R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- antColony()
- binaryConsistency()
- breadthFirst()
- chiSquared()
- cramer()
- deepFirst()
- determinationCoefficient()
- directFeatureSelection()
- directSearchAlgorithm()
- featureSelection()
- filterEvaluator()
- fscore()
- gainRatio()
- geneticAlgorithm()
- giniIndex()
- hillClimbing()
- hybridFeatureSelection()
- hybridSearchAlgorithm()
- IEConsistency()
- IEPConsistency()
- isDataframeContinuous()
- isDataframeDiscrete()
- Jd()
- LasVegas()
- LCC()
- MDLC()
- mutualInformation()
- normalizedRelief()
- normalizedReliefFeatureSetMeasure()
- relief()
- ReliefFeatureSetMeasure()
- roughsetConsistency()
- searchAlgorithm()
- selectDifference()
- selectKBest()
- selectPercentile()
- selectSlope()
- selectThreshold()
- selectThresholdRange()
- sequentialBackwardSelection()
- sequentialFloatingBackwardSelection()
- sequentialFloatingForwardSelection()
- sequentialForwardSelection()
- simulatedAnnealing()
- symmetricalUncertain()
- tabu()
- whaleOptimization()
- wrapperEvaluator()
R Codes
- chi2.R
- consistency.R
- determinationCoefficient.R
- directFeatureSelection.R
- directSearchGenerator.R
- discrete.R
- entropy.R
- exhaustiveSearch.R
- featureSelection.R
- filterGenerator.R
- fScore.R
- gini.R
- hybridFeatureSelection.R
- hybridSearchGenerator.R
- Jd.R
- localSearch.R
- mdlc.R
- metaheuristic.R
- others.R
- probabilistic.R
- relief.R
- searchGenerator.R
- selectIndividualFeatures.R
- sequentialSelection.R
- wrapperGenerator.R
Selected R package: FSinR
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