R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- all_groups_identical()
- balance()
- collapse_groups()
- collapse_groups_by()
- differs_from_previous()
- downsample()
- find_missing_starts()
- find_starts()
- fold()
- grapes-primes-grapes()
- grapes-staircase-grapes()
- group()
- groupdata2()
- group_factor()
- partition()
- ranked_balances()
- render_toc()
- splt()
- summarize_balances()
- summarize_group_cols()
- upsample()
R Codes
- all_groups_identical.R
- collapse_groups.R
- collapse_groups_auto_tuning.R
- collapse_groups_by.R
- create_num_col_groups.R
- differs_from_previous.R
- every_n_method.R
- extract_folds_colnames.R
- find_missing_starts.R
- find_starts.R
- fold.R
- group.R
- group_factor.R
- group_size_methods.R
- helpers.R
- l_methods.R
- nested_fold.R
- numerical_balancing.R
- n_methods.R
- package_info.R
- partition.R
- primes_remainder.R
- ranked_balances.R
- run_by_group.R
- sampling.R
- sampling_methods.R
- scale_and_combine.R
- splitters.R
- splt.R
- staircase_methods.R
- staircase_remainder.R
- summarizers.R
- summarize_balances.R
- summarize_group_cols.R
- table_of_content_markdown.R
Selected R package: groupdata2
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