()
- expect_match()
- expect_named()
- expect_no_error()
- expect_null()
- expect_output()
- expect_output_file()
- expect_reference()
- expect_setequal()
- expect_silent()
- expect_snapshot()
- expect_snapshot_file()
- expect_snapshot_output()
- expect_snapshot_value()
- expect_success()
- expect_that()
- expect_vector()
- fail()
- FailReporter()
- find_reporter()
- find_test_scripts()
- inheritance-expectations()
- is_informative_error()
- is_testing()
- JunitReporter()
- ListReporter()
- local_edition()
- local_mocked_bindings()
- local_snapshotter()
- local_test_context()
- local_test_directory()
- LocationReporter()
- logical-expectations()
- make_expectation()
- MinimalReporter()
- MultiReporter()
- not()
- oldskool()
- ProgressReporter()
- quasi_label()
- reexports()
- reporter-accessors()
- Reporter()
- RStudioReporter()
- run_cpp_tests()
- set_max_fails()
- set_state_inspector()
- SilentReporter()
- skip()
- skip_on_travis()
- snapshot_accept()
- source_file()
- StopReporter()
- SummaryReporter()
- takes_less_than()
- TapReporter()
- TeamcityReporter()
- teardown()
- teardown_env()
- testthat-package()
- testthat_examples()
- testthat_results()
- testthat_tolerance()
- test_dir()
- test_env()
- test_examples()
- test_file()
- test_package()
- test_path()
- test_that()
- try_again()
- use_catch()
- verify_output()
- watch()
- with_mock()
R Codes
- auto-test.R
- capture-output.R
- colour-text.R
- compare.R
- context.R
- deprec-condition.R
- describe.R
- edition.R
- evaluate-promise.R
- example.R
- expect-comparison.R
- expect-condition.R
- expect-constant.R
- expect-equality.R
- expect-inheritance.R
- expect-invisible.R
- expect-known.R
- expect-length.R
- expect-named.R
- expect-no-condition.R
- expect-output.R
- expect-self-test.R
- expect-setequal.R
- expect-silent.R
- expect-that.R
- expect-vector.R
- expectation.R
- expectations-matches.R
- import-standalone-obj-type.R
- import-standalone-types-check.R
- local.R
- make-expectation.R
- mock.R
- mock2.R
- old-school.R
- parallel-config.R
- parallel-taskq.R
- parallel.R
- praise.R
- quasi-label.R
- reporter-check.R
- reporter-debug.R
- reporter-fail.R
- reporter-junit.R
- reporter-list.R
- reporter-location.R
- reporter-minimal.R
- reporter-multi.R
- reporter-progress.R
- reporter-rstudio.R
- reporter-silent.R
- reporter-stop.R
- reporter-summary.R
- reporter-tap.R
- reporter-teamcity.R
- reporter-zzz.R
- reporter.R
- skip.R
- snapshot-cleanup.R
- snapshot-file-snaps.R
- snapshot-file.R
- snapshot-manage.R
- snapshot-reporter-parallel.R
- snapshot-reporter.R
- snapshot-serialize.R
- snapshot-value.R
- snapshot.R
- source.R
- srcrefs.R
- stack.R
- teardown.R
- test-compiled-code.R
- test-env.R
- test-example.R
- test-files.R
- test-package.R
- test-path.R
- test-state.R
- test-that.R
- testthat-package.R
- try-again.R
- utils.R
- verify-output.R
- watcher.R
Selected R package: testthat
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