R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aaa-igraph-package()
- add.edges()
- add.vertex.shape()
- add.vertices()
- add_edges()
- add_layout_()
- add_vertices()
- adjacent.triangles()
- adjacent_vertices()
- aging.ba.game()
- aging.barabasi.game()
- aging.prefatt.game()
- all_simple_paths()
- alpha.centrality()
- alpha_centrality()
- are.connected()
- are_adjacent()
- arpack()
- articulation.points()
- articulation_points()
- as.directed()
- as.igraph()
- as.matrix.igraph()
- assortativity.degree()
- assortativity.nominal()
- assortativity()
- asymmetric.preference.game()
- as_adjacency_matrix()
- as_adj_list()
- as_biadjacency_matrix()
- as_edgelist()
- as_graphnel()
- as_ids()
- as_incidence_matrix()
- as_long_data_frame()
- as_membership()
- as_phylo()
- authority.score()
- autocurve.edges()
- automorphisms()
- automorphism_group()
- average.path.length()
- ba.game()
- barabasi.game()
- betweenness()
- bfs()
- biconnected.components()
- biconnected_components()
- bipartite.mapping()
- bipartite.projection()
- bipartite.projection.size()
- bipartite.random.game()
- bipartite_mapping()
- bipartite_projection()
- blockGraphs()
- bonpow()
- c.igraph.es()
- c.igraph.vs()
- callaway.traits.game()
- canonical.permutation()
- canonical_permutation()
- categorical_pal()
- centralization.betweenness()
- centralization.betweenness.tmax()
- centralization.closeness()
- centralization.closeness.tmax()
- centralization.degree()
- centralization.degree.tmax()
- centralization.evcent()
- centralization.evcent.tmax()
- centralize()
- centralize.scores()
- centr_betw()
- centr_betw_tmax()
- centr_clo()
- centr_clo_tmax()
- centr_degree()
- centr_degree_tmax()
- centr_eigen()
- centr_eigen_tmax()
- cited.type.game()
- citing.cited.type.game()
- clique.number()
- cliques()
- closeness()
- cluster.distribution()
- clusters()
- cluster_edge_betweenness()
- cluster_fast_greedy()
- cluster_fluid_communities()
- cluster_infomap()
- cluster_label_prop()
- cluster_leading_eigen()
- cluster_leiden()
- cluster_louvain()
- cluster_optimal()
- cluster_spinglass()
- cluster_walktrap()
- cocitation()
- code.length()
- cohesive.blocks()
- cohesive_blocks()
- communities()
- compare()
- complementer()
- components()
- component_wise()
- compose()
- connect.neighborhood()
- consensus_tree()
- console()
- constraint()
- contract()
- contract.vertices()
- convex.hull()
- convex_hull()
- coreness()
- count.multiple()
- count_automorphisms()
- count_isomorphisms()
- count_motifs()
- count_subgraph_isomorphisms()
- count_triangles()
- create.communities()
- curve_multiple()
- cutat()
- decompose.graph()
- decompose()
- degree.distribution()
- degree()
- degree.sequence.game()
- delete.edges()
- delete.vertices()
- delete_edges()
- delete_edge_attr()
- delete_graph_attr()
- delete_vertex_attr()
- delete_vertices()
- dendPlot()
- dfs()
- diameter()
- difference.igraph.es()
- difference.igraph()
- difference.igraph.vs()
- difference()
- dim_select()
- disjoint_union()
- distances()
- diverging_pal()
- diversity()
- dominator.tree()
- dominator_tree()
- dot-data()
- dyad.census()
- dyad_census()
- E()
- each_edge()
- eccentricity()
- edge.betweenness.community()
- edge.betweenness()
- edge.connectivity()
- edge.disjoint.paths()
