R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as_array()
- AutogradContext()
- autograd_backward()
- autograd_function()
- autograd_grad()
- autograd_set_grad_mode()
- backends_cudnn_is_available()
- backends_cudnn_version()
- backends_mkldnn_is_available()
- backends_mkl_is_available()
- backends_mps_is_available()
- backends_openmp_is_available()
- broadcast_all()
- call_torch_function()
- Constraint()
- contrib_sort_vertices()
- cuda_amp_grad_scaler()
- cuda_current_device()
- cuda_device_count()
- cuda_empty_cache()
- cuda_get_device_capability()
- cuda_is_available()
- cuda_memory_stats()
- cuda_runtime_version()
- cuda_synchronize()
- dataloader()
- dataloader_make_iter()
- dataloader_next()
- dataset()
- dataset_subset()
- default_dtype()
- Distribution()
- distr_bernoulli()
- distr_categorical()
- distr_chi2()
- distr_gamma()
- distr_mixture_same_family()
- distr_multivariate_normal()
- distr_normal()
- distr_poisson()
- enumerate.dataloader()
- enumerate()
- install_torch()
- install_torch_from_file()
- is_dataloader()
- is_nn_buffer()
- is_nn_module()
- is_nn_parameter()
- is_optimizer()
- is_torch_device()
- is_torch_dtype()
- is_torch_layout()
- is_torch_memory_format()
- is_torch_qscheme()
- is_undefined_tensor()
- iterable_dataset()
- jit_compile()
- jit_load()
- jit_ops()
- jit_save()
- jit_save_for_mobile()
- jit_scalar()
- jit_trace()
- jit_trace_module()
- jit_tuple()
- linalg_cholesky()
- linalg_cholesky_ex()
- linalg_cond()
- linalg_det()
- linalg_eig()
- linalg_eigh()
- linalg_eigvals()
- linalg_eigvalsh()
- linalg_householder_product()
- linalg_inv()
- linalg_inv_ex()
- linalg_lstsq()
- linalg_matrix_norm()
- linalg_matrix_power()
- linalg_matrix_rank()
- linalg_multi_dot()
- linalg_norm()
- linalg_pinv()
- linalg_qr()
- linalg_slogdet()
- linalg_solve()
- linalg_svd()
- linalg_svdvals()
- linalg_tensorinv()
- linalg_tensorsolve()
- linalg_vector_norm()
- load_state_dict()
- local_autocast()
- local_device()
- lr_cosine_annealing()
- lr_lambda()
- lr_multiplicative()
- lr_one_cycle()
- lr_reduce_on_plateau()
- lr_scheduler()
- lr_step()
- nnf_adaptive_avg_pool1d()
- nnf_adaptive_avg_pool2d()
- nnf_adaptive_avg_pool3d()
- nnf_adaptive_max_pool1d()
- nnf_adaptive_max_pool2d()
- nnf_adaptive_max_pool3d()
- nnf_affine_grid()
- nnf_alpha_dropout()
- nnf_avg_pool1d()
- nnf_avg_pool2d()
- nnf_avg_pool3d()
- nnf_batch_norm()
- nnf_bilinear()
- nnf_binary_cross_entropy()
- nnf_binary_cross_entropy_with_logits()
- nnf_celu()
- nnf_contrib_sparsemax()
- nnf_conv1d()
- nnf_conv2d()
- nnf_conv3d()
- nnf_conv_tbc()
- nnf_conv_transpose1d()
- nnf_conv_transpose2d()
- nnf_conv_transpose3d()
- nnf_cosine_embedding_loss()
- nnf_cosine_similarity()
- nnf_cross_entropy()
- nnf_ctc_loss()
- nnf_dropout()
- nnf_dropout2d()
- nnf_dropout3d()
- nnf_elu()
- nnf_embedding()
- nnf_embedding_bag()
- nnf_fold()
- nnf_fractional_max_pool2d()
- nnf_fractional_max_pool3d()
- nnf_gelu()
- nnf_glu()
- nnf_grid_sample()
- nnf_group_norm()
- nnf_gumbel_softmax()
- nnf_hardshrink()
