R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- accrual()
- ad()
- adaptDesign()
- caltime()
- errorSpent()
- exitprob()
- fadjpbon()
- fadjpdun()
- fadjpsim()
- findInterval2()
- fmodmix()
- fseqbon()
- fstdmix()
- fstp2seq()
- ftrunc()
- fwgtmat()
- getAccrualDurationFromN()
- getADCI()
- getADRCI()
- getBound()
- getCI()
- getCP()
- getDesign()
- getDurationFromNevents()
- getNeventsFromHazardRatio()
- getRCI()
- hd()
- kmest()
- kmest1()
- lrpower()
- lrsamplesize()
- lrsim()
- lrsim2e()
- lrsim2e3a()
- lrsim3a()
- lrstat-package()
- lrstat()
- lrstat1()
- natrisk()
- nevent()
- nevent2()
- param_accrualDuration()
- param_accrualIntensity()
- param_accrualTime()
- param_allocationRatioPlanned()
- param_alpha()
- param_criticalValues()
- param_efficacyStopping()
- param_estimateHazardRatio()
- param_fixedFollowup()
- param_followupTime()
- param_futilityBounds()
- param_futilityStopping()
- param_gamma()
- param_gamma1()
- param_gamma1_stratified()
- param_gamma2()
- param_gamma2_stratified()
- param_hazardRatioH0()
- param_informationRates()
- param_kMax()
- param_lambda()
- param_lambda1()
- param_lambda1_stratified()
- param_lambda2()
- param_lambda2_stratified()
- param_maxFollowupTime()
- param_minFollowupTime()
- param_numSubintervals()
- param_parameterAlphaSpending()
- param_parameterBetaSpending()
- param_piecewiseSurvivalTime()
- param_rho1()
- param_rho2()
- param_stratumFraction()
- param_typeAlphaSpending()
- param_typeBetaSpending()
- param_typeOfComputation()
- param_userAlphaSpending()
- param_userBetaSpending()
- patrisk()
- pd()
- pevent()
- print.adaptDesign()
- print.design()
- print.lrpower()
- print.lrsim()
- qtpwexp()
- repeatedPValue()
- updateGraph()
R Codes
Selected R package: lrstat
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