R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.data.frame.crm_fit()
- as.data.frame.efftox_fit()
- as.mcmc.list.crm_fit()
- as.mcmc.list.efftox_fit()
- as_tibble.augbin_2t_1a_fit()
- as_tibble.dose_finding_paths()
- augbin_2t_1a_fit()
- augbin_fit()
- binary_prob_success()
- careful_escalation()
- closest_to_target()
- crm_codified_dose_logistic()
- crm_dtps()
- crm_fit-class()
- crm_params-class()
- crm_path_analysis()
- crm_prior_beliefs()
- crm_process()
- df_parse_outcomes()
- dose_finding_fit-class()
- dose_finding_path_node-class()
- efftox_analysis_to_df()
- efftox_contour_plot()
- efftox_dtps()
- efftox_dtps_to_dataframe()
- efftox_fit-class()
- efftox_get_tox()
- efftox_parameters_demo()
- efftox_params-class()
- efftox_parse_outcomes()
- efftox_path_analysis()
- efftox_priors()
- efftox_process()
- efftox_simulate()
- efftox_solve_p()
- efftox_superiority()
- efftox_utility()
- efftox_utility_density_plot()
- eff_at_dose()
- get_efftox_priors()
- n_at_dose()
- parse_dose_finding_outcomes()
- parse_eff_tox_dose_finding_outcomes()
- peps2_get_data()
- peps2_process()
- plot.crm_fit()
- plot.efftox_fit()
- predict.augbin_2t_1a_fit()
- print.augbin_fit()
- print.crm_fit()
- print.efftox_fit()
- print.nbg_fit()
- prior_predictive_augbin_2t_1a()
- prob_success()
- prob_tox_exceeds()
- ranBin2()
- rlkjcorr()
- spread_paths()
- stan_augbin()
- stan_augbin_demo()
- stan_crm()
- stan_efftox()
- stan_efftox_demo()
- stan_hierarchical_response_thall()
- stan_nbg()
- stan_peps2()
- summary.crm_fit()
- summary.efftox_fit()
- total_weight_at_dose()
- tox_at_dose()
- trialr-package()
- trialr_simulate()
- weights_at_dose()
R Codes
- augbin_2t_1a_fit.R
- augbin_fit.R
- binary_prob_success.R
- careful_escalation.R
- crm_codified_dose_logistic.R
- crm_dtps.R
- crm_fit.R
- crm_params.R
- crm_path_analysis.R
- crm_prior_beliefs.R
- crm_process.R
- df_parse_outcomes.R
- dose_finding_fit.R
- dose_finding_paths.R
- dose_finding_path_node.R
- EffTox.R
- efftox_analysis_to_df.R
- efftox_contour_plot.R
- efftox_dtps.R
- efftox_dtps_to_dataframe.R
- efftox_fit.R
- efftox_get_tox.R
- efftox_parameters_demo.R
- efftox_params.R
- efftox_parse_outcomes.R
- efftox_path_analysis.R
- efftox_priors.R
- efftox_process.R
- efftox_simulate.R
- efftox_solve_p.R
- efftox_superiority.R
- efftox_utility.R
- efftox_utility_density_plot.R
- eff_at_dose.R
- get_efftox_priors.R
- misc.R
- nbg_fit.R
- n_at_dose.R
- parse_dose_finding_outcomes.R
- parse_eff_tox_dose_finding_outcomes.R
- peps2_get_data.R
- peps2_process.R
- prior_predictive_augbin_2t_1a.R
- prob_success.R
- prob_tox_exceeds.R
- ranBin2.R
- rlkjcorr.R
- spread_paths.R
- stanmodels.R
- stan_augbin.R
- stan_augbin_demo.R
- stan_crm.R
- stan_efftox.R
- stan_efftox_demo.R
- stan_hierarchical_response_thall.R
- stan_nbg.R
- stan_peps2.R
- total_weight_at_dose.R
- tox_at_dose.R
- trialr-package.R
- trialr_simulate.R
- weights_at_dose.R
Selected R package: trialr
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