R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acosd()
- acotd()
- acscd()
- AgivenF()
- AgivenFcont()
- AgivenG()
- AgivenP()
- AgivenPcont()
- air_stripper()
- approxerror()
- asecd()
- asind()
- atan2d()
- atand()
- benefitcost()
- colebrook()
- CompIntCharg()
- CompIntPaid()
- concr_mix_lightweight_strength()
- concr_mix_normal_strength()
- construction_decimal()
- construction_decimal_eng()
- construction_fraction()
- cosd()
- cotd()
- cscd()
- cv()
- c_composite_CN()
- density_water()
- dyn_visc_water()
- EffInt()
- engr_survey()
- engr_survey2()
- engr_survey3()
- engr_survey4()
- engr_survey_batch()
- engr_survey_reverse()
- f1()
- f2()
- f3()
- f4()
- f5()
- f6()
- f7()
- f8()
- FgivenA()
- FgivenAcont()
- FgivenP()
- FgivenPcont()
- floor_division()
- fractdiff()
- frac_to_numeric()
- grapes-inorder-grapes()
- grapes-notchin-grapes()
- grapes-qsin-grapes()
- iemisc()
- igivenICPn()
- igivenPFn()
- iscolumn()
- isrow()
- kin_visc_water()
- lat_long2state()
- lat_long2utm()
- length_octave()
- lookupQT()
- Manningcirc()
- Manningcircy()
- Manningpara()
- Manningrect()
- Manningtrap()
- Manningtrap_critical()
- Manningtri()
- maxmre()
- Mod_octave()
- mortality_rate()
- mortality_rate_pct()
- mre()
- n()
- na.interp1()
- nc1()
- nc2()
- nc3()
- nc4()
- ndims()
- ngivenPFi()
- numel()
- PgivenA()
- PgivenA1()
- PgivenAcont()
- PgivenF()
- PgivenFcont()
- PgivenFivary()
- PgivenG()
- polygon_area()
- project_midpoint()
- prop_mortality_ratio()
- prop_solver()
- rain_garden_driveway()
- ranges()
- rational_formula()
- Re1()
- Re2()
- Re3()
- Re4()
- reduce_single_digit()
- relerror()
- Rem()
- righttri()
- rms()
- sat_vapor_pressure()
- sat_vapor_pressure_ice()
- sec()
- secd()
- secprop()
- sgm()
- shm()
- SimpIntCharg()
- SimpIntPaid()
- sind()
- size()
- splitcomma()
- splitremove()
- sp_gravity()
- sp_volume()
- surface_area()
- surf_tens_water()
- tand()
- uc_composite_CN()
- unit_wt()
- volsphere()
- weighted_C()
- weighted_CN()
R Codes
- AgivenF.R
- AgivenFcont.R
- AgivenP.R
- air_stripper.R
- benefitcost.R
- colebrook.R
- composite_CN.R
- concr_mix_lightweight_strength.R
- concr_mix_normal_strength.R
- construction_fraction.R
- cosd.R
- cv.R
- EffInt.R
- engr_survey.R
- engr_survey2.R
- engr_survey3.R
- engr_survey_batch.R
- engr_survey_reverse.R
- f.R
- FgivenA.R
- FgivenP.R
- floor_division.R
- fractdiff.R
- frac_to_numeric.R
- iemisc-package.R
- igivenPFn.R
- lat_long2state.R
- lat_long2utm.R
- lookupQT.R
- Manningcirc.R
- Manningpara.R
- Manningrect.R
- Manningtrap.R
- Manningtri.R
- maxmre.R
- mortality_rate.R
- mre.R
- na.interp1.R
- nc.R
- ngivenPFi.R
- PgivenA.R
- PgivenA1.R
- PgivenF.R
- PgivenFivary.R
- PgivenG.R
- polygon_area.R
- project_midpoint.R
- prop_solver.R
- rain_garden_driveway.R
- ranges.R
- rational_equation.R
- Re.R
- reduce_single_digit.R
- relerror.R
- Rem.R
- righttri.R
- rms.R
- sat_vapor_pressure.R
- secprop.R
- shm.R
- SimpIntPaid.R
- size.R
- splitcomma.R
- surface_area.R
- volsphere.R
- weighted_C.R
- weighted_CN.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: iemisc
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