- nnf_hardsigmoid()
- nnf_hardswish()
- nnf_hardtanh()
- nnf_hinge_embedding_loss()
- nnf_instance_norm()
- nnf_interpolate()
- nnf_kl_div()
- nnf_l1_loss()
- nnf_layer_norm()
- nnf_leaky_relu()
- nnf_linear()
- nnf_local_response_norm()
- nnf_logsigmoid()
- nnf_log_softmax()
- nnf_lp_pool1d()
- nnf_lp_pool2d()
- nnf_margin_ranking_loss()
- nnf_max_pool1d()
- nnf_max_pool2d()
- nnf_max_pool3d()
- nnf_max_unpool1d()
- nnf_max_unpool2d()
- nnf_max_unpool3d()
- nnf_mse_loss()
- nnf_multilabel_margin_loss()
- nnf_multilabel_soft_margin_loss()
- nnf_multi_head_attention_forward()
- nnf_multi_margin_loss()
- nnf_nll_loss()
- nnf_normalize()
- nnf_one_hot()
- nnf_pad()
- nnf_pairwise_distance()
- nnf_pdist()
- nnf_pixel_shuffle()
- nnf_poisson_nll_loss()
- nnf_prelu()
- nnf_relu()
- nnf_relu6()
- nnf_rrelu()
- nnf_selu()
- nnf_sigmoid()
- nnf_silu()
- nnf_smooth_l1_loss()
- nnf_softmax()
- nnf_softmin()
- nnf_softplus()
- nnf_softshrink()
- nnf_softsign()
- nnf_soft_margin_loss()
- nnf_tanhshrink()
- nnf_threshold()
- nnf_triplet_margin_loss()
- nnf_triplet_margin_with_distance_loss()
- nnf_unfold()
- nn_adaptive_avg_pool1d()
- nn_adaptive_avg_pool2d()
- nn_adaptive_avg_pool3d()
- nn_adaptive_log_softmax_with_loss()
- nn_adaptive_max_pool1d()
- nn_adaptive_max_pool2d()
- nn_adaptive_max_pool3d()
- nn_avg_pool1d()
- nn_avg_pool2d()
- nn_avg_pool3d()
- nn_batch_norm1d()
- nn_batch_norm2d()
- nn_batch_norm3d()
- nn_bce_loss()
- nn_bce_with_logits_loss()
- nn_bilinear()
- nn_buffer()
- nn_celu()
- nn_contrib_sparsemax()
- nn_conv1d()
- nn_conv2d()
- nn_conv3d()
- nn_conv_transpose1d()
- nn_conv_transpose2d()
- nn_conv_transpose3d()
- nn_cosine_embedding_loss()
- nn_cross_entropy_loss()
- nn_ctc_loss()
- nn_dropout()
- nn_dropout2d()
- nn_dropout3d()
- nn_elu()
- nn_embedding()
- nn_embedding_bag()
- nn_flatten()
- nn_fractional_max_pool2d()
- nn_fractional_max_pool3d()
- nn_gelu()
- nn_glu()
- nn_group_norm()
- nn_gru()
- nn_hardshrink()
- nn_hardsigmoid()
- nn_hardswish()
- nn_hardtanh()
- nn_hinge_embedding_loss()
- nn_identity()
- nn_init_calculate_gain()
- nn_init_constant_()
- nn_init_dirac_()
- nn_init_eye_()
- nn_init_kaiming_normal_()
- nn_init_kaiming_uniform_()
- nn_init_normal_()
- nn_init_ones_()
- nn_init_orthogonal_()
- nn_init_sparse_()
- nn_init_trunc_normal_()
- nn_init_uniform_()
- nn_init_xavier_normal_()
- nn_init_xavier_uniform_()
- nn_init_zeros_()
- nn_kl_div_loss()
- nn_l1_loss()
- nn_layer_norm()
- nn_leaky_relu()
- nn_linear()
- nn_log_sigmoid()
- nn_log_softmax()
- nn_lp_pool1d()
- nn_lp_pool2d()
- nn_lstm()
- nn_margin_ranking_loss()
- nn_max_pool1d()
- nn_max_pool2d()
- nn_max_pool3d()
- nn_max_unpool1d()
- nn_max_unpool2d()
- nn_max_unpool3d()
- nn_module()
- nn_module_dict()
- nn_module_list()
- nn_mse_loss()
- nn_multihead_attention()
- nn_multilabel_margin_loss()
- nn_multilabel_soft_margin_loss()
- nn_multi_margin_loss()
- nn_nll_loss()
- nn_pairwise_distance()
- nn_parameter()
- nn_poisson_nll_loss()
- nn_prelu()
- nn_prune_head()
- nn_relu()
- nn_relu6()
