R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addZeroCatch()
- ageBias()
- agePrecision()
- alkAgeDist()
- alkIndivAge()
- alkMeanVar()
- alkPlot()
- binCI()
- BluegillJL()
- boot()
- BrookTroutTH()
- capFirst()
- capHistConvert()
- capHistSum()
- catchCurve()
- chapmanRobson()
- ChinookArg()
- CodNorwegian()
- col2rgbt()
- CutthroatAL()
- depletion()
- dunnTest()
- Ecoli()
- expandCounts()
- expandLenFreq()
- extraTests()
- fact2num()
- fishR()
- FSA-defunct()
- FSA-internals()
- FSA()
- geomean()
- growthModels()
- headtail()
- hist.formula()
- histFromSum()
- hyperCI()
- is.odd()
- knitUtil()
- ksTest()
- lagratio()
- lencat()
- logbtcf()
- lwCompPreds()
- metaM()
- Mirex()
- mrClosed()
- mrOpen()
- nlsBoot()
- nlsTracePlot()
- peek()
- perc()
- PikeNY()
- PikeNYPartial1()
- plotAB()
- poiCI()
- psdAdd()
- psdCalc()
- psdCI()
- PSDlit()
- psdPlot()
- psdVal()
- rcumsum()
- removal()
- repeatedRows2Keep()
- rSquared()
- Schnute()
- SchnuteRichards()
- se()
- SMBassLS()
- SMBassWB()
- SpotVA1()
- srFuns()
- srStarts()
- Summarize()
- sumTable()
- tictactoe()
- validn()
- vbStarts()
- WhitefishLC()
- WR79()
- wrAdd()
- WSlit()
- wsVal()
R Codes
- addZeroCatch.R
- ageComparisons.R
- alkIndivAge.R
- alkPlot.R
- alkSummaries.R
- BluegillJL.R
- bootstrap.R
- BrookTroutTH.R
- capHistConvert.R
- capHistSum.R
- catchCurve.R
- chapmanRobson.R
- ChinookArg.R
- CIDists.R
- CodNorwegian.R
- CutthroatAL.R
- depletion.R
- dunnTest.R
- Ecoli.R
- expandCounts.R
- expandLenFreq.R
- extraTests.R
- FSA-defunct.R
- FSA-internals.R
- FSAUtils.R
- growthModels.R
- hist.formula.R
- histFromSum.R
- knitUtil.R
- ksTest.R
- lencat.R
- lwCompPreds.R
- metaM.R
- Mirex.R
- mrClosed.R
- mrOpen.R
- nlsTracePlot.R
- PikeNY.R
- PikeNYPartial1.R
- psdAdd.R
- psdCalc.R
- psdCI.R
- PSDlit.R
- psdPlot.R
- psdVal.R
- removal.R
- SMBassLS.R
- SMBassWB.R
- SpotVA1.R
- srStarts.R
- stockRecruitment.R
- Summarize.R
- sumTable.R
- tictactoe.R
- vbStarts.R
- WhitefishLC.R
- WR79.R
- wrAdd.R
- WSlit.R
- wsVal.R
Selected R package: FSA
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