R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AmpPhaseDecomp()
- arithmetic.basisfd()
- arithmetic.fd()
- as.array3()
- as.fd()
- as.POSIXct1970()
- axisIntervals()
- basisfd()
- basisfd.product()
- bifd()
- bifdPar()
- bsplinepen()
- bsplineS()
- CanadianWeather()
- cca.fd()
- center.fd()
- checkDims3()
- checkLogicalInteger()
- coef()
- cor.fd()
- covPACE()
- CRAN()
- create.basis()
- create.bspline.basis()
- create.constant.basis()
- create.exponential.basis()
- create.fourier.basis()
- create.monomial.basis()
- create.polygonal.basis()
- create.power.basis()
- CSTR()
- cumfd()
- cycleplot.fd()
- Data2fd()
- dateAccessories()
- density.fd()
- deriv.fd()
- df.residual.fRegress()
- df2lambda()
- dirs()
- Eigen()
- ElectricDemand()
- eval.basis()
- eval.bifd()
- eval.fd()
- eval.monfd()
- eval.penalty()
- eval.posfd()
- eval.surp()
- evaldiag.bifd()
- expon()
- exponentiate.fd()
- exponpen()
- fbplot()
- fd()
- fd2list()
- fda-package()
- fdlabels()
- fdPar()
- fdParcheck()
- fourier()
- fourierpen()
- Fperm.fd()
- fRegress.CV()
- fRegress()
- fRegress.stderr()
- Fstat.fd()
- gait()
- geigen()
- getbasismatrix()
- getbasispenalty()
- getbasisrange()
- growth()
- handwrit()
- infantGrowth()
- inprod.Bspline()
- inprod()
- int2Lfd()
- intensity.fd()
- is.basis()
- is.eqbasis()
- is.fd()
- is.fdPar()
- is.fdSmooth()
- is.Lfd()
- knots.fd()
- lambda2df()
- lambda2gcv()
- landmarkreg()
- Lfd()
- lines.fd()
- linmod()
- lip()
- lnsrch()
- matplot()
- mean.fd()
- melanoma()
- monfn()
- mongrad()
- monhess()
- monomial()
- monomialpen()
- MontrealTemp()
- nondurables()
- norder()
- objAndNames()
- odesolv()
- pca.fd()
- pcaPACE()
- pda.fd()
- pda.overlay()
- phaseplanePlot()
- pinch()
- plot.basisfd()
- plot.fd()
- plot.Lfd()
- plot.pca.fd()
- plotbeta()
- plotfit.fd()
- plotscores()
- polintmat()
- polyg()
- polygpen()
- powerbasis()
- powerpen()
- ppBspline()
- predict.fRegress()
- project.basis()
- quadset()
- reconsCurves()
- refinery()
- ReginaPrecip()
- register.fd()
- register.newfd()
- scoresPACE()
- sd()
- seabird()
- smooth.basis()
- smooth.basis.sparse()
- smooth.basisPar()
- smooth.bibasis()
- smooth.fd()
- smooth.fdPar()
- smooth.monotone()
- smooth.morph()
- smooth.pos()
- smooth.sparse.mean()
- smooth.surp()
- sparse.list()
- sparse.mat()
- stepchk()
- stepit()
- sum.fd()
- summary.basisfd()
- summary.bifd()
- summary.fd()
- summary.fdPar()
- summary.Lfd()
- surp.fit()
- symsolve()
- tperm.fd()
- trapzmat()
- var.fd()
- varmx.cca.fd()
- varmx()
- varmx.pca.fd()
- vec2Lfd()
- wtcheck()
- ycheck()
- zerobasis()
- zerofind()
R Codes
- AmpPhaseDecomp.R
