R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- digitsBase()
- fittingfunctions()
- FMKLfittingandbasicfunctions()
- fun.auto.bimodal.ml()
- fun.auto.bimodal.pml()
- fun.auto.bimodal.qs()
- fun.beta()
- fun.bimodal.fit.ml()
- fun.bimodal.fit.pml()
- fun.bimodal.init()
- fun.check.gld.multi()
- fun.check.gld()
- fun.class.regime.bi()
- fun.comp.moments.ml.2()
- fun.comp.moments.ml()
- fun.data.fit.hs.nw()
- fun.data.fit.hs()
- fun.data.fit.lm()
- fun.data.fit.ml()
- fun.data.fit.mm()
- fun.data.fit.qs()
- fun.diag.ks.g.bimodal()
- fun.diag.ks.g()
- fun.diag1()
- fun.diag2()
- fun.disc.estimation()
- fun.gen.qrn()
- fun.lm.theo.gld()
- fun.mApply()
- fun.minmax.check.gld()
- fun.moments.bimodal()
- fun.moments.r()
- fun.nclass.e()
- fun.plot.fit.bm()
- fun.plot.fit()
- fun.plot.many.gld()
- fun.rawmoments()
- fun.RMFMKL.hs.nw()
- fun.RMFMKL.hs()
- fun.RMFMKL.lm()
- fun.RMFMKL.ml.m()
- fun.RMFMKL.ml()
- fun.RMFMKL.mm()
- fun.RMFMKL.qs()
- fun.RPRS.hs.nw()
- fun.RPRS.hs()
- fun.RPRS.lm()
- fun.RPRS.ml.m()
- fun.RPRS.ml()
- fun.RPRS.mm()
- fun.RPRS.qs()
- fun.simu.bimodal()
- fun.theo.bi.mv.gld()
- fun.theo.mv.gld()
- fun.which.zero()
- fun.zero.omit()
- gl.check.lambda.alt()
- gl.check.lambda.alt1()
- GLDEX.package()
- GLDfunctions()
- hiddenfunctions()
- histsu()
- is.inf()
- is.notinf()
- ks.gof()
- Lmoments()
- optimisationfunctions()
- pretty.su()
- qqplot.gld.bi()
- qqplot.gld()
- QUnif()
- RSfittingandbasicfunctions()
- skewnessandkurtosis()
- starship.adaptivegrid()
- starship()
- starshipj()
- t1lmoments()
- which.na()
R Codes
- dgl.R
- digitsBase.R
- fun.auto.bimodal.ml.R
- fun.auto.bimodal.pml.R
- fun.auto.bimodal.qs.R
- fun.auto.mm.fmkl.R
- fun.auto.perc.rs.R
- fun.beta.R
- fun.beta1.R
- fun.bimodal.fit.ml.R
- fun.bimodal.fit.pml.R
- fun.bimodal.init.R
- fun.check.gld.multi.R
- fun.check.gld.R
- fun.class.regime.bi.R
- fun.comp.moments.ml.2.R
- fun.comp.moments.ml.R
- fun.data.fit.hs.nw.R
- fun.data.fit.hs.R
- fun.data.fit.lm.R
- fun.data.fit.ml.R
- fun.data.fit.mm.R
- fun.data.fit.qs.R
- fun.diag.ks.g.bimodal.R
- fun.diag.ks.g.R
- fun.diag1.R
- fun.diag2.R
- fun.disc.estimation.R
- fun.fit.gl.v.lm.R
- fun.fit.gl.v.lma.R
- fun.fit.gl.v2a.nw.R
- fun.fit.gl.v2a.R
- fun.fit.gl.v2b.nw.R
- fun.fit.gl.v2b.R
- fun.fit.gl.v3.R
- fun.fit.gl.v3a.R
- fun.fit.gl.v3m.R
- fun.fit.gl.v4.R
- fun.fit.gl.v4a.R
- fun.fit.gl.v6.R
- fun.fit.gl.v6a.R
- fun.fmkl.L30.R
- fun.fmkl.L40.R
- fun.fmkl.mm.min.R
- fun.fmkl.mm.sol.alt.R
- fun.fmkl.mm.sol.R
- fun.fmkl.nr.R
- fun.fmkl.R
- fun.fmkl0.R
- fun.fmkla.R
- fun.fmklb.R
- fun.gen.qrn.R
- fun.lambda.percentile.R
- fun.Lm.gt.2.fmkl.R
- fun.Lm.gt.2.rs.R
- fun.lm.theo.gld.R
- fun.mApply.R
- fun.minmax.check.gld.R
- fun.moments.bimodal.R
- fun.moments.R
- fun.moments.r.R
- fun.nclass.e.R
- fun.percentile.R
- fun.plot.fit.bm.R
- fun.plot.fit.R
- fun.plot.many.gld.R
- fun.rawmoments.R
- fun.RMFMKL.hs.nw.R
- fun.RMFMKL.hs.R
- fun.RMFMKL.lm.R
- fun.RMFMKL.ml.m.R
- fun.RMFMKL.ml.R
- fun.RMFMKL.mm.R
- fun.RMFMKL.qs.R
- fun.RPRS.hs.nw.R
- fun.RPRS.hs.R
- fun.RPRS.lm.R
- fun.RPRS.ml.m.R
- fun.RPRS.ml.R
- fun.RPRS.mm.R
- fun.RPRS.qs.R
- fun.rs.nr.R
- fun.rs.perc.gradient.R
- fun.rs.perc.min.R
- fun.rs.perc.sol.alt.R
- fun.rs.perc.sol.R
- fun.rsb.R
- fun.simu.bimodal.R
- fun.theo.bi.mv.gld.R
- fun.theo.mv.gld.R
- fun.which.zero.R
- fun.zero.omit.R
- gl.check.lambda.alt.R
- gl.check.lambda.alt1.R
- hiddenfunctions.R
- histsu.R
- is.inf.R
- is.notinf.R
- ks.gof.R
- kurtosis.R
- Lmoments.R
- Lmoments_calc.R
- optim.fun.bi.final.R
- optim.fun.lm.R
- optim.fun.qs.R
- optim.fun2.nw.R
- optim.fun2.R
- optim.fun3.C.m.R
- optim.fun3.C.R
- optim.fun3.R
- optim.fun4.R
- optim.fun5.R
- optim.fun6.R
- optim.fun7.R
- pgl.R
- pretty.su.R
- qdgl.R
- qgl.R
- qqplot.gld.bi.R
- qqplot.gld.R
- QUnif.R
- rgl.R
- sHalton.R
- skewness.R
- starship.R
- t1lmoments.R
- which.na.R
Selected R package: GLDEX
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