R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- autoline()
- balance_data()
- bind_files()
- bring_api()
- cache_write()
- categ_reducer()
- checks()
- chr2num()
- ci_lower()
- ci_var()
- clean_text()
- clusterKmeans()
- clusterOptimalK()
- clusterVisualK()
- conf_mat()
- corr()
- corr_cross()
- corr_var()
- cran_logs()
- crosstab()
- daily_portfolio()
- daily_stocks()
- dalex_local()
- dalex_residuals()
- dalex_variable()
- date_cuts()
- date_feats()
- db_download()
- db_upload()
- dfr()
- dft()
- df_str()
- dist2d()
- distr()
- errors()
- etf_sector()
- export_plot()
- export_results()
- fb_accounts()
- fb_ads()
- fb_creatives()
- fb_insights()
- fb_process()
- fb_report_check()
- fb_rf()
- fb_token()
- filesGD()
- files_functions()
- file_name()
- filterdata()
- font_exists()
- forecast_arima()
- formatColoured()
- format_string()
- freqs()
- freqs_df()
- freqs_list()
- freqs_plot()
- gain_lift()
- gemini_ask()
- get_credentials()
- get_currency()
- get_mp3()
- get_tweets()
- gg_fill_customs()
- glued()
- google_sheets()
- google_trends()
- gpt_ask()
- gpt_prompter()
- grepl_letters()
- grepm()
- h2o_automl()
- h2o_explainer()
- h2o_predict_API()
- h2o_predict_binary()
- h2o_predict_model()
- h2o_predict_MOJO()
- h2o_results()
- h2o_selectmodel()
- h2o_shap()
- haveInternet()
- holidays()
- image_metadata()
- importxlsx()
- impute()
- install_recommended()
- ip_data()
- is_url()
- iter_seeds()
- json2vector()
- lares-exports()
- lares()
- lares_logo()
- lares_pal()
- lasso_vars()
- left_right()
- listfiles()
- list_cats()
- li_auth()
- li_profile()
- loglossBinary()
- mail_send()
- markdown2df()
- maze_solve()
- missingness()
- model_metrics()
- model_preprocess()
- move_files()
- mplot_conf()
- mplot_cuts()
- mplot_cuts_error()
- mplot_density()
- mplot_full()
- mplot_gain()
- mplot_importance()
- mplot_lineal()
- mplot_metrics()
- mplot_response()
- mplot_roc()
- mplot_splits()
- mplot_topcats()
- msplit()
- myip()
- ngrams()
- noPlot()
- normalize()
- num_abbr()
- ohe_commas()
- ohse()
- outlier_turkey()
- outlier_zscore()
- outlier_zscore_plot()
- plot_cats()
- plot_chord()
- plot_df()
- plot_nums()
- plot_palette()
- plot_survey()
- plot_timeline()
- prophesize()
- quants()
- queryDB()
- queryGA()
- quiet()
- read.file()
- reduce_pca()
- reduce_tsne()
- remove_stopwords()
- replaceall()
- replacefactor()
- robyn_hypsbuilder()
- robyn_modelselector()
- ROC()
- rtistry_sphere()
- scale_x_comma()
- scrabble()
- sentimentBreakdown()
- shap_var()
- slackSend()
- splot_change()
- splot_divs()
- splot_etf()
- splot_growth()
- splot_roi()
- splot_summary()
- splot_types()
- spread_list()
- statusbar()
- stocks_file()
- stocks_hist()
- stocks_obj()
- stocks_report()
- sudoku_solver()
- target_set()
- textCloud()
- textFeats()
- textTokenizer()
- theme_lares()
- tic()
- topics_rake()
- tree_var()
- trim_mp3()
- try_require()
- updateLares()
- vector2text()
- warnifnot()
- weighted_value()
- what_size()
- winsorize()
- wordle()
- x2y()
- year_month()
- zerovar()
R Codes
- apis.R
- audio.R
- cache.R
- chatgpt.R
- checks.R
- clusters.R
- colour_palettes.R
- confidence.R
- correlations.R
- cran.R
- credentials.R
- crosstab.R
- currency.R
- dalex_explainers.R
- dataframe_str.R
- datasets.R
- dim_reduction.R
- distribution.R
- dropbox.R
- encoding.R
- facebook.R
- forecasting.R
- frequencies.R
- gemini.R
- geodata.R
- google_analytics.R
- google_sheets.R
- google_trends.R
- hubspot.R
- hubspot_f1.R
- lares.R
- lasso.R
- linkedin.R
- logo.R
- mails.R
- maze.R
- missings.R
- model_functions.R
- model_metrics.R
- model_plots.R
- model_predict.R
- model_preprocessing.R
- numble.R
- object_detection.R
- onehotencoding.R
- other_functions.R
- other_plots.R
- outliers.R
- plot_scales.R
- querieSQL.R
- robyn.R
- rtistry.R
- scrabble.R
- shapley.R
- shiny.R
- slack.R
- statusbar.R
- stocks.R
- sudoku.R
- surveys.R
- text_mining.R
- theme_lares.R
- tictoc.R
- trees.R
- twitter.R
- typeform.R
- update.R
- wordle.R
- wrangling.R
- x2y.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: lares
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