R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_suffix()
- aggregate_data()
- append_rows()
- as_tibble()
- code()
- collapse_cat()
- combine_vars()
- convert_to_cat()
- convert_to_date()
- convert_to_datetime()
- create_varname()
- create_vars()
- delete_vars()
- dictionary()
- extract_dt_comp()
- extract_part()
- filter()
- filter_cat()
- filter_num()
- fitDesign()
- fitModel()
- form_class_intervals()
- inzdf()
- is_cat()
- is_dt()
- is_num()
- is_preview()
- is_survey()
- is_svydesign()
- is_svyrep()
- join_data()
- load_linked()
- load_rda()
- make_names()
- missing_to_cat()
- newdevice()
- operator_not_in()
- operator_or_null()
- pipe()
- print_code()
- random_sample()
- rank_vars()
- read_meta()
- read_text()
- remove_rows()
- rename_levels()
- rename_vars()
- reorder_levels()
- reshape_data()
- save_rda()
- select()
- select_vars()
- separate_var()
- sheets()
- smart_read()
- sort_vars()
- standardize_vars()
- stringConcatenation()
- survey_IQR()
- tidy_all_code()
- transform_vars()
- validation_details()
- validation_summary()
- vartype()
- vartypes()
R Codes
- aggregate.R
- append_rows.R
- class_intervals.R
- code_writing.R
- data_dict.R
- extract_dt_comp.R
- filter.R
- helpers.R
- import_data.R
- import_linked.R
- inzdf.R
- iNZightTools.R
- join_data.R
- metadata_object.R
- metadata_read.R
- modelfitting.R
- mutate.R
- newdevice.R
- read_text.R
- reshape_data.R
- sample.R
- select_vars.R
- separate_var.R
- sort_vars.R
- tidycode.R
- tool_pipe.R
- tool_str_c.R
- validate_dataset.R
Selected R package: iNZightTools
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