- argcheck.R
- as.array3.R
- as.fd.R
- as.POSIXct1970.R
- axisIntervals.R
- basisfd.R
- bifd.R
- bifdPar.R
- boxplot.fd.R
- bsplinepen.R
- bsplineS.R
- cca.fd.R
- center.fd.R
- checkDims3.R
- checkLogicalInteger.R
- coef.R
- cor.fd.R
- covPACE.R
- create.bspline.basis.R
- create.constant.basis.R
- create.exponential.basis.R
- create.fdVar.basis.R
- create.fourier.basis.R
- create.monomial.basis.R
- create.polygonal.basis.R
- create.polynomial.basis.R
- create.power.basis.R
- CSTR2in.R
- CSTRfn.R
- CSTRres.R
- cumfd.R
- cycleplot.fd.R
- Data2fd.R
- density.fd.R
- deriv.fd.R
- derivchk.R
- derivs.R
- df.residual.fRegress.R
- df2lambda.R
- dirs.R
- eigchk.R
- eigen.pda.R
- Eigen.R
- eval.basis.R
- eval.bifd.R
- eval.fd.R
- eval.monfd.R
- eval.penalty.R
- eval.posfd.R
- eval.surp.R
- evaldiag.bifd.R
- expon.R
- exponentiate.fd.R
- exponpen.R
- fbplot.R
- fd.R
- fd2list.R
- fdlabels.R
- fdPar.R
- fdParcheck.R
- fourier.R
- fourierpen.R
- Fperm.fd.R
- fRegress.CV.R
- fRegress.double.R
- fRegress.formula.R
- fRegress.R
- fRegress.stderr.R
- fRegressArgCheck.R
- Fstat.fd.R
- funcint.R
- geigen.R
- getbasismatrix.R
- getbasispenalty.R
- getbasisrange.R
- glm.fda.R
- hex.R
- inprod.bspline.R
- inprod.R
- int2Lfd.R
- intensity.fd.R
- is.basis.R
- is.diag.R
- is.eqbasis.R
- is.fd.R
- is.fdPar.R
- is.fdSmooth.R
- is.integerLfd.R
- is.Lfd.R
- isotone.R
- knots.fd.R
- lambda2df.R
- lambda2gcv.R
- landmarkreg.R
- Lfd.R
- lines.fd.R
- linmod.R
- lnsrch.R
- matplot.R
- monfn.R
- mongrad.R
- monhess.R
- monomial.R
- monomialpen.R
- norder.R
- objAndNames.R
- odesolv.R
- pca.fd.R
- pcaPACE.R
- pda.fd.R
- phaseplanePlot.R
- plot.basisfd.R
- plot.cca.fd.R
- plot.fd.R
- plot.pca.fd.R
- plot.pda.fd.R
- plotbeta.R
- plotfit.fd.R
- plotscores.R
- polintmat.R
- polyg.R
- polygpen.R
- polynom.R
- polynompen.R
- polyprod.R
- powerbasis.R
- powerpen.R
- ppBspline.R
- ppderiv.R
- predict.fRegress.R
- project.basis.R
- quadset.R
- rangechk.R
- reconsCurves.R
- register.fd.R
- register.newfd.R
- scoresPACE.R
- smooth.basis.glm.R
- smooth.basis.R
- smooth.basis.sparse.R
- smooth.basis1.R
- smooth.basisPar.R
- smooth.bibasis.R
- smooth.fd.R
- smooth.fdPar.R
- smooth.monotone.R
- smooth.morph.R
- smooth.pos.R
- smooth.sparse.mean.R
- smooth.surp.R
- sparse.list.R
- sparse.mat.R
- std.fd.R
- stddev.fd.R
- stepchk.R
- stepit.R
- subscript.R
- symsolve.R
- tperm.fd.R
- trapzmat.R
- triplot.R
- var.fd.R
- varmx.cca.fd.R
- varmx.pca.fd.R
- varmx.R
- vec2Lfd.R
- wtcheck.R
- ycheck.R
- yListCheck.R
- zerobasis.R
- zerofind.R
Selected R package: fda
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