R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- across.()
- across()
- add_count.()
- add_count()
- add_tally.()
- anti_join.()
- arrange.()
- arrange()
- arrange_across.()
- as_tidytable()
- between.()
- between()
- bind_cols.()
- bind_cols()
- bind_rows.()
- case.()
- case()
- case_match.()
- case_match()
- case_when.()
- case_when()
- coalesce.()
- coalesce()
- complete.()
- complete()
- consecutive_id.()
- consecutive_id()
- context()
- count.()
- count()
- crossing.()
- crossing()
- cross_join()
- cur_column.()
- cur_data.()
- cur_group_id.()
- cur_group_rows.()
- c_across.()
- c_across()
- desc.()
- desc()
- distinct.()
- distinct()
- drop_na.()
- drop_na()
- dt()
- enframe.()
- enframe()
- expand.()
- expand()
- expand_grid.()
- expand_grid()
- extract.()
- extract()
- fill.()
- fill()
- filter.()
- filter()
- first.()
- first()
- fread.()
- fread()
- full_join.()
- fwrite.()
- get_dummies.()
- get_dummies()
- group_by.()
- group_by()
- group_cols()
- group_split.()
- group_split()
- group_vars.()
- group_vars()
- ifelse.()
- if_all.()
- if_all()
- if_any.()
- if_else.()
- if_else()
- in-notin()
- inner_join.()
- inv_gc()
- is_grouped_df.()
- is_grouped_df()
- is_tidytable()
- lag()
- lags.()
- last.()
- leads.()
- left_join.()
- left_join()
- map.()
- map()
- map2.()
- map2_chr.()
- map2_dbl.()
- map2_df.()
- map2_dfc.()
- map2_dfr.()
- map2_int.()
- map2_lgl.()
- map_chr.()
- map_dbl.()
- map_df.()
- map_dfc.()
- map_dfr.()
- map_int.()
- map_lgl.()
- mutate.()
- mutate()
- mutate_across.()
- mutate_rowwise.()
- mutate_rowwise()
- n.()
- n()
- na_if.()
- na_if()
- nest.()
- nest()
- nesting.()
- nest_by.()
- nest_by()
- nest_join()
- new_tidytable()
- nth.()
- n_distinct.()
- n_distinct()
- pick()
- pipe()
- pivot_longer.()
- pivot_longer()
- pivot_wider.()
- pivot_wider()
- pmap.()
- pmap_chr.()
- pmap_dbl.()
- pmap_df.()
- pmap_dfc.()
- pmap_dfr.()
- pmap_int.()
- pmap_lgl.()
- pull.()
- pull()
- rank()
- recode()
- reexports()
- reframe()
- relocate.()
- relocate()
- rename.()
- rename()
- rename_with.()
- rename_with()
- replace_na.()
- replace_na()
- right_join.()
- rowwise.()
- rowwise()
- row_number.()
- select.()
- select()
- semi_join.()
- separate.()
- separate()
- separate_longer_delim()
- separate_rows.()
- separate_rows()
- separate_wider_delim()
- separate_wider_regex()
- slice.()
- slice()
- slice_head.()
- slice_max.()
- slice_min.()
- slice_sample.()
- slice_tail.()
- summarise.()
- summarize.()
- summarize()
- summarize_across.()
- tally.()
- tidytable-vctrs()
- tidytable()
- top_n.()
- top_n()
- transmute.()
- transmute()
- tribble()
- uncount.()
- uncount()
- ungroup.()
- unite.()
- unite()
- unnest.()
- unnest()
- unnest_longer.()
- unnest_longer()
- unnest_wider.()
- unnest_wider()
- walk.()
R Codes
- across.R
- add_count.R
- arrange.R
- arrange_across.R
- as_tidytable.R
- between.R
- bind.R
- case.R
- case_match.R
- case_when.R
- coalesce.R
- complete.R
- consecutive_id.R
- count.R
- crossing.R
- cumulative.R
- cur-context.R
- c_across.R
- desc.R
- distinct.R
- drop_na.R
- dt.R
- enframe.R
- expand.R
- expand_grid.R
- extract.R
- fill.R
- filter.R
- first-last-nth.R
- fread-fwrite.R
- get_dummies.R
- group_by.R
- group_cols.R
- group_split.R
- if_all-if_any.R
- if_else.R
- in-notin.R
- inv_gc.R
- is_tidytable.R
- join.R
- lag-lead.R
- mutate.R
- mutate_across.R
- mutate_rowwise.R
- n.R
- na_if.R
- nest.R
- nest_by.R
- new_tidytable.R
- n_distinct.R
- pick.R
- pivot_longer.R
- pivot_wider.R
- print.R
- pull.R
- purrr-map.R
- purrr-map2.R
- purrr-pmap.R
- rank.R
- recode.R
- reexports.R
- reframe.R
- relocate.R
- rename.R
- rename_with.R
- replace_na.R
- rowwise.R
- select.R
- separate.R
- separate_longer_delim.R
- separate_rows.R
- separate_wider_delim.R
- separate_wider_regex.R
- slice-head-tail.R
- slice-min-max.R
- slice.R
- slice_sample.R
- standalone-zeallot.R
- summarize.R
- summarize_across.R
- tidytable-package.R
- tidytable.R
- top_n.R
- transmute.R
- tribble.R
- uncount.R
- unite.R
- unnest.R
- unnest_longer.R
- unnest_wider.R
- utils-across.R
- utils-fast_copy.R
- utils-general.R
- utils-pipe.R
- utils-prep_exprs.R
- utils-stringr.R
- utils-tidyselect.R
- vctrs-tidytable.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: tidytable
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