R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- available_data()
- cliches()
- common_names()
- constraining_loughran_mcdonald()
- emojis_sentiment()
- freq_first_names()
- freq_last_names()
- function_words()
- grady_augmented()
- hash_emojis()
- hash_emojis_identifier()
- hash_emoticons()
- hash_grady_pos()
- hash_internet_slang()
- hash_lemmas()
- hash_nrc_emotions()
- hash_sentiment_emojis()
- hash_sentiment_huliu()
- hash_sentiment_jockers()
- hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker()
- hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald()
- hash_sentiment_nrc()
- hash_sentiment_senticnet()
- hash_sentiment_sentiword()
- hash_sentiment_slangsd()
- hash_sentiment_socal_google()
- hash_valence_shifters()
- key_contractions()
- key_corporate_social_responsibility()
- key_grade()
- key_rating()
- key_regressive_imagery()
- key_sentiment_jockers()
- lexicon()
- modal_loughran_mcdonald()
- nrc_emotions()
- pos_action_verb()
- pos_df_irregular_nouns()
- pos_df_pronouns()
- pos_interjections()
- pos_preposition()
- profanity_alvarez()
- profanity_arr_bad()
- profanity_banned()
- profanity_racist()
- profanity_zac_anger()
- sw_dolch()
- sw_fry_25()
- sw_fry_100()
- sw_fry_200()
- sw_fry_1000()
- sw_jockers()
- sw_loughran_mcdonald_long()
- sw_loughran_mcdonald_short()
- sw_lucene()
- sw_mallet()
- sw_python()
R Codes
- available_data.R
- cliches.R
- common_names.R
- constraining_loughran_mcdonald.R
- freq_first_names.R
- freq_last_names.R
- function_words.R
- grady_augmented.R
- hash_emoticons.R
- hash_grady_pos.R
- hash_internet_slang.R
- hash_lemmas.R
- hash_nrc_emotion.R
- hash_sentiment_emojis.R
- hash_sentiment_huliu.R
- hash_sentiment_jockers.R
- hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker.R
- hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald.R
- hash_sentiment_nrc.R
- hash_sentiment_senticnet.R
- hash_sentiment_sentiword.R
- hash_sentiment_slangsd.R
- hash_sentiment_socal_google.R
- hash_valence_shifters.R
- key_contractions.R
- key_corporate_social_responsibility.R
- key_grade.R
- key_ratings.R
- key_regressive_imagery.R
- lexicon-package.R
- modal_loughran_mcdonald.R
- nrc_emotions.R
- pos_action_verb.R
- pos_df_irregular_nouns.R
- pos_df_pronouns.R
- pos_interjections.R
- pos_preposition.R
- profanity_alvarez.R
- profanity_arr_bad.R
- profanity_banned.R
- profanity_racist.R
- profanity_zac_anger.R
- sw_dolch.R
- sw_fry_25.R
- sw_fry_100.R
- sw_fry_200.R
- sw_fry_1000.R
- sw_jockers.R
- sw_loughran_mcdonald.R
- sw_lucene.R
- sw_mallet.R
- sw_python.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: lexicon
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