R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_and_overwrite_aes()
- add_ref_boxes()
- add_ref_lines()
- australia_PISA2012()
- brew_colors()
- broomify()
- column_is_character()
- eval_data_col()
- find_plot_type()
- flea()
- fn_switch()
- geom_stripped_rows()
- getPlot()
- get_x_axis_labels()
- gg-add()
- GGally-package()
- ggally_autopoint()
- ggally_barDiag()
- ggally_blank()
- ggally_box()
- ggally_colbar()
- ggally_cor()
- ggally_cor_v1_5()
- ggally_count()
- ggally_cross()
- ggally_crosstable()
- ggally_density()
- ggally_densityDiag()
- ggally_denstrip()
- ggally_diagAxis()
- ggally_dot()
- ggally_dot_and_box()
- ggally_facetbar()
- ggally_facetdensity()
- ggally_facetdensitystrip()
- ggally_facethist()
- ggally_na()
- ggally_nostic_cooksd()
- ggally_nostic_hat()
- ggally_nostic_line()
- ggally_nostic_resid()
- ggally_nostic_se_fit()
- ggally_nostic_sigma()
- ggally_nostic_std_resid()
- ggally_points()
- ggally_ratio()
- ggally_smooth()
- ggally_statistic()
- ggally_summarise_by()
- ggally_table()
- ggally_text()
- ggally_trends()
- ggbivariate()
- ggcoef()
- ggcoef_model()
- ggcorr()
- ggduo()
- ggfacet()
- gglegend()
- ggmatrix()
- ggmatrix_gtable()
- ggmatrix_location()
- ggmatrix_progress()
- ggnet()
- ggnet2()
- ggnetworkmap()
- ggnostic()
- ggpairs()
- ggparcoord()
- ggscatmat()
- ggsurv()
- ggtable()
- ggts()
- glyphplot()
- glyphs()
- grab_legend()
- happy()
- is_blank_plot()
- is_date()
- is_horizontal()
- lowertriangle()
- mapping_color_to_fill()
- mapping_string()
- mapping_swap_x_y()
- model_terms()
- nasa()
- pigs()
- pipe()
- plotting_data_type()
- plot_types()
- print.ggmatrix()
- print_if_interactive()
- psychademic()
- putPlot()
- remove_color_unless_equal()
- require_namespaces()
- rescale01()
- scag_order()
- scatmat()
- signif_stars()
- singleClassOrder()
- skewness()
- stat_cross()
- stat_prop()
- stat_weighted_mean()
- str.ggmatrix()
- twitter_spambots()
- uppertriangle()
- v1_ggmatrix_theme()
- vig_ggally()
- wrap()
R Codes
- data-australia-pisa-2012.R
- data-flea.R
- data-happy.R
- data-nasa.R
- data-pigs.R
- data-psychademic.R
- data-twitter_spambots.R
- deprecated.R
- find-combo.R
- geom_stripped_rows.R
- gg-plots.R
- GGally-package.R
- ggbivariate.R
- ggcoef.R
- ggcoef_model.R
- ggcorr.R
- ggfacet.R
- gglyph.R
- ggmatrix.R
- ggmatrix_gtable.R
- ggmatrix_gtable_helpers.R
- ggmatrix_legend.R
- ggmatrix_make_plot.R
- ggmatrix_print.R
- ggmatrix_progress.R
- ggnet.R
- ggnet2.R
- ggnetworkmap.R
- ggnostic.R
- ggpairs.R
- ggpairs_add.R
- ggpairs_getput.R
- ggpairs_internal_plots.R
- ggparcoord.R
- ggsave.R
- ggscatmat.R
- ggsurv.R
- ggtable.R
- stars.R
- stat_cross.R
- stat_prop.R
- stat_weighted_mean.R
- utils.R
- vig_ggally.R
Selected R package: GGally
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