R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addin_chatgpt()
- addin_chatgpt_in_source()
- addin_comment_code()
- addin_spelling_grammar()
- chat_create_system_prompt()
- chat_history_append()
- chat_message_default()
- check_api()
- check_api_connection()
- check_api_key()
- create_chat_app_theme()
- create_completion_anthropic()
- create_completion_azure_openai()
- create_completion_huggingface()
- create_completion_palm()
- create_ide_matching_colors()
- create_tmp_job_script()
- create_translator()
- get_available_endpoints()
- get_available_models()
- get_ide_theme_info()
- gptstudio-package()
- gptstudio_job()
- gptstudio_request_perform()
- gptstudio_response_process()
- gptstudio_skeleton_build()
- gpt_chat()
- gpt_chat_in_source()
- mod_app_server()
- mod_app_ui()
- mod_chat_server()
- mod_chat_ui()
- openai_create_chat_completion()
- openai_stream_parse()
- open_bg_shinyapp()
- pipe()
- prepare_chat_history()
- query_api_anthropic()
- query_api_huggingface()
- query_api_palm()
- query_openai_api()
- random_port()
- request_base()
- request_base_anthropic()
- request_base_huggingface()
- request_base_palm()
- rgb_str_to_hex()
- run_app_as_bg_job()
- run_chatgpt_app()
- streamingMessage-shiny()
- streamingMessage()
- stream_chat_completion()
- style_chat_history()
- style_chat_message()
- text_area_input_wrapper()
- welcomeMessage-shiny()
- welcomeMessage()
R Codes
- addin_chatgpt-in-source.R
- addin_chatgpt.R
- addin_comment-code.R
- addin_spelling-and-grammar.R
- anthropic.R
- api_build_skeleton.R
- api_perform_request.R
- api_process_response.R
- api_skeletons.R
- app_chat_style.R
- app_config.R
- azure-openai.R
- check_api.R
- create_prompt.R
- google_palm_makersuite.R
- gptstudio-package.R
- huggingface.R
- mod_app.R
- mod_chat.R
- openai_api_calls.R
- openai_gpt_queries.R
- openai_streaming.R
- run_chatgpt_app.R
- streamingMessage.R
- utils-pipe.R
- welcomeMessage.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: gptstudio
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