R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- above_percent()
- active_percent()
- adrr()
- agp()
- agp_metrics()
- all_metrics()
- auc()
- below_percent()
- calculate_sleep_wake()
- CGMS2DayByDay()
- cogi()
- conga()
- cv_glu()
- cv_measures()
- ea1c()
- epicalc_profile()
- episode_calculation()
- example_data_1_subject()
- example_data_5_subject()
- example_meal()
- gmi()
- grade()
- grade_eugly()
- grade_hyper()
- grade_hypo()
- gri()
- gvp()
- hbgi()
- hist_roc()
- hyper_index()
- hypo_index()
- igc()
- iglu_shiny()
- in_range_percent()
- iqr_glu()
- j_index()
- lbgi()
- mad_glu()
- mag()
- mage()
- mage_ma_single()
- meal_metrics()
- mean_glu()
- median_glu()
- metrics_heatmap()
- modd()
- m_value()
- optimized_iglu_functions()
- pipe()
- plot_agp()
- plot_daily()
- plot_glu()
- plot_lasagna()
- plot_lasagna_1subject()
- plot_ranges()
- plot_roc()
- process_data()
- quantile_glu()
- range_glu()
- read_raw_data()
- roc()
- sd_glu()
- sd_measures()
- sd_roc()
- summary_glu()
R Codes
- above_percent.R
- active_percent.R
- adrr.R
- agp.R
- agp_metrics.R
- all_metrics.R
- below_percent.R
- conga.R
- cv_glu.R
- cv_measures.R
- data.R
- ea1c.R
- epicalc_profile.R
- episode_calculation.R
- gmi.R
- grade.R
- grade_eugly.R
- grade_hyper.R
- grade_hypo.R
- gri.R
- hbgi.R
- heatmap.R
- hist_roc.R
- hyper_index.R
- hypo_index.R
- igc.R
- iglu_shiny.R
- import_packages.R
- in_range_percent.R
- iqr_glu.R
- j_index.R
- lasagna_plots.R
- lbgi.R
- mag.R
- mage.R
- mage_ma_single.R
- meal_metrics.R
- mean_glu.R
- median_glu.R
- modd.R
- m_value.R
- optimized_iglu_functions.R
- plot_agp.R
- plot_daily.R
- plot_glu.R
- plot_ranges.R
- plot_roc.R
- process_data.R
- quantile_glu.R
- range_glu.R
- roc.R
- sd_glu.R
- sd_measures.R
- sd_roc.R
- summary_glu.R
- utils-pipe.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: iglu
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