R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.installr.GUI()
- add_load_installr_on_startup_menu()
- add_remove_installr_from_startup_menu()
- add_to_.First_in_Rprofile.site()
- ask.user.for.a.row()
- ask.user.yn.question()
- barplot_package_users_per_day()
- browse.latest.R.NEWS()
- check.for.updates.R()
- check.integer()
- checkMD5sums2()
- copy.packages.between.libraries()
- cranometer()
- create.global.library()
- download_RStudio_CRAN_data()
- fetch_tag_from_Rd()
- file.name.from.url()
- format_RStudio_CRAN_data()
- freegeoip()
- get.installed.R.folders()
- get_latest_r_version()
- get_pid()
- get_Rscript_PID()
- get_tasklist()
- install.7zip()
- install.CMake()
- install.conda()
- install.Cygwin()
- install.FFmpeg()
- install.git()
- install.GitHub()
- install.GraphicsMagick()
- install.ImageMagick()
- install.inno()
- install.java()
- install.LaTeX2RTF()
- install.LyX()
- install.MikTeX()
- install.nodejs()
- install.notepadpp()
- install.npptor()
- install.packages.zip()
- install.pandoc()
- install.python()
- install.R()
- install.Rdevel()
- install.RStudio()
- install.Rtools()
- install.SWFTools()
- install.Texmaker()
- install.URL()
- installr-package()
- installr()
- is.empty()
- is.exe.installed()
- is.Rgui()
- is.RStudio()
- is.windows()
- is.x64()
- is_in_.First_in_Rprofile.site()
- kill_all_Rscript_s()
- kill_pid()
- kill_process()
- lineplot_package_downloads()
- load_installr_on_startup()
- most_downloaded_packages()
- myip()
- os.hibernate()
- os.lock()
- os.manage()
- os.restart()
- os.shutdown()
- os.sleep()
- package_authors()
- pkgDNLs_worldmapcolor()
- read_RStudio_CRAN_data()
- remove.installr.GUI()
- remove_from_.First_in_Rprofile.site()
- rename_r_to_R()
- require2()
- restart_RGui()
- rm_installr_from_startup()
- R_version_in_a_folder()
- source.https()
- system.PATH()
- turn.number.version()
- turn.version.to.number()
- turn.version.to.number1()
- uninstall.packages()
- uninstall.R()
- updateR()
- up_folder()
- xlsx2csv()
R Codes
Selected R package: installr
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