- nn_rnn()
- nn_rrelu()
- nn_selu()
- nn_sequential()
- nn_sigmoid()
- nn_silu()
- nn_smooth_l1_loss()
- nn_softmax()
- nn_softmax2d()
- nn_softmin()
- nn_softplus()
- nn_softshrink()
- nn_softsign()
- nn_soft_margin_loss()
- nn_tanh()
- nn_tanhshrink()
- nn_threshold()
- nn_triplet_margin_loss()
- nn_triplet_margin_with_distance_loss()
- nn_unflatten()
- nn_upsample()
- nn_utils_clip_grad_norm_()
- nn_utils_clip_grad_value_()
- nn_utils_rnn_pack_padded_sequence()
- nn_utils_rnn_pack_sequence()
- nn_utils_rnn_pad_packed_sequence()
- nn_utils_rnn_pad_sequence()
- nn_utils_weight_norm()
- optimizer()
- optim_adadelta()
- optim_adagrad()
- optim_adam()
- optim_adamw()
- optim_asgd()
- optim_lbfgs()
- optim_required()
- optim_rmsprop()
- optim_rprop()
- optim_sgd()
- pipe()
- reexports()
- sampler()
- slc()
- tensor_dataset()
- threads()
- torch_abs()
- torch_absolute()
- torch_acos()
- torch_acosh()
- torch_adaptive_avg_pool1d()
- torch_add()
- torch_addbmm()
- torch_addcdiv()
- torch_addcmul()
- torch_addmm()
- torch_addmv()
- torch_addr()
- torch_allclose()
- torch_amax()
- torch_amin()
- torch_angle()
- torch_arange()
- torch_arccos()
- torch_arccosh()
- torch_arcsin()
- torch_arcsinh()
- torch_arctan()
- torch_arctanh()
- torch_argmax()
- torch_argmin()
- torch_argsort()
- torch_asin()
- torch_asinh()
- torch_as_strided()
- torch_atan()
- torch_atan2()
- torch_atanh()
- torch_atleast_1d()
- torch_atleast_2d()
- torch_atleast_3d()
- torch_avg_pool1d()
- torch_baddbmm()
- torch_bartlett_window()
- torch_bernoulli()
- torch_bincount()
- torch_bitwise_and()
- torch_bitwise_not()
- torch_bitwise_or()
- torch_bitwise_xor()
- torch_blackman_window()
- torch_block_diag()
- torch_bmm()
- torch_broadcast_tensors()
- torch_bucketize()
- torch_can_cast()
- torch_cartesian_prod()
- torch_cat()
- torch_cdist()
- torch_ceil()
- torch_celu()
- torch_celu_()
- torch_chain_matmul()
- torch_channel_shuffle()
- torch_cholesky()
- torch_cholesky_inverse()
- torch_cholesky_solve()
- torch_chunk()
- torch_clamp()
- torch_clip()
- torch_clone()
- torch_combinations()
- torch_complex()
- torch_conj()
- torch_conv1d()
- torch_conv2d()
- torch_conv3d()
- torch_conv_tbc()
- torch_conv_transpose1d()
- torch_conv_transpose2d()
- torch_conv_transpose3d()
- torch_cos()
- torch_cosh()
- torch_cosine_similarity()
- torch_count_nonzero()
- torch_cross()
- torch_cummax()
- torch_cummin()
- torch_cumprod()
- torch_cumsum()
- torch_deg2rad()
- torch_dequantize()
- torch_det()
- torch_device()
- torch_diag()
- torch_diagflat()
- torch_diagonal()
- torch_diag_embed()
- torch_diff()
- torch_digamma()
- torch_dist()
- torch_div()
- torch_divide()
- torch_dot()
- torch_dstack()
- torch_dtype()
- torch_eig()
- torch_einsum()
- torch_empty()
- torch_empty_like()
- torch_empty_strided()
- torch_eq()
- torch_equal()
- torch_erf()
- torch_erfc()
- torch_erfinv()
- torch_exp()
- torch_exp2()
- torch_expm1()
- torch_eye()
- torch_fft_fft()
- torch_fft_fftfreq()
- torch_fft_ifft()
- torch_fft_irfft()
- torch_fft_rfft()
- torch_finfo()