- edge()
- edge_attr-set()
- edge_attr()
- edge_attr_names()
- edge_connectivity()
- edge_density()
- ego()
- eigen_centrality()
- embed_adjacency_matrix()
- embed_laplacian_matrix()
- ends()
- erdos.renyi.game()
- establishment.game()
- estimate_betweenness()
- estimate_closeness()
- estimate_edge_betweenness()
- evcent()
- exportPajek()
- farthest.nodes()
- fastgreedy.community()
- feedback_arc_set()
- fit_hrg()
- fit_power_law()
- forest.fire.game()
- from_incidence_matrix()
- get.adjacency()
- get.adjedgelist()
- get.adjlist()
- get.all.shortest.paths()
- get.data.frame()
- get.diameter()
- get.edge.attribute()
- get.edge.ids()
- get.edgelist()
- get.graph.attribute()
- get.incidence()
- get.shortest.paths()
- get.stochastic()
- get.vertex.attribute()
- getIgraphOpt()
- girth()
- global_efficiency()
- gorder()
- graph.adhesion()
- graph.adjacency()
- graph.adjlist()
- graph.automorphisms()
- graph.bfs()
- graph.cohesion()
- graph.complementer()
- graph.compose()
- graph.coreness()
- graph.data.frame()
- graph.density()
- graph.dfs()
- graph.difference()
- graph.disjoint.union()
- graph.diversity()
- graph.edgelist()
- graph.eigen()
- graph.graphdb()
- graph.incidence()
- graph.intersection()
- graph.isocreate()
- graph.knn()
- graph.laplacian()
- graph.maxflow()
- graph.mincut()
- graph.motifs.est()
- graph.motifs.no()
- graph.motifs()
- graph.neighborhood()
- graph.strength()
- graph.union()
- graphlets.candidate.basis()
- graphlets.project()
- graphlet_basis()
- graph_()
- graph_attr-set()
- graph_attr()
- graph_attr_names()
- graph_from_adjacency_matrix()
- graph_from_adj_list()
- graph_from_atlas()
- graph_from_biadjacency_matrix()
- graph_from_data_frame()
- graph_from_edgelist()
- graph_from_graphdb()
- graph_from_graphnel()
- graph_from_incidence_matrix()
- graph_from_isomorphism_class()
- graph_from_lcf()
- graph_from_literal()
- graph_id()
- graph_version()
- greedy_vertex_coloring()
- grg.game()
- groups()
- growing.random.game()
- gsize()
- handle_vertex_type_arg()
- harmonic_centrality()
- has.multiple()
- has_eulerian_path()
- head_of()
- head_print()
- hrg-methods()
- hrg.consensus()
- hrg.create()
- hrg.dendrogram()
- hrg.fit()
- hrg.game()
- hrg()
- hrg.predict()
- hrg_tree()
- hub.score()
- hub_score()
- identical_graphs()
- igraph-attribute-combination()
- igraph-dollar()
- igraph-es-attributes()
- igraph-es-indexing()
- igraph-es-indexing2()
- igraph-minus()
- igraph-vs-attributes()
- igraph-vs-indexing()
- igraph-vs-indexing2()
- igraph.console()
- igraph.from.graphNEL()
- igraph.options()
- igraph.sample()
- igraph.shape.noclip()
- igraph.shape.noplot()
- igraph.to.graphNEL()
- igraph.version()
- igraphdemo()
- igraphtest()
- igraph_demo()
- igraph_options()
- igraph_test()
- igraph_version()
- incident()
- incident_edges()
- indent_print()
- independence.number()
- independent.vertex.sets()
- induced.subgraph()
- infomap.community()
- interconnected.islands.game()
- intersection.igraph.es()
- intersection.igraph()
- intersection.igraph.vs()
- intersection()
- is.bipartite()
- is.chordal()
- is.connected()
- is.dag()
- is.degree.sequence()
- is.directed()
- is.graphical.degree.sequence()
- is.hierarchical()
- is.igraph()
- is.loop()
- is.matching()
- is.maximal.matching()
