R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- append_lsdf_rows()
- cat0()
- convertToNumeric()
- emptyDf()
- export_with_languages()
- get_session_key()
- limer_base64_to_df()
- limer_call_limer()
- limer_get_participants()
- limer_get_participant_property()
- limer_get_responses()
- limer_release_session_key()
- limonaid-package()
- lsdf_for_language()
- lsem_equations()
- ls_apply_script_bits()
- ls_eq_nestIfs()
- ls_import_data()
- ls_parse_data_import_script()
- ls_process_labels()
- ls_read_tsv()
- ls_recodeTable_to_equations()
- ls_tsv_get_group_rows()
- ls_tsv_get_rows()
- ls_tsv_rows()
- ls_write_tsv()
- mail_registered_participant()
- massConvertToNumeric()
- opts()
- processLimeSurveyDropouts()
- Question()
- repeatStr()
- Survey()
- vecTxt()
R Codes
- append_lsdf_rows.R
- cat0.R
- checkMultilingualFields.R
- convertToNumeric.R
- escapeRegex_(from_Hmisc).R
- export_with_languages.R
- limer_base64_to_df.R
- limer_call_limer.R
- limer_get_participants.R
- limer_get_participant_property.R
- limer_get_responses.R
- limer_get_session_key.R
- limer_mail_registered_participant.R
- limer_release_session_key.R
- limonaid-package.R
- lsdf_for_language.R
- ls_apply_script_bits.R
- ls_eq_build.R
- ls_eq_nestIfs.R
- ls_import_data.R
- ls_parse_data_import_script.R
- ls_process_labels.R
- ls_read_tsv.R
- ls_recodeTable_to_equations.R
- ls_tsv_get_group_rows.R
- ls_tsv_get_rows.R
- ls_tsv_group_row.R
- ls_tsv_question_row.R
- ls_tsv_rows.R
- ls_write_tsv.R
- massConvertToNumeric.R
- new_id.R
- opts.R
- processLimeSurveyDropouts.R
- R6_question.R
- R6_survey.R
- repeatStr.R
- reset_id.R
- vecTxt.R
Selected R package: limonaid
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