- torch_fix()
- torch_flatten()
- torch_flip()
- torch_fliplr()
- torch_flipud()
- torch_floor()
- torch_floor_divide()
- torch_fmod()
- torch_frac()
- torch_full()
- torch_full_like()
- torch_gather()
- torch_gcd()
- torch_ge()
- torch_generator()
- torch_geqrf()
- torch_ger()
- torch_get_rng_state()
- torch_greater()
- torch_greater_equal()
- torch_gt()
- torch_hamming_window()
- torch_hann_window()
- torch_heaviside()
- torch_histc()
- torch_hstack()
- torch_hypot()
- torch_i0()
- torch_iinfo()
- torch_imag()
- torch_index()
- torch_index_put()
- torch_index_put_()
- torch_index_select()
- torch_install_path()
- torch_inverse()
- torch_isclose()
- torch_isfinite()
- torch_isinf()
- torch_isnan()
- torch_isneginf()
- torch_isposinf()
- torch_isreal()
- torch_istft()
- torch_is_complex()
- torch_is_floating_point()
- torch_is_installed()
- torch_is_nonzero()
- torch_kaiser_window()
- torch_kron()
- torch_kthvalue()
- torch_layout()
- torch_lcm()
- torch_le()
- torch_lerp()
- torch_less()
- torch_less_equal()
- torch_lgamma()
- torch_linspace()
- torch_load()
- torch_log()
- torch_log1p()
- torch_log2()
- torch_log10()
- torch_logaddexp()
- torch_logaddexp2()
- torch_logcumsumexp()
- torch_logdet()
- torch_logical_and()
- torch_logical_not()
- torch_logical_or()
- torch_logical_xor()
- torch_logit()
- torch_logspace()
- torch_logsumexp()
- torch_lstsq()
- torch_lt()
- torch_lu()
- torch_lu_solve()
- torch_lu_unpack()
- torch_manual_seed()
- torch_masked_select()
- torch_matmul()
- torch_matrix_exp()
- torch_matrix_power()
- torch_matrix_rank()
- torch_max()
- torch_maximum()
- torch_mean()
- torch_median()
- torch_memory_format()
- torch_meshgrid()
- torch_min()
- torch_minimum()
- torch_mm()
- torch_mode()
- torch_movedim()
- torch_mul()
- torch_multinomial()
- torch_multiply()
- torch_mv()
- torch_mvlgamma()
- torch_nanquantile()
- torch_nansum()
- torch_narrow()
- torch_ne()
- torch_neg()
- torch_negative()
- torch_nextafter()
- torch_nonzero()
- torch_norm()
- torch_normal()
- torch_not_equal()
- torch_ones()
- torch_ones_like()
- torch_orgqr()
- torch_ormqr()
- torch_outer()
- torch_pdist()
- torch_pinverse()
- torch_pixel_shuffle()
- torch_poisson()
- torch_polar()
- torch_polygamma()
- torch_pow()
- torch_prod()
- torch_promote_types()
- torch_qr()
- torch_qscheme()
- torch_quantile()
- torch_quantize_per_channel()
- torch_quantize_per_tensor()
- torch_rad2deg()
- torch_rand()
- torch_randint()
- torch_randint_like()
- torch_randn()
- torch_randn_like()
- torch_randperm()
- torch_rand_like()
- torch_range()
- torch_real()
- torch_reciprocal()
- torch_reduction()
- torch_relu()
- torch_relu_()
- torch_remainder()
- torch_renorm()
- torch_repeat_interleave()
- torch_reshape()
- torch_result_type()
- torch_roll()
- torch_rot90()
- torch_round()
- torch_rrelu_()
- torch_rsqrt()
- torch_save()
- torch_scalar_tensor()
- torch_searchsorted()
- torch_selu()
- torch_selu_()
- torch_serialize()
- torch_sgn()
- torch_sigmoid()
- torch_sign()
- torch_signbit()
- torch_sin()
- torch_sinh()
