R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_confint()
- add_constant()
- add_fitted.gam()
- add_fitted()
- add_partial_residuals()
- add_residuals.gam()
- add_residuals()
- appraise()
- basis()
- bird_move()
- check_user_select_smooths()
- coef.scam()
- compare_smooths()
- confint.fderiv()
- confint.gam()
- datagen()
- data_combos()
- data_sim()
- data_slice()
- derivatives()
- difference_smooths()
- draw.basis()
- draw.compare_smooths()
- draw.derivatives()
- draw.difference_smooth()
- draw.evaluated_smooth()
- draw.gam()
- draw.gamlss()
- draw.mgcv_smooth()
- draw()
- draw.parametric_effects()
- draw.penalty_df()
- draw.rootogram()
- draw.smooth_estimates()
- draw.smooth_samples()
- draw_parametric_effect()
- edf()
- evaluate_parametric_term()
- evaluate_smooth()
- eval_smooth()
- evenly()
- factor_combos()
- family.gam()
- family_name()
- family_type()
- fderiv()
- fitted_samples()
- fitted_values()
- fixef.gam()
- fixef()
- fix_offset()
- get_by_smooth()
- get_smooth()
- get_smooths_by_id()
- gss_vocab()
- gw_functions()
- has_theta()
- is_by_smooth()
- is_factor_term()
- is_mgcv_smooth()
- is_offset()
- link()
- load_mgcv()
- lp_matrix()
- model_concurvity()
- model_vars()
- nb_theta()
- nested_partial_residuals()
- nested_rug_values()
- n_smooths()
- observed_fitted_plot()
- overview()
- parametric_effects()
- parametric_terms()
- partial_derivatives()
- partial_residuals()
- penalty()
- posterior_samples()
- predicted_samples()
- qq_plot()
- ref_level()
- ref_sims()
- rep_first_factor_value()
- residuals_hist_plot()
- residuals_linpred_plot()
- rootogram()
- seq_min_max_eps()
- shift_values()
- simulate()
- smallAges()
- smooths()
- smooth_coefs()
- smooth_coef_indices()
- smooth_data()
- smooth_dim()
- smooth_estimates()
- smooth_samples()
- smooth_type()
- term_names()
- term_variables()
- theta()
- tidy_basis()
- too_far()
- too_far_to_na()
- to_na()
- transform_fun()
- typical_values()
- variance_comp()
- vars_from_label()
- which_smooths()
- worm_plot()
- zooplankton()
R Codes
- add-methods.R
- basis-funs.R
- by-variable-utilities.R
- compare-smooths.R
- concurvity.R
- confint-methods.R
- data-sim.R
- data-slice.R
- datagen-methods.R
- datasets.R
- derivatives.R
- diagnose.R
- difference-smooths.R
- distribution-helpers.R
- draw-evaluate-smooth.R
- draw-gam.R
- draw-methods.R
- edf.R
- effects.R
- evaluate_smooth.R
- evenly.R
- family-utils.R
- fderiv.R
- fitted_values.R
- gjrm-methods.R
- lp-matrix.R
- nested-functions.R
- other-scam-methods.R
- overview.R
- parametric-effects.R
- penalty.R
- posterior-samples.R
- residuals.R
- rootogram.R
- simulate-methods.R
- smooth-coefs.R
- smooth-data.R
- smooth-estimates.R
- smooth-type.R
- subsetting.R
- too_far.R
- utililties.R
- variance-components.R
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