R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ahull()
- aliases()
- all_same_sign()
- any_grepl()
- auc()
- average_bearing()
- bearing()
- coalesce()
- dev_copy2a4()
- dir2()
- drop_col()
- drop_colr()
- drop_constant_cols()
- drop_empty_cols()
- duplicated_rows()
- ein()
- find_pattern_in()
- fst_columns()
- generate_LaTeX_manual()
- grapes-notchin-grapes()
- grapes-notin-grapes()
- grapes-pin-grapes()
- haversine_distance()
- hutils-package()
- if_else()
- implies()
- isAttached()
- isTrueFalse()
- longest_affix()
- mean_na()
- Mode()
- mutate_ntile()
- mutate_other()
- ngrep()
- prohibit_unequal_length_vectors()
- prohibit_vector_recycling()
- provide.dir()
- provide.file()
- replace_pattern_in()
- report_error()
- RQ()
- samp()
- selector()
- select_grep()
- select_which()
- seq_nrow()
- set_cols_first()
- swap()
- Switch()
- unique-keys()
- weight2rows()
- weighted_ntile()
- weighted_quantile()
R Codes
- aliases.R
- all_same_sign.R
- any_grepl.R
- auc.R
- average_bearing.R
- bearing.R
- coalesce.R
- dev_copy2a4.R
- dir2.R
- drop_col.R
- drop_colr.R
- drop_constant_cols.R
- drop_empty_cols.R
- duplicated_rows.R
- ein.R
- find_pattern.R
- fst_columns.R
- generate_LaTeX_manual.R
- haversine_distance.R
- hull.R
- hutils-package.R
- if_else.R
- implies.R
- isAttached.R
- isTrueFalse.R
- longest_affix.R
- mean_na.R
- Mode.R
- mutate_ntile.R
- mutate_other.R
- ngrep.R
- notchin.R
- notin.R
- number2word.R
- pin.R
- prohibit_unequal_length_vectors.R
- prohibit_vector_recycling.R
- provide-dir.R
- provide-file.R
- replace_pattern_in.R
- report_error.R
- RQ.R
- samp.R
- selector.R
- select_grep.R
- select_which.R
- seq_nrow.R
- set_cols_first.R
- set_seed.R
- swap.R
- Switch.R
- unique-keys.R
- weight2rows.R
- weighted_ntile.R
- weighted_quantile.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: hutils
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