- is.minimal.separator()
- is.multiple()
- is.mutual()
- is.named()
- is.separator()
- is.simple()
- is.weighted()
- isomorphic()
- isomorphisms()
- isomorphism_class()
- is_acyclic()
- is_chordal()
- is_dag()
- is_degseq()
- is_directed()
- is_forest()
- is_graphical()
- is_igraph()
- is_min_separator()
- is_named()
- is_printer_callback()
- is_separator()
- is_tree()
- is_weighted()
- ivs()
- k.regular.game()
- keeping_degseq()
- knn()
- k_shortest_paths()
- label.propagation.community()
- laplacian_matrix()
- largest.cliques()
- largest.independent.vertex.sets()
- lastcit.game()
- layout.auto()
- layout.bipartite()
- layout.davidson.harel()
- layout.deprecated()
- layout.drl()
- layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid()
- layout.gem()
- layout.graphopt()
- layout.grid()
- layout.mds()
- layout.merge()
- layout.norm()
- layout.spring()
- layout.star()
- layout.sugiyama()
- layout.svd()
- layout_()
- layout_as_bipartite()
- layout_as_star()
- layout_as_tree()
- layout_in_circle()
- layout_nicely()
- layout_on_grid()
- layout_on_sphere()
- layout_randomly()
- layout_with_dh()
- layout_with_drl()
- layout_with_fr()
- layout_with_gem()
- layout_with_graphopt()
- layout_with_kk()
- layout_with_lgl()
- layout_with_mds()
- layout_with_sugiyama()
- leading.eigenvector.community()
- list.edge.attributes()
- list.graph.attributes()
- list.vertex.attributes()
- local_scan()
- make_()
- make_bipartite_graph()
- make_chordal_ring()
- make_clusters()
- make_de_bruijn_graph()
- make_empty_graph()
- make_from_prufer()
- make_full_bipartite_graph()
- make_full_citation_graph()
- make_full_graph()
- make_graph()
- make_kautz_graph()
- make_lattice()
- make_line_graph()
- make_ring()
- make_star()
- make_tree()
- matching()
- match_vertices()
- maxcohesion()
- maximal.cliques.count()
- maximal.cliques()
- maximal.independent.vertex.sets()
- maximum.bipartite.matching()
- maximum.cardinality.search()
- max_cardinality()
- max_flow()
- merge_coords()
- minimal.st.separators()
- minimum.size.separators()
- minimum.spanning.tree()
- min_cut()
- min_separators()
- min_st_separators()
- mod.matrix()
- modularity.igraph()
- motifs()
- mst()
- multilevel.community()
- neighborhood.size()
- neighbors()
- no.clusters()
- normalize()
- norm_coords()
- optimal.community()
- page.rank()
- page_rank()
- path.length.hist()
- path()
- permute()
- permute.vertices()
- piecewise.layout()
- pipe()
- plot.common()
- plot.igraph()
- plot.sir()
- plotHierarchy()
- plot_dendrogram.communities()
- plot_dendrogram.igraphHRG()
- plus-.igraph()
- power.law.fit()
- power_centrality()
- predict_edges()
- preference.game()
- print.igraph.es()
- print.igraph()
- print.igraph.vs()
- print.igraphHRG()
- print.igraphHRGConsensus()
- printer_callback()
- radius()
- random_walk()
- read.graph()
- read_graph()
- realize_degseq()
- reciprocity()
- remove.edge.attribute()
- remove.graph.attribute()
- remove.vertex.attribute()
- rep.igraph()
- rev.igraph.es()
- rev.igraph.vs()
- reverse_edges()
- rewire()
- rglplot()
- running.mean()
- running_mean()
- r_pal()
- sample_()
- sample_bipartite()
- sample_correlated_gnp()
- sample_correlated_gnp_pair()
- sample_degseq()
- sample_dirichlet()
- sample_dot_product()
- sample_fitness()
- sample_fitness_pl()
