R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- absoluteGrob()
- add_theme()
- aes()
- aes_()
- aes_all()
- aes_auto()
- aes_colour_fill_alpha()
- aes_eval()
- aes_group_order()
- aes_linetype_size_shape()
- aes_position()
- annotate()
- annotation_custom()
- annotation_logticks()
- annotation_map()
- annotation_raster()
- as.list.ggproto()
- as_labeller()
- autolayer()
- autoplot()
- benchplot()
- bidirection()
- binned_scale()
- borders()
- calc_element()
- combine_vars()
- continuous_scale()
- coord_cartesian()
- coord_fixed()
- coord_flip()
- coord_map()
- coord_munch()
- coord_polar()
- coord_trans()
- cut_interval()
- datetime_scale()
- diamonds()
- discrete_scale()
- draw_key()
- economics()
- element()
- element_grob()
- element_render()
- expand_limits()
- expansion()
- facet_grid()
- facet_null()
- facet_wrap()
- faithfuld()
- find_panel()
- fortify-multcomp()
- fortify.lm()
- fortify.map()
- fortify()
- fortify.sp()
- geom_abline()
- geom_bar()
- geom_bin_2d()
- geom_blank()
- geom_boxplot()
- geom_contour()
- geom_count()
- geom_density()
- geom_density_2d()
- geom_dotplot()
- geom_errorbarh()
- geom_function()
- geom_hex()
- geom_histogram()
- geom_jitter()
- geom_linerange()
- geom_map()
- geom_path()
- geom_point()
- geom_polygon()
- geom_qq()
- geom_quantile()
- geom_ribbon()
- geom_rug()
- geom_segment()
- geom_smooth()
- geom_spoke()
- geom_text()
- geom_tile()
- geom_violin()
- get_alt_text()
- gg-add()
- ggplot()
- ggplot2-ggproto()
- ggplot2-package()
- ggplotGrob()
- ggplot_add()
- ggplot_build()
- ggplot_gtable()
- ggproto()
- ggsave()
- ggsf()
- ggtheme()
- gg_dep()
- graphical-units()
- guide-exts()
- guides()
- guide_axis()
- guide_bins()
- guide_colourbar()
- guide_coloursteps()
- guide_legend()
- guide_none()
- hmisc()
- is.Coord()
- is.facet()
- is.ggplot()
- is.rel()
- is.theme()
- labeller()
- labellers()
- label_bquote()
- labs()
- last_plot()
- layer()
- layer_sf()
- limits()
- lims()
- luv_colours()
- map_data()
- max_height()
- mean_se()
- merge_element()
- midwest()
- mpg()
- msleep()
- position_dodge()
- position_identity()
- position_jitter()
- position_jitterdodge()
- position_nudge()
- position_stack()
- presidential()
- print.ggplot()
- print.ggproto()
- qplot()
- reexports()
- register_theme_elements()
- remove_missing()
- render_axes()
- render_strips()
- resolution()
- scale_alpha()
- scale_binned()
- scale_brewer()
- scale_colour_continuous()
- scale_colour_discrete()
- scale_continuous()
- scale_date()
- scale_discrete()
- scale_gradient()
- scale_grey()
- scale_hue()
- scale_identity()
- scale_linetype()
- scale_linewidth()
- scale_manual()
- scale_shape()
- scale_size()
- scale_steps()
- scale_type()
- scale_viridis()
- seals()
- sec_axis()
- set_last_plot()
- sf_transform_xy()
- should_stop()
- standardise_aes_names()
- stat_ecdf()
- stat_ellipse()
- stat_identity()
- stat_sf_coordinates()
- stat_summary()
- stat_summary_2d()
- stat_unique()
- summarise_plot()
- summary.ggplot()
- theme()
- theme_get()
- tidyeval()
- transform_position()
- txhousing()
- update_defaults()
- update_labels()
- vars()
- waiver()
- wrap_dims()
- zeroGrob()
R Codes
- aaa-.R
- aes-colour-fill-alpha.R
- aes-evaluation.R
- aes-group-order.R
