R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- APPA()
- as.data.frame.lcMethod()
- as.data.frame.lcMethods()
- as.data.frame.lcModels()
- as.lcMethods()
- as.lcModels()
- as.list.lcMethod()
- assert()
- clusterNames-set()
- clusterNames()
- clusterProportions()
- clusterSizes()
- clusterTrajectories()
- coef.lcModel()
- compose()
- confusionMatrix()
- converged()
- createTestDataFold()
- createTestDataFolds()
- createTrainDataFolds()
- defineExternalMetric()
- defineInternalMetric()
- deviance.lcModel()
- df.residual.lcModel()
- dot-defineInternalDistanceMetrics()
- dot-trajSubset()
- estimationTime()
- evaluate.lcMethod()
- externalMetric()
- fit()
- fitted.lcModel()
- fittedTrajectories()
- formula.lcMethod()
- formula.lcModel()
- generateLongData()
- getArgumentDefaults()
- getArgumentExclusions()
- getCall.lcModel()
- getExternalMetricDefinition()
- getExternalMetricNames()
- getInternalMetricDefinition()
- getInternalMetricNames()
- getLabel()
- getLcMethod()
- getName()
- ids()
- idVariable()
- indexy()
- initialize-lcMethod-method()
- interface-akmedoids()
- interface-crimCV()
- interface-custom()
- interface-dtwclust()
- interface-featureBased()
- interface-flexmix()
- interface-funFEM()
- interface-kml()
- interface-lcmm()
- interface-mclust()
- interface-metaMethods()
- interface-mixAK()
- interface-mixtools()
- interface-mixtvem()
- is()
- isArgDefined()
- latrend-approaches()
- latrend-data()
- latrend-estimation()
- latrend-generics()
- latrend-methods()
- latrend-metrics()
- latrend-package()
- latrend-parallel()
- latrend()
- latrendBatch()
- latrendBoot()
- latrendCV()
- latrendData()
- latrendRep()
- lcApproxModel-class()
- lcFitMethods()
- lcMatrixMethod-class()
- lcMethod-class()
- lcMethod-estimation()
- lcMethodAkmedoids()
- lcMethodCrimCV()
- lcMethodDtwclust()
- lcMethodFeature()
- lcMethodFlexmix()
- lcMethodFlexmixGBTM()
- lcMethodFunction()
- lcMethodFunFEM()
- lcMethodGCKM()
- lcMethodKML()
- lcMethodLcmmGBTM()
- lcMethodLcmmGMM()
- lcMethodLMKM()
- lcMethodMclustLLPA()
- lcMethodMixAK_GLMM()
- lcMethodMixtoolsGMM()
- lcMethodMixtoolsNPRM()
- lcMethodMixTVEM()
- lcMethodRandom()
- lcMethods()
- lcMethodStratify()
- lcModel-class()
- lcModel-data-filters()
- lcModel-make()
- lcModel()
- lcModelPartition()
- lcModels-class()
- lcModels()
- lcModelWeightedPartition()
- logLik.lcModel()
- match.call.all()
- max.lcModels()
- meanNA()
- metric()
- min.lcModels()
- model.data.lcModel()
- model.data()
- model.frame.lcModel()
- names-lcMethod-method()
- nClusters()
- nIds()
- nobs.lcModel()
- OCC()
- PAP.adh()
- PAP.adh1y()
- plot-lcModel-method()
- plot-lcModels-method()
- plotClusterTrajectories()
- plotFittedTrajectories()
- plotMetric()
- plotTrajectories()
- postFit()
- postprob()
- postprobFromAssignments()
- postProbFromObs()
- predict.lcModel()
- predictAssignments()
- predictForCluster()
- predictPostprob()
- preFit()
- prepareData()
- print.lcMethod()
- print.lcModels()
- qqPlot()
- residuals.lcModel()
- responseVariable()
- sigma.lcModel()
- strip()
- subset.lcModels()
- summary.lcModel()
- test.latrend()
- test()
- time.lcModel()
- timeVariable()
- trajectories()
- trajectoryAssignments()
- transformFitted()
- transformPredict()
- tsframe()
- tsmatrix()
- update.lcMethod()
- update.lcModel()
- validate()
- weighted.meanNA()
- which.weight()
R Codes
- assert.R
- compute.R
- data.R
- formula.R
- generics.R
- latrend.R
- make.R
- matrix.R
- meta-fit-converged.R
- meta-fit-rep.R
- meta-fit.R
- meta-method.R
- method.R
- methodAKMedoids.R
- methodCrimCV.R
- methodDtwclust.R
- methodFeature.R
- methodFlexmix.R
- methodFlexmixGBTM.R
- methodFunction.R
- methodFunFEM.R
- methodGCKM.R
- methodKML.R
- methodLcmmGBTM.R
- methodLcmmGMM.R
- methodLMKM.R
- methodMatrix.R
- methodMclustLLPA.R
- methodMixAK_GLMM.R
- methodMixtoolsGMM.R
- methodMixtoolsNPRM.R
- methodMixTVEM.R
- methodRandom.R
- methods.R
- methodStratify.R
- metrics.R
- metricsExternal.R
- metricsInternal.R
- model-evaluation.R
- model-summary.R
- model-transform.R
- model.R
- modelApprox.R
- modelCrimCV.R
- modelDtwclust.R
- modelFlexmix.R
- modelFunFEM.R
- modelKML.R
- modelLcmmGBTM.R
- modelLcmmGMM.R
- modelLMKM.R
- modelMclustLLPA.R
- modelMixAK_GLMM.R
- modelMixAK_GLMMlist.R
- modelMixtoolsGMM.R
- modelMixtoolsRM.R
- modelMixTVEM.R
- modelPartition.R
- models.R
- modelStratify.R
- modelWeightedPartition.R
- random.R
- test.R
- timing.R
- trajectories.R
- verbose.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: latrend
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