R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add()
- anova.lmm()
- autoplot.lmm()
- autoplot.partialCor()
- autoplot.summarizeNA()
- autoplot.Wald_lmm()
- baselineAdjustment()
- coef.lmm()
- confint.lmm()
- confint.mlmm()
- confint.Wald_lmm()
- CS()
- data-abetaL()
- data-abetaW()
- data-blandAltmanL()
- data-blandAltmanW()
- data-bloodpressureL()
- data-calciumL()
- data-calciumW()
- data-ckdL()
- data-ckdW()
- data-gastricbypassL()
- data-gastricbypassW()
- data-ncgsL()
- data-ncgsW()
- data-potassiumRepeatedL()
- data-potassiumSingleL()
- data-potassiumSingleW()
- data-schoolL()
- data-swabsL()
- data-swabsW()
- data-vasscoresL()
- data-vasscoresW()
- data-vitaminL()
- data-vitaminW()
- df.residual.lmm()
- dummy.coef.lmm()
- estfun.lmm()
- estimate.lmm()
- EXP()
- fitted.lmm()
- getVarCov.lmm()
- ID()
- iid.lmm()
- IND()
- information.lmm()
- levels.lmm()
- lmm()
- LMMstar-package()
- LMMstar.options()
- LMMstar2emmeans()
- logLik.lmm()
- manifest.lmm()
- mlmm()
- model.tables.lmm()
- partialCor()
- plot.lmm()
- predict.lmm()
- profile.lmm()
- proportion()
- rbind.Wald_lmm()
- remove()
- resample()
- residuals.lmm()
- sampleRem()
- score.lmm()
- sigma.lmm()
- summarize()
- summarizeNA()
- summary.lmm()
- summary.mlmm()
- summary.partialCor()
- summary.Wald_lmm()
- terms.lmm()
- UN()
- vcov.lmm()
- weights.Wald_lmm()
R Codes
- 0-onload.R
- add.R
- anova.R
- autoplot.R
- backtransform.R
- baselineAdjustment.R
- coef.R
- confint.R
- constrain.R
- df.R
- doc-data.R
- dummy.coef.R
- emmeans.R
- estimate.R
- findPatterns.R
- fitted.R
- formula.R
- iid.R
- information.R
- levels.R
- lmm.R
- LMMstar-package.R
- LMMstar.options.R
- logLik.R
- manifest.R
- mlmm.R
- model.frame.R
- model.matrix.R
- model.tables.R
- moments.R
- multcomp.R
- nobs.R
- partialCor.R
- plot.R
- precompute.R
- predict.R
- print.R
- profile.R
- proportion.R
- ranef.R
- rbind.R
- remove.R
- reparametrize.R
- resample.R
- residuals.R
- sampleRem.R
- score.R
- sigma.R
- structure-calc_d2Omega.R
- structure-calc_dOmega.R
- structure-calc_Omega.R
- structure-initialization.R
- structure-skeleton.R
- structure.R
- summarize.R
- summarizeNA.R
- summary.R
- terms.R
- unorderedPairs.R
- utils.R
- vcov.R
- weights.R
Selected R package: LMMstar
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