- torch_slogdet()
- torch_sort()
- torch_sparse_coo_tensor()
- torch_split()
- torch_sqrt()
- torch_square()
- torch_squeeze()
- torch_stack()
- torch_std()
- torch_std_mean()
- torch_stft()
- torch_sub()
- torch_subtract()
- torch_sum()
- torch_svd()
- torch_t()
- torch_take()
- torch_tan()
- torch_tanh()
- torch_tensor()
- torch_tensordot()
- torch_tensor_from_buffer()
- torch_threshold_()
- torch_topk()
- torch_trace()
- torch_transpose()
- torch_trapz()
- torch_triangular_solve()
- torch_tril()
- torch_tril_indices()
- torch_triu()
- torch_triu_indices()
- torch_true_divide()
- torch_trunc()
- torch_unbind()
- torch_unique_consecutive()
- torch_unsafe_chunk()
- torch_unsafe_split()
- torch_unsqueeze()
- torch_vander()
- torch_var()
- torch_var_mean()
- torch_vdot()
- torch_view_as_complex()
- torch_view_as_real()
- torch_vstack()
- torch_where()
- torch_zeros()
- torch_zeros_like()
- with_detect_anomaly()
- with_enable_grad()
- with_no_grad()
R Codes
- autocast.R
- autograd.R
- backends.R
- call_torch_function.R
- codegen-utils.R
- compat-purrr.R
- compilation_unit.R
- conditions.R
- contrib.R
- creation-ops.R
- cuda.R
- device.R
- dimname_list.R
- distributions-bernoulli.R
- distributions-categorical.R
- distributions-chi2.R
- distributions-constraints.R
- distributions-exp-family.R
- distributions-gamma.R
- distributions-mixture_same_family.R
- distributions-multivariate_normal.R
- distributions-normal.R
- distributions-poisson.R
- distributions-utils.R
- distributions.R
- dtype.R
- gen-method.R
- gen-namespace-docs.R
- gen-namespace-examples.R
- gen-namespace.R
- generator.R
- help.R
- indexing.R
- install.R
- ivalue.R
- jit-compile.R
- jit-execute.R
- jit-ops.R
- lantern_load.R
- lantern_sync.R
- layout.R
- linalg.R
- memory_format.R
- nn-activation.R
- nn-batchnorm.R
- nn-conv.R
- nn-distance.R
- nn-dropout.R
- nn-flatten.R
- nn-init.R
- nn-linear.R
- nn-loss.R
- nn-normalization.R
- nn-pooling.R
- nn-rnn.R
- nn-sparse.R
- nn-upsampling.R
- nn-utils-clip-grad.R
- nn-utils-rnn.R
- nn-utils-weight-norm.R
- nn-utils.R
- nn.R
- nnf-activation.R
- nnf-batchnorm.R
- nnf-conv.R
- nnf-distance.R
- nnf-dropout.R
- nnf-embedding.R
- nnf-fold.R
- nnf-instancenorm.R
- nnf-linear.R
- nnf-loss.R
- nnf-normalization.R
- nnf-padding.R
- nnf-pixelshuffle.R
- nnf-pooling.R
- nnf-upsampling.R
- nnf-vision.R
- nn_adaptive.R
- operators.R
- optim-adadelta.R
- optim-adagrad.R
- optim-adam.R
- optim-adamw.R
- optim-asgd.R
- optim-lbfgs.R
- optim-lr_scheduler.R
- optim-rmsprop.R
- optim-rprop.R
- optim-sgd.R
- optim.R
- package.R
- qscheme.R
- quantization.R
- R7.R
- RcppExports.R
- reduction.R
- save.R
- scalar.R
- script_module.R
- stack.R
- storage.R
- tensor.R
- threads.R
- trace.R
- translate.R
- type-info.R
- utils-data-collate.R
- utils-data-dataloader.R
- utils-data-enum.R
- utils-data-fetcher.R
- utils-data-sampler.R
- utils-data.R
- utils-pipe.R
- utils.R
- variable_list.R
- with-indices.R
- wrapers.R
Selected R package: torch
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