R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- flexrsurv-internal()
- Flexrsurv()
- FlexrsurvLT()
- Flexrsurvpackage()
- getBrassHazardFromTable()
- getHazardFromTable()
- getPseudoHazardFromTable()
- logLik()
- NLL()
- NLLbetaNPHalpha()
- NPH()
- predict.flexrsurv()
- predictCLT()
- predictSpline()
- print.flexrsurv()
- summary.flexrsurv()
- WCEI()
R Codes
- AllClass.R
- AllGeneric.R
- computeCumulativeHazard.1wceadd.R
- computeCumulativeHazard.R
- computeLinearPredictor.1wceadd.R
- computeLinearPredictor.R
- computeLinearPredictor_WCE.R
- computeStdErrorCumulativeHazard.R
- computeStdErrorLinearPredictor.R
- computeStdErrorLinearPredictor_WCE.R
- ContrainteSplineCLT.R
- converged.R
- cutT.R
- default_bands.R
- design.R
- DesignMatrix.R
- evaluatewce.R
- ExpandCoefBasis.R
- FirstId.LastId.R
- fix.flexrsurv.formula.R
- flexrsurv.control.R
- flexrsurv.glm.fit.R
- flexrsurv.glmiterative.fit.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fit.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.brass.1wceadd.fitCoptim.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.brass.period.1wceadd.fitCoptim.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.brass.period.wce.fitCoptim.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.brass.wce.fitCoptim.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.brass.wce.fitoptim.R
- flexrsurv.ll.fromto.fit.R
- flexrsurv.ll.R
- Flexrsurv.R
- flexrsurvclt.ll.R
- flexrsurvclt.R
- getBrassPseudoHazardFromTable.R
- getHazardFromTable.R
- getPseudoHazardFromTable.R
- get_list_var.R
- get_NPHNLL_vars.R
- get_Splinebasis.R
- get_SplinebasisCLT.R
- gr_cumhaz_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_cumhaz_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- gr_cumhaz_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_cumhaz_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- gr_linkrate_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_linkrate_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0Control.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0PeriodControl.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0Control.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0PeriodControl.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB.R
- gr_ll_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- intTD.R
- intTDfromto.R
- intTDfromto_base.R
- intTD_base.R
- intTD_base_base.R
- intweights.R
- keep.terms.R
- ll_flexrsurv_alpha0alpha.R
- ll_flexrsurv_alpha0alpha_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_beta0beta.R
- ll_flexrsurv_beta0beta_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0Control.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0PeriodControl.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_alpha0alpha.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_alpha0alpha_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_beta0beta.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_beta0beta_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0Control.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0PeriodControl.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_gamma0.R
- ll_flexrsurv_fromto_gamma0_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB.R
- ll_flexrsurv_GA0B0AB_bh.R
- ll_flexrsurv_gamma0.R
- ll_flexrsurv_gamma0_bh.R
- logLik.R
- make.control.flexrsurv.R
- make.formulastep.formula.R
- make.formulastep.terms.R
- make.glm.formula.R
- make.mle.formula.R
- make.shortnames.coefficients.R
- matrix.util.R
- ndf.flexrsurvclt.ll.R
- nl.td.func.R
- NLL.NPH.func.R
- nonLinconstrOptim.R
- onAttach.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0Control.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_1WCEaddBr0PeriodControl.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_G0A0B0AB.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_G0A0B0AB_bh.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0Control.R
- opg_flexrsurv_fromto_GA0B0ABE0Br0PeriodControl.R
- opg_flexrsurv_G0A0B0AB.R
- opg_flexrsurv_G0A0B0AB_bh.R
- predict.flexrsurv.R
- predict.flexrsurvclt.R
- predictCLT.flexrsurvclt.R
- predictCumulativeHazard.flexrsurv.R
- predictHazard.flexrsurv.R
- predictHazard.flexrsurvWCE.R
- predictSpline.R
- print.flexrsurv.R
- print.summary.flexrsurv.R
- rateTD.R
- rateTD_bh.R
- rate_NPHNLL.R
- ReadDesignFlexrsurv.R
- ReadDesignFlexrsurvWCE.R
- SplineParam.R
- split_data.R
- StepParam.R
- summary.flexrsurv.R
- util.ratetable.R
- variable2term.R
- weighted_cummulative_exposure.R
- WhichBand.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: flexrsurv
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