R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_mappers()
- bincount()
- bm_list()
- bru()
- bru_call_options()
- bru_compute_linearisation()
- bru_convergence_plot()
- bru_env_get()
- bru_fill_missing()
- bru_get_mapper()
- bru_info()
- bru_int_polygon()
- bru_like_methods()
- bru_log()
- bru_log_bookmark()
- bru_log_message()
- bru_log_new()
- bru_log_offset()
- bru_log_reset()
- bru_make_stack()
- bru_mapper()
- bru_mapper_aggregate()
- bru_mapper_collect()
- bru_mapper_const()
- bru_mapper_factor()
- bru_mapper_fm_mesh_1d()
- bru_mapper_fm_mesh_2d()
- bru_mapper_generics()
- bru_mapper_harmonics()
- bru_mapper_index()
- bru_mapper_linear()
- bru_mapper_logsumexp()
- bru_mapper_marginal()
- bru_mapper_matrix()
- bru_mapper_mesh_B()
- bru_mapper_multi()
- bru_mapper_pipe()
- bru_mapper_scale()
- bru_mapper_shift()
- bru_mapper_summary()
- bru_mapper_taylor()
- bru_model()
- bru_options()
- bru_safe_inla()
- bru_safe_sp()
- bru_standardise_names()
- bru_summarise()
- bru_timings_plot()
- bru_transformation()
- bru_used()
- bru_used_update()
- bru_used_vars()
- code.components()
- component()
- component_eval()
- component_list()
- comp_lin_eval()
- cprod()
- deltaIC()
- devel.cvmeasure()
- evaluate_comp_lin()
- evaluate_comp_simple()
- evaluate_comp_simple_list_subsetting()
- evaluate_effect()
- evaluate_index()
- evaluate_inputs()
- evaluate_model()
- evaluate_predictor()
- eval_in_data_context()
- eval_spatial()
- expand_labels()
- extract_property()
- generate()
- gg.bru_prediction()
- gg.data.frame()
- gg.inla.mesh.1d()
- gg.inla.mesh()
- gg.matrix()
- gg()
- gg.RasterLayer()
- gg.sf()
- gg.SpatialGridDataFrame()
- gg.SpatialLines()
- gg.SpatialPixels()
- gg.SpatialPixelsDataFrame()
- gg.SpatialPoints()
- gg.SpatialPolygons()
- gg.SpatRaster()
- globe()
- glplot()
- gm()
- gmap()
- gorillas()
- gorillas_sf()
- iinla()
- index_eval()
- inla.stack.mjoin()
- inlabru-deprecated()
- inlabru-package()
- inla_subset_eval()
- input_eval()
- integration_weight_aggregation()
- ipoints()
- lgcp()
- like()
- local_testthat()
- materncov.bands()
- mexdolphin()
- mexdolphin_sf()
- mrsea()
- multiplot()
- parse_inclusion()
- pcmatern_B()
- pixels()
- plot.bru()
- plot.bru_prediction()
- plotsample()
- point2count()
- Poisson1_1D()
- Poisson2_1D()
- Poisson3_1D()
- predict.bru()
- reexports()
- robins_subset()
- row_kron()
- sample.lgcp()
- seals()
- shrimp()
- sline()
- spatial.to.ppp()
- spde.posterior()
- spoly()
- summary.bru()
- summary.bru_options()
- summary.component()
- toygroups()
R Codes
- 0_inlabru_envir.R
- bru.gof.R
- bru.inference.R
- bru.integration.R
- bru.spatial.R
- data.gorillas.R
- data.mexdolphin.R
- data.mrsea.R
- data.Poisson1_1D.R
- data.Poisson2_1D.R
- data.Poisson3_1D.R
- data.robins_subset.R
- data.seals.R
- data.shrimp.R
- data.toygroups.R
- deltaIC.R
- deprecated.R
- effect.R
- environment.R
- fmesher.R
- ggplot.R
- inla.R
- inlabru-package.R
- integration.R
- local_testthat.R
- mappers.R
- mesh.R
- model.R
- nlinla.R
- plotsample.R
- rgl.R
- sampling.R
- spatstat.R
- spde.R
- stack.R
- track_plotting.R
- transformation.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: inlabru
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