R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_misc()
- area_between_icc()
- as.data.frame.cat_output()
- as.data.frame()
- as.data.frame.Response()
- as.data.frame.Response_set()
- as.Itempool()
- as.list.Itempool()
- as.list.Response_set()
- as.matrix-Response_set-method()
- biserial()
- c.cat_design()
- c()
- calculate_exposure_rates()
- calculate_overlap_rates()
- cash-.cat_output()
- cash-Item-method()
- cash-Itempool-method()
- cash-Response-method()
- cash-Response_set-method()
- cash-set-Item-method()
- cash-set-Itempool-method()
- cash-set-Response-method()
- cash-set-Response_set-method()
- cash-set-Testlet-method()
- cash-Testlet-method()
- cat_sim()
- cat_sim_fast()
- classification_agreement_index()
- classification_indices()
- convert_model()
- create_cat_design()
- cusum_single()
- dif()
- distractor_analysis()
- dot-print.Testlet()
- est_ability()
- est_bilog()
- est_flexmirt()
- generate_ip()
- generate_item()
- generate_resp()
- generate_resp_set()
- generate_testlet()
- get_cat_administered_items()
- get_cat_response_data()
- get_max_possible_total_score()
- GPCM-class()
- GPCM2-class()
- GRM-class()
- info()
- ipd()
- irt()
- irt1PL()
- irt2PL()
- irt3PL()
- irt4PL()
- is()
- Item-class()
- item()
- Itempool-class()
- itempool()
- item_analysis()
- item_fit()
- ks()
- length()
- M2PL()
- M3PL()
- max_score()
- mean.Item()
- mean.Itempool()
- mean.Testlet()
- PCM-class()
- person_fit()
- plot.cat_output()
- plot.Item()
- plot.Itempool()
- plot.ks_output()
- plot_distractor_icc()
- plot_empirical_icc()
- plot_empirical_icc2()
- plot_info()
- plot_resp_loglik()
- point_biserial()
- print-Itempool-method()
- print-Response-method()
- print-Response_set-method()
- print.bilog_output()
- print.cat_design()
- print.cat_output()
- print.Item()
- prob()
- prob_sum_score()
- qip_index()
- Rasch-class()
- Response-class()
- response()
- Response_set-class()
- response_set()
- resp_lik()
- resp_loglik()
- rmsd()
- rsss()
- score_info()
- score_raw_resp()
- show.cat_output()
- show()
- sim_resp()
- sub-Itempool-ANY-missing-method()
- sub-sub-Itempool-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-sub-Response_set-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-sub-Testlet-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-subset-Itempool-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-subset-Response_set-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-subset-Testlet-numeric-missing-method()
- sub-Testlet-ANY-missing-method()
- subset-response_set()
- summary.cat_output()
- summary.list()
- Testlet-class()
- testlet()
- var.Item()
- var.Itempool()
- var.Testlet()
R Codes
- ability_estimation.R
- bilog.R
- cat_sim.R
- cat_sim_helper_functions.R
- classification.R
- dif.R
- flexMIRT.R
- generate_objects.R
- info.R
- ipd.R
- irt.R
- item-class-methods.R
- item-class.R
- itempool-class-methods.R
- itempool-class.R
- item_analysis.R
- item_fit.R
- kernel_smoothing.R
- max_score.R
- mean.R
- misc.R
- person_fit.R
- plot_cat_output.R
- plot_distractor_icc.R
- plot_icc.R
- plot_info.R
- plot_item.R
- plot_itempool.R
- plot_ks.R
- plot_resp_loglik.R
- prob.R
- RcppExports.R
- response-class-methods.R
- response-class.R
- response_set-class-methods.R
- response_set-class.R
- resp_lik.R
- resp_loglik.R
- rsss.R
- sim_resp.R
- testlet-class-methods.R
- var.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: irt
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