R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ACS()
- ACS2010()
- AllCountries()
- AllCountries1e()
- AllCountries2e()
- APMultipleChoice()
- April14Temps()
- April14Temps1e()
- April14Temps2e()
- BaseballHits1e()
- BaseballHits2014()
- BaseballHits2019()
- BaseballSalaries2015()
- BaseballSalaries2019()
- BaseballTimes()
- Benford()
- BikeCommute()
- BodyFat()
- BodyTemp50()
- BootAtlantaCorr()
- CaffeineTaps()
- CAOSExam()
- CarbonDioxide()
- CarbonDioxide2e()
- CarDepreciation()
- Cars2015()
- Cars2020()
- Cereal()
- CityTemps()
- CityTemps2e()
- CocaineTreatment()
- ColaCalcium()
- CollegeScores()
- CollegeScores2yr()
- CollegeScores4yr()
- CommuteAtlanta()
- CommuteStLouis()
- CompassionateRats()
- CricketChirps()
- DDS()
- DecemberFlights()
- DecemberFlights2e()
- DietDepression()
- Digits()
- DogOwner()
- DrugResistance()
- EducationLiteracy()
- EducationLiteracy2e()
- ElectionMargin()
- EmployedACS()
- EmployedACS2010()
- ExerciseHours()
- FacebookFriends()
- FatMice18()
- FireAnts()
- FisherIris()
- FishGills3()
- FishGills12()
- Flight179()
- Flight433()
- Flight433_2e()
- FloridaLakes()
- FootballBrain()
- ForestFires()
- GeneticDiversity()
- GlobalInternet2010()
- GlobalInternet2019()
- GolfRound()
- GPAbySex()
- GSWarriors2016()
- GSWarriors2019()
- HappyPlanetIndex()
- HeatCognition()
- HeightData()
- HockeyPenalties2011()
- HockeyPenalties2019()
- HollywoodMovies()
- HollywoodMovies2011()
- HollywoodMovies2013()
- HomesForSale()
- HomesForSale2e()
- HomesForSaleCA()
- HomesForSaleCA2e()
- HomesForSaleCanton()
- HomesForSaleCanton2e()
- HomesForSaleNY()
- HomesForSaleNY2e()
- HomingPigeons()
- Honeybee()
- HoneybeeCircuits()
- HoneybeeWaggle()
- HotDogs1e()
- HotDogs2015()
- HotDogs2019()
- HouseStarts2015()
- HouseStarts2018()
- HumanTears25()
- HumanTears50()
- Hurricanes2014()
- Hurricanes2018()
- ICUAdmissions()
- ImmuneTea()
- InkjetPrinters()
- LifeExpectancyVehicles()
- LifeExpectancyVehicles1e()
- LifeExpectancyVehicles2e()
- LightatNight()
- LightatNight4Weeks()
- LightatNight8Weeks()
- Lock5Data-package()
- MalevolentUniformsNFL()
- MalevolentUniformsNHL()
- MammalLongevity()
- ManhattanApartments()
- ManhattanApartments2011()
- MarriageAges()
- MastersGolf()
- MateChoice()
- MentalMuscle()
- MiamiHeat()
- MindsetMatters()
- MustangPrice()
- NBAPlayers2011()
- NBAPlayers2015()
- NBAPlayers2019()
- NBAStandings2011()
- NBAStandings2016()
- NBAStandings2019()
- NFLContracts2015()
- NFLContracts2019()
- NFLPreSeason2014()
- NFLPreseason2019()
- NFLScores2011()
- NFLScores2018()
- NutritionStudy()
- OlympicMarathon2008()
- OlympicMarathon2012()
- OlympicMarathon2016()
- OrganicEffect()
- OttawaSenators2010()
- OttawaSenators2015()
- OttawaSenators2019()
- PASeniors()
- PizzaGirl()
- PumpkinBeer()
- QuizPulse10()
- RandomP50N200()
- RestaurantTips()
- RetailSales()
- RetailSales2011()
- RockandRoll2012()
- RockandRoll2015()
- RockandRoll2019()
- SalaryGender()
- SampColleges()
- SampColleges2yr()
- SampColleges4yr()
- SampCountries()
- SampCountries1e()
- SampCountries2e()
- SandP500()
- SandP5001e()
- SandP5002e()
- SandwichAnts()
- SandwichAnts2()
- SkateboardPrices()
- SleepCaffeine()
- SleepStudy()
- Smiles()
- SpeedDating()
- SplitBill()
- StatGrades()
- StockChanges()
- StorySpoilers()
- StressedMice()
- StudentSurvey()
- SynchronizedMovement()
- TenCountries()
- TenCountries1e()
- TenCountries2e()
- TextbookCosts()
- ToenailArsenic()
- TrafficFlow()
- USStates()
- USStates1e()
- USStates2e()
- WaterStriders()
- WaterTaste()
- Wetsuits()
- YoungBlood()
R Codes
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Selected R package: Lock5Data
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