R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adj2el()
- adj_karate()
- as.ghype()
- bccm()
- BootstrapProperty()
- checkGraphtype()
- coef.nrm()
- compute_xi()
- conf.test()
- contacts.adj()
- cospons_mat()
- coxsnellR2()
- CreateIgGraphs()
- create_predictors.list()
- create_predictors()
- dt()
- dtcommittee()
- el2adj()
- extract.nrm.cluster()
- FitOmega()
- get_zero_dummy()
- ghype()
- gof.test()
- highschool.multiplex()
- highschool.predictors()
- homophily_stat()
- isNetwork()
- JnBlock()
- link_significance()
- logl()
- logLik.ghype()
- loglratio()
- lr.test()
- mat2vec.ix()
- mcfaddenR2()
- nr.ci()
- nr.significance()
- nrm()
- nrm_choose()
- nrm_selection()
- onlinesim_mat()
- predict.nrm()
- reciprocity_stat()
- regularm()
- residuals.nrm()
- rghype()
- RMSE()
- scm()
- sharedPartner_stat()
- summary.nrm()
- summary.nrm_selection()
- vec2mat()
- vertexlabels()
R Codes
Selected R package: ghypernet
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