R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aggregate()
- apply()
- Arith()
- as.hyperSpec()
- asdataframe()
- barbiturates()
- baselines()
- bind()
- chk.hy()
- chondro()
- collapse()
- colSums()
- Comparison()
- count_lines()
- cov()
- decomposition()
- dim()
- dimnames()
- dollarnames()
- dot-cluster.wavelengths()
- dot-collapse.equal()
- dot-fileio.optional()
- dot-fix_spc_colnames()
- dot-read.spe.xml()
- dot-read.spe.xml_string()
- droplevels-hyperSpec-method()
- empty()
- extractreplace()
- flu()
- Future-functions()
- guess.wavelength()
- hyperSpec-class()
- hyperSpec-package()
- initialize()
- labels()
- laser()
- levelplot()
- makeraster()
- map-sel-poly()
- mark.dendrogram()
- markpeak()
- math()
- mean_sd()
- merge()
- normalize01()
- options()
- orderwl()
- palettes()
- paracetamol()
- pearson.dist()
- plot()
- plotc()
- plotmat()
- plotspc()
- qplotc()
- qplotmap()
- qplotmix()
- qplotmixmap()
- qplotspc()
- quickdf()
- rbind.fill()
- read-ini()
- read-spc-Kaiser()
- read-spc()
- read.asc.Andor()
- read.asc.PerkinElmer()
- read.ENVI()
- read.jdx()
- read.mat.Cytospec()
- read.spe()
- read.txt.Horiba()
- read.txt.Renishaw()
- read.txt.Shimadzu()
- read.txt.Witec()
- rmmvnorm()
- sample()
- scale()
- seq()
- show()
- spc-bin()
- spc-identify()
- spc-loess()
- spc-rubberband()
- spc-spline()
- spc.NA.approx()
- split()
- subset()
- summary()
- sweep()
- textio()
- trellis.factor.key()
- unittests()
- vanderMonde()
- wc()
- wl.eval()
- wl()
- wl2i()
- wlconv()
R Codes
- aggregate.R
- all.equal.R
- apply.R
- Arith.R
- as.data.frame.R
- barbiturates.R
- bind.R
- call.list.R
- chk.hy.R
- chondro.R
- collapse.R
- colMeans.R
- Compare.R
- count_lines.R
- cov.R
- decomposition.R
- deprecated.R
- dim.R
- dimnames.R
- DollarNames.R
- droplevels.R
- empty.R
- extract.R
- factor2num.R
- fileio.optional.R
- fix_spc_colnames.R
- flu.R
- getbynames.R
- guesswavelength.R
- hyperspec-class.R
- hyperspec-package.R
- initialize.R
- labels.R
- laser.R
- levelplot.R
- makeraster.R
- map.identify.R
- map.sel.poly.R
- mark.dendrogram.R
- mark.peak.R
- Math.R
- matlab.palette.R
- mean_sd.R
- merge.R
- mvtnorm.R
- NEW-functions.R
- normalize01.R
- options.R
- orderwl.R
- paracetamol.R
- paste.row.R
- pearson.dist.R
- plot.R
- plotc.R
- plotmap.R
- plotmat.R
- plotspc.R
- plotvoronoi.R
- qplot.R
- qplotmixmap.R
- quantile.R
- rbind.fill.R
- read.asc.Andor.R
- read.asc.PerkinElmer.R
- read.ENVI.HySpex.R
- read.ENVI.Nicolet.R
- read.ENVI.R
- read.ini.R
- read.jdx.R
- read.mat.Cytospec.R
- read.mat.Witec.R
- read.spc.Kaiser.R
- read.spc.R
- read.spc.Shimadzu.R
- read.spe.R
- read.txt.Horiba.R
- read.txt.long.R
- read.txt.Renishaw.R
- read.txt.Shimadzu.R
- read.txt.wide.R
- read.txt.Witec.R
- regexps.R
- replace.R
- sample.R
- scale.R
- seq.R
- show.R
- spc.bin.R
- spc.fit.poly.R
- spc.identify.R
- spc.loess.R
- spc.NA.approx.R
- spc.rubberband.R
- spc.spline.R
- split.R
- split.string.R
- splitdots.R
- subset.R
- Summary.R
- sweep.R
- trellis.factor.key.R
- units.R
- unittest.R
- validate.R
- vandermonde.R
- wc.R
- wl.R
- wl2i.R
- wleval.R
- write.txt.long.R
- write.txt.wide.R
- y-pastenames.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: hyperSpec
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