R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_body()
- add_body_row()
- add_footer()
- add_footer_lines()
- add_footer_row()
- add_header()
- add_header_lines()
- add_header_row()
- add_latex_dep()
- align()
- append_chunks()
- as_b()
- as_bracket()
- as_chunk()
- as_equation()
- as_flextable.data.frame()
- as_flextable.gam()
- as_flextable.glm()
- as_flextable.grouped_data()
- as_flextable.htest()
- as_flextable.kmeans()
- as_flextable.lm()
- as_flextable.merMod()
- as_flextable()
- as_flextable.pam()
- as_flextable.summarizor()
- as_flextable.table()
- as_flextable.tabular()
- as_flextable.tabulator()
- as_flextable.xtable()
- as_grouped_data()
- as_highlight()
- as_i()
- as_image()
- as_paragraph()
- as_raster()
- as_sub()
- as_sup()
- as_word_field()
- autofit()
- before()
- bg()
- body_add_flextable()
- body_replace_flextable_at_bkm()
- bold()
- border()
- border_inner()
- border_inner_h()
- border_inner_v()
- border_outer()
- border_remove()
- chunk_dataframe()
- colformat_char()
- colformat_date()
- colformat_datetime()
- colformat_double()
- colformat_image()
- colformat_int()
- colformat_lgl()
- colformat_num()
- color()
- colorize()
- compose()
- continuous_summary()
- delete_columns()
- delete_part()
- delete_rows()
- df_printer()
- dim.flextable()
- dim.flextableGrob()
- dim_pretty()
- empty_blanks()
- fit_to_width()
- fix_border_issues()
- flextable-package()
- flextable()
- flextable_dim()
- flextable_html_dependency()
- flextable_to_rmd()
- fmt_2stats()
- fmt_avg_dev()
- fmt_dbl()
- fmt_header_n()
- fmt_int()
- fmt_n_percent()
- fmt_pct()
- font()
- fontsize()
- footers_flextable_at_bkm()
- footnote()
- fp_border_default()
- fp_text_default()
- gen_grob()
- get_flextable_defaults()
- gg_chunk()
- grid_chunk()
- headers_flextable_at_bkm()
- height()
- highlight()
- hline()
- hline_bottom()
- hline_top()
- hrule()
- htmltools_value()
- hyperlink_text()
- italic()
- keep_with_next()
- knit_print.flextable()
- labelizor()
- linerange()
- line_spacing()
- lollipop()
- merge_at()
- merge_h()
- merge_h_range()
- merge_none()
- merge_v()
- minibar()
- ncol_keys()
- nrow_part()
- padding()
- paginate()
- ph_with.flextable()
- plot.flextable()
- plot.flextableGrob()
- plot_chunk()
- prepend_chunks()
- print.flextable()
- proc_freq()
- regulartable()
- rotate()
- rtf_add.flextable()
- save_as_docx()
- save_as_html()
- save_as_image()
- save_as_pptx()
- save_as_rtf()
- separate_header()
- set_caption()
- set_flextable_defaults()
- set_formatter()
- set_header_footer_df()
- set_header_labels()
- set_table_properties()
- shift_table()
- style()
- summarizor()
- surround()
- tabulator()
- tabulator_colnames()
- theme_alafoli()
- theme_apa()
- theme_booktabs()
- theme_box()
- theme_tron()
- theme_tron_legacy()
- theme_vader()
- theme_vanilla()
- theme_zebra()
- to_html.flextable()
- use_df_printer()
- use_model_printer()
- valign()
- vline()
- vline_left()
- vline_right()
- void()
- width()
R Codes
- 00_utils.R
- 01_fpstruct.R
- 05_content.R
- append_chunk.R
- as_flextable.R
- as_flextable.tabular.R
- as_flextable_gam.R
- as_flextable_tabulator.R
- augment_rows.R
- body_add_flextable.R
- borders.R
- border_fix.R
- captions.R
- chunk_images.R
- clintables.R
- compose.R
- defaults.R
- df_printer.R
- docx_str.R
- empty.R
- flextable-package.R
- flextable.R
- flextable_sizes.R
- footnote.R
- formatters.R
- format_fun.R
- grid_funs.R
- grid_grobs.R
- html_str.R
- latex-borders.R
- latex_chunks.R
- latex_str.R
- merge_flextable.R
- nrowcol.R
- ooxml-utils.R
- paginate.R
- ph_with.R
- pptx_str.R
- printers.R
- proc_freq.R
- read_structure.R
- rtf_str.R
- runs_as_functions.R
- styles.R
- summarizor.R
- tabpart_mains.R
- tabpart_tools.R
- themes.R
- utils.R
- xtable_to_flextable.R
Selected R package: flextable
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