R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- checks_desc()
- datExportData()
- DBtestPostgreSQL()
- DBtestSQLite()
- estimation_desc()
- eval_options()
- internal_desc()
- kindcd3old()
- multest_options()
- pcheck_desc()
- rasterToVRT()
- raster_desc()
- Rcpp_CmbTable-class()
- Rcpp_RunningStats-class()
- ref_codes()
- ref_diacl2in()
- ref_domain()
- ref_estvar()
- ref_statecd()
- savedata_options()
- spatial_desc()
- spMakeSpatial_options()
- strata_options()
- stunitco()
- table_options()
- title_options()
- unit_options()
- write2_desc()
- xy_options()
R Codes
- aaa.R
- addCI.R
- change10char.R
- checks.R
- checks_desc.R
- CmbTable.R
- cool_functions.R
- cool_spfunctions.R
- datExportData.R
- DBinternal.R
- DBtestPostgreSQL.R
- DBtestSQLite.R
- estimation_desc.R
- eval_options.R
- FIESTAutils-package.R
- fileexistsnm.R
- GBest.pbar.R
- getadjfactorDWM.R
- getadjfactorGB.R
- getadjfactorP2VEG.R
- getadjfactorPLOT.R
- getadjfactorVOL.R
- getfunnm.R
- getlt10char.R
- getRefcodes.R
- getRefobject.R
- getrhat.R
- groupStrata.R
- groupUnits.R
- internal_desc.R
- MAest.pbar.R
- multest_options.R
- PBest_pbar.R
- PBest_pbarRatio.R
- pcheck.functions.R
- pcheck_desc.R
- raster_analysis.R
- raster_desc.R
- raster_functions.R
- Ratio2Size.R
- RcppExports.R
- RunningStats.R
- SAest.pbar.R
- save1tab.R
- save2tabs.R
- savedata_options.R
- save_largeList.R
- setup_list_parameters.R
- spatial_desc.R
- spatial_functions.R
- spMakeSpatial_options.R
- strata_options.R
- strat_collapse.R
- table_functions.R
- table_options.R
- title_options.R
- unit_options.R
- write2csv.R
- write2sqlite.R
- write2_desc.R
- wtcalc.R
- wtcalc_unit.R
- xy_options.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: FIESTAutils
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