R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ancestry()
- as.layer()
- biocAccess()
- c.trellis()
- combineLimits()
- custom.theme()
- dendrogramGrob()
- doubleYScale()
- EastAuClimate()
- ecdfplot()
- ggplot2like.theme()
- gvhd10()
- horizonplot()
- layer()
- mapplot()
- marginal.plot()
- panel.2dsmoother()
- panel.3dmisc()
- panel.ellipse()
- panel.key()
- panel.lmlineq()
- panel.qqmath.tails()
- panel.quantile()
- panel.scaleArrow()
- panel.segplot()
- panel.smoother()
- panel.tskernel()
- panel.voronoi()
- panel.xblocks()
- panel.xyarea()
- panel.xyimage()
- postdoc()
- resizePanels()
- rootogram()
- scale.components()
- SeatacWeather()
- segplot()
- theEconomist.theme()
- tileplot()
- USAge()
- USCancerRates()
- useOuterStrips()
- xyplot.stl()
R Codes
- axis.grid.R
- c.trellis.R
- combineLimits.R
- custom.theme.R
- data.frame.R
- dendrogramGrob.R
- doubleYScale.R
- ecdfplot.R
- ggplot2like.theme.R
- horizonplot.R
- layer.R
- mapplot.R
- marginal.plot.R
- mergeTrellisLegends.R
- panel.2dsmoother.R
- panel.3dmisc.R
- panel.ellipse.R
- panel.key.R
- panel.lmlineq.R
- panel.qqmath.tails.R
- panel.quantile.R
- panel.scaleArrow.R
- panel.smoother.R
- panel.tskernel.R
- panel.xblocks.R
- panel.xyarea.R
- panel.xyimage.R
- rootogram.R
- scale.components.R
- segplot.R
- simpleSmoothTs.R
- theeconomist.R
- tileplot.R
- timeseries.R
- utilities.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: latticeExtra
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