R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- activeCat()
- add()
- adjacent()
- aggregate()
- align()
- all.equal()
- animate()
- app()
- approximate()
- arith-generic()
- as.character()
- as.data.frame()
- as.lines()
- as.list()
- as.points()
- as.polygons()
- as.raster()
- atan2()
- autocor()
- barplot()
- boundaries()
- box()
- boxplot()
- buffer()
- c()
- cartogram()
- catalyze()
- cells()
- cellSize()
- centroids()
- clamp()
- clamp_ts()
- classify()
- click()
- coerce()
- collapse()
- colors()
- combineGeoms()
- compare-generics()
- compareGeom()
- concats()
- contour()
- convhull()
- costDist()
- cover()
- crds()
- crop()
- crosstab()
- crs()
- datatype()
- deepcopy()
- densify()
- density()
- deprecated()
- depth()
- describe()
- diff()
- dimensions()
- direction()
- disaggregate()
- distance()
- dots()
- draw()
- elongate()
- erase()
- expanse()
- ext()
- extend()
- extract()
- extractAlong()
- extractRange()
- factors()
- fill()
- fillTime()
- flip()
- focal()
- focal3D()
- focalCpp()
- focalMat()
- focalPairs()
- focalReg()
- focalValues()
- forceCCW()
- freq()
- gaps()
- gdal()
- geometry()
- geomtype()
- global()
- graticule()
- gridDist()
- halo()
- headtail()
- hist()
- identical()
- ifelse()
- image()
- impose()
- init()
- inplace()
- inset()
- interpIDW()
- interpNear()
- interpolate()
- intersect()
- is.bool()
- is.empty()
- is.lonlat()
- is.rotated()
- is.valid()
- k_means()
- lapp()
- layerCor()
- legend()
- linearUnits()
- lines()
- makeTiles()
- makeVRT()
- mappal()
- mask()
- match()
- math-generics()
- mem()
- merge()
- mergeTime()
- meta()
- metags()
- minmax()
- modal()
- mosaic()
- na.omit()
- NAflag()
- names()
- nearby()
- normalize.longitude()
- north()
- not.na()
- origin()
- pairs()
- panel()
- patches()
- perim()
- persp()
- plet()
- plot()
- plotRGB()
- plot_extent()
- plot_graticule()
- prcomp()
- predict()
- princomp()
- project()
- quantile()
- query()
- rangeFill()
- rapp()
- rast()
- rasterize()
- rasterizeGeom()
- rasterizeWin()
- rcl()
- readwrite()
- rectify()
- regress()
- relate()
- rep()
- replace_dollar()
- replace_layers()
- replace_values()
- resample()
- rescale()
- RGB()
- roll()
- rotate()
- same.crs()
- sample()
- sapp()
- sbar()
- scale()
- scatter()
- scoff()
- sds()
- segregate()
- select()
- selectHigh()
- selectRange()
- serialize()
- setValues()
- shade()
- sharedPaths()
- shift()
- sieve()
- simplify()
- sort()
- sources()
- SpatExtent-class()
- SpatRaster-class()
- SpatVector-class()
- spin()
- split()
- sprc()
- stretch()
- subset()
- subset_dollar()
- subset_double()
- subset_single()
- subst()
- summarize-generics()
- summary()
- svc()
- symdif()
- tapp()
- terra-package()
- terrain()
- terraOptions()
- text()
- time()
- tmpFile()
- topology()
- transpose()
- trim()
- union()
- unique()
- units()
- update()
- values()
- varnames()
- vect()
- vector_layers()
- viewshed()
- voronoi()
- vrt()
- vrt_tiles()
- weighted.mean()
- where()
- which()
- width()
- window()
- wrap()
- wrapCache()
- writeCDF()
- writeRaster()
- writeVector()
- xapp()
- xmin()
- xyCellFrom()
- zonal()
- zoom()
R Codes
- Aclasses.R
- Agenerics.R
- aggregate.R
- animate.R
- app.R
- approximate.R
- arith.R
- Arith_generics.R
- autocor.R
- cells.R
- clean.R
- click.R
- clip.R
- coerce.R
- colors.R
- connect.R
- crosstab.R
- crs.R
- dimensions.R
- distance.R
- draw.R
- expand.R
- extent.R
- extract.R
- extract_single.R
- focal.R
- focalMat.R
- gcp.R
- gdal.R
- generics.R
- geocolors.R
- geom.R
- graticule.R
- hist.R
- ifelse.R
- image.R
- init.R
- inset.R
- interpolate.R
- k_means.R
- lapp.R
- layerCor.R
- levels.R
- lines.R
- makeVRT.R
- match.R
- math.R
- merge.R
- mergeTime.R
- messages.R
- names.R
- ncdf.R
- options.R
- panel.R
- plot.R
- plotExtent.R
- plotRGB.R
- plot_2rasters.R
- plot_axes.R
- plot_cartogram.R
- plot_legend.R
- plot_let.R
- plot_raster.R
- plot_scale.R
- plot_vector.R
- polygons.R
- predict.R
- princomp.R
- rapp.R
- rast.R
- rasterize.R
- rasterizeWin.R
- RcppExports.R
- read.R
- readsvg.R
- regress.R
- relate.R
- replace.R
- replace_layer.R
- replace_values.R
- roll.R
- rowSums.R
- sample.R
- select.R
- selectHigh.R
- show.R
- spatDF.R
- SpatRasterDataset.R
- spatvec.R
- SpatVectorCollection.R
- subset.R
- tags.R
- tapp.R
- tempfiles.R
- tiles.R
- time.R
- update.R
- values.R
- vect.R
- window.R
- wrap.R
- write.R
- xapp.R
- xyRowColCell.R
- Zdeprecated.R
- zonal.R
- zoom.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: terra
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