- sample_forestfire()
- sample_gnm()
- sample_gnp()
- sample_grg()
- sample_growing()
- sample_hierarchical_sbm()
- sample_hrg()
- sample_islands()
- sample_k_regular()
- sample_last_cit()
- sample_motifs()
- sample_pa()
- sample_pa_age()
- sample_pref()
- sample_sbm()
- sample_seq()
- sample_smallworld()
- sample_spanning_tree()
- sample_sphere_surface()
- sample_sphere_volume()
- sample_traits_callaway()
- sample_tree()
- sbm.game()
- scan_stat()
- scg-method()
- sequential_pal()
- set.edge.attribute()
- set.graph.attribute()
- set.vertex.attribute()
- set_edge_attr()
- set_graph_attr()
- set_vertex_attr()
- shapes()
- shortest.paths()
- showtrace()
- similarity()
- simplified()
- simplify()
- sir()
- spectrum()
- spinglass.community()
- split_join_distance()
- static.fitness.game()
- static.power.law.game()
- stCuts()
- stMincuts()
- stochastic_matrix()
- strength()
- st_cuts()
- st_min_cuts()
- sub-.igraph()
- sub-sub-.igraph()
- subcomponent()
- subgraph.centrality()
- subgraph()
- subgraph_centrality()
- subgraph_isomorphic()
- subgraph_isomorphisms()
- tail_of()
- tkigraph()
- tkplot.canvas()
- tkplot.center()
- tkplot.close()
- tkplot.export.postscript()
- tkplot.fit.to.screen()
- tkplot.getcoords()
- tkplot()
- tkplot.off()
- tkplot.reshape()
- tkplot.rotate()
- tkplot.setcoords()
- topological.sort()
- topo_sort()
- to_prufer()
- transitivity()
- triad.census()
- triad_census()
- unfold.tree()
- unfold_tree()
- union.igraph.es()
- union.igraph()
- union.igraph.vs()
- union()
- unique.igraph.es()
- unique.igraph.vs()
- upgrade_graph()
- V()
- vertex.connectivity()
- vertex.disjoint.paths()
- vertex()
- vertex.shape.pie()
- vertex.shapes()
- vertex_attr-set()
- vertex_attr()
- vertex_attr_names()
- vertex_connectivity()
- walktrap.community()
- watts.strogatz.game()
- weighted_cliques()
- which_multiple()
- which_mutual()
- without_attr()
- without_loops()
- without_multiples()
- with_edge_()
- with_graph_()
- with_igraph_opt()
- with_vertex_()
- write.graph()
- write_graph()
R Codes
- aaa-a-deprecate.R
- aaa-auto.R
- adjacency.R
- assortativity.R
- as_phylo.R
- attributes.R
- basic.R
- bipartite.R
- centrality.R
- centralization.R
- cliques.R
- cocitation.R
- cohesive.blocks.R
- coloring.R
- community.R
- components.R
- console.R
- conversion.R
- cpp11.R
- data_frame.R
- decomposition.R
- degseq.R
- demo.R
- efficiency.R
- embedding.R
- env-and-data.R
- epi.R
- eulerian.R
- fit.R
- flow.R
- foreign.R
- games.R
- glet.R
- has.R
- hrg.R
- idx.R
- igraph-package.R
- incidence.R
- indexing.R
- interface.R
- iterators.R
- layout.R
- layout_drl.R
- lazyeval.R
- make.R
- minimum.spanning.tree.R
- motifs.R
- old-0_1_1.R
- old-0_2.R
- old-0_5.R
- old-0_6.R
- old-1_0_0.R
- old-1_5_0.R
- operators.R
- other.R
- package.R
- palette.R
- par.R
- paths.R
- plot.common.R
- plot.R
- plot.shapes.R
- pp.R
- print.R
- printr.R
- random_walk.R
- rewire.R
- scan.R
- scg.R
- sgm.R
- similarity.R
- simple.R
- sir.R
- socnet.R
- sparsedf.R
- structural.properties.R
- structure.info.R
- test.R
- tkplot.R
- topology.R
- trees.R
- triangles.R
- utils-ensure.R
- utils-s3.R
- utils.R
- uuid.R
- versions.R
- weakref.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: igraph
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