R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- access_component()
- add_col_annotation()
- add_col_barplot()
- add_col_clustering()
- add_col_clusters()
- add_col_dendro()
- add_col_groups()
- add_col_labels()
- add_col_plot()
- add_col_signal()
- add_col_summary()
- add_col_title()
- add_component()
- add_iheatmap()
- add_main_heatmap()
- add_row_annotation()
- add_row_barplot()
- add_row_clustering()
- add_row_clusters()
- add_row_dendro()
- add_row_groups()
- add_row_labels()
- add_row_plot()
- add_row_signal()
- add_row_summary()
- add_row_title()
- add_subplot()
- ColumnAnnotation-class()
- ColumnLabels-class()
- ColumnPlot-class()
- ColumnTitle-class()
- ContinuousColorbar-class()
- Dendrogram-class()
- DiscreteColorbar-class()
- GenericPlot-class()
- Iheatmap-class()
- iheatmap()
- IheatmapAnnotation-class()
- IheatmapAnnotations-class()
- IheatmapAxes-class()
- IheatmapAxis-class()
- IheatmapColorbar-class()
- IheatmapColorbarGrid-class()
- IheatmapColorbars-class()
- IheatmapMainX-class()
- IheatmapMainY-class()
- IheatmapPlot-class()
- IheatmapPlots-class()
- iheatmapr-shiny()
- iheatmapr()
- iheatmapr_event()
- IheatmapShape-class()
- IheatmapShapes-class()
- IheatmapX-class()
- IheatmapY-class()
- iheatmap_list_utils()
- knit_print.Iheatmap()
- MainHeatmap-class()
- main_heatmap()
- make_component()
- measles()
- modify_layout()
- reexports()
- reorder_cols()
- reorder_rows()
- RowAnnotation-class()
- RowLabels-class()
- RowPlot-class()
- RowTitle-class()
- save_iheatmap()
- setup_colorbar_grid()
- setup_tooltip_options()
- test_iheatmapr_event()
- to_plotly()
- to_widget()
R Codes
Selected R package: iheatmapr
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