- aes-linetype-size-shape.R
- aes-position.R
- aes.R
- annotation-custom.R
- annotation-logticks.R
- annotation-map.R
- annotation-raster.R
- annotation.R
- autolayer.R
- autoplot.R
- axis-secondary.R
- backports.R
- bench.R
- bin.R
- compat-plyr.R
- coord-.R
- coord-cartesian-.R
- coord-fixed.R
- coord-flip.R
- coord-map.R
- coord-munch.R
- coord-polar.R
- coord-quickmap.R
- coord-sf.R
- coord-transform.R
- data.R
- facet-.R
- facet-grid-.R
- facet-null.R
- facet-wrap.R
- fortify-lm.R
- fortify-map.R
- fortify-multcomp.R
- fortify-spatial.R
- fortify.R
- geom-.R
- geom-abline.R
- geom-bar.R
- geom-bin2d.R
- geom-blank.R
- geom-boxplot.R
- geom-col.R
- geom-contour.R
- geom-count.R
- geom-crossbar.R
- geom-curve.R
- geom-defaults.R
- geom-density.R
- geom-density2d.R
- geom-dotplot.R
- geom-errorbar.R
- geom-errorbarh.R
- geom-freqpoly.R
- geom-function.R
- geom-hex.R
- geom-histogram.R
- geom-hline.R
- geom-jitter.R
- geom-label.R
- geom-linerange.R
- geom-map.R
- geom-path.R
- geom-point.R
- geom-pointrange.R
- geom-polygon.R
- geom-quantile.R
- geom-raster.R
- geom-rect.R
- geom-ribbon.R
- geom-rug.R
- geom-segment.R
- geom-sf.R
- geom-smooth.R
- geom-spoke.R
- geom-text.R
- geom-tile.R
- geom-violin.R
- geom-vline.R
- ggplot-global.R
- ggplot2-package.R
- ggproto.R
- grob-absolute.R
- grob-dotstack.R
- grob-null.R
- grouping.R
- guide-bins.R
- guide-colorbar.R
- guide-colorsteps.R
- guide-legend.R
- guides-.R
- guides-axis.R
- guides-grid.R
- guides-none.R
- hexbin.R
- import-standalone-obj-type.R
- import-standalone-types-check.R
- labeller.R
- labels.R
- layer-sf.R
- layer.R
- layout.R
- legend-draw.R
- limits.R
- margins.R
- performance.R
- plot-build.R
- plot-construction.R
- plot-last.R
- plot.R
- position-.R
- position-collide.R
- position-dodge.R
- position-dodge2.R
- position-identity.R
- position-jitter.R
- position-jitterdodge.R
- position-nudge.R
- position-stack.R
- quick-plot.R
- reshape-add-margins.R
- save.R
- scale-.R
- scale-alpha.R
- scale-binned.R
- scale-brewer.R
- scale-colour.R
- scale-continuous.R
- scale-date.R
- scale-discrete-.R
- scale-expansion.R
- scale-gradient.R
- scale-grey.R
- scale-hue.R
- scale-identity.R
- scale-linetype.R
- scale-linewidth.R
- scale-manual.R
- scale-shape.R
- scale-size.R
- scale-steps.R
- scale-type.R
- scale-view.R
- scale-viridis.R
- scales-.R
- stat-.R
- stat-align.R
- stat-bin.R
- stat-bin2d.R
- stat-bindot.R
- stat-binhex.R
- stat-boxplot.R
- stat-contour.R
- stat-count.R
- stat-density-2d.R
- stat-density.R
- stat-ecdf.R
- stat-ellipse.R
- stat-function.R
- stat-identity.R
- stat-qq-line.R
- stat-qq.R
- stat-quantilemethods.R
- stat-sf-coordinates.R
- stat-sf.R
- stat-smooth-methods.R
- stat-smooth.R
- stat-sum.R
- stat-summary-2d.R
- stat-summary-bin.R
- stat-summary-hex.R
- stat-summary.R
- stat-unique.R
- stat-ydensity.R
- summarise-plot.R
- summary.R
- theme-current.R
- theme-defaults.R
- theme-elements.R
- theme.R
- utilities-break.R
- utilities-checks.R
- utilities-grid.R
- utilities-help.R
- utilities-matrix.R
- utilities-resolution.R
- utilities-table.R
- utilities-tidy-eval.R
- utilities.R
- zxx.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: ggplot2
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