R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aaa()
- and-and()
- apply()
- as.character.H2OFrame()
- as.data.frame.H2OFrame()
- as.data.frame.H2OSegmentModels()
- as.factor()
- as.h2o()
- as.matrix.H2OFrame()
- as.numeric()
- as.vector.H2OFrame()
- australia()
- case_insensitive_match_arg()
- colnames()
- dim.H2OFrame()
- dimnames.H2OFrame()
- dot-addParm()
- dot-check_for_ggplot2()
- dot-collapse()
- dot-consolidate_varimps()
- dot-create_leaderboard()
- dot-customized_call()
- dot-find_appropriate_column_name()
- dot-get_algorithm()
- dot-get_domain_mapping()
- dot-get_feature_count()
- dot-get_first_of_family()
- dot-h2o.doGET()
- dot-h2o.doPOST()
- dot-h2o.doRawGET()
- dot-h2o.doRawPOST()
- dot-h2o.doSafeGET()
- dot-h2o.doSafePOST()
- dot-h2o.is_progress()
- dot-h2o.locate()
- dot-h2o.perfect_auc()
- dot-h2o.primitives()
- dot-h2o.__ALL_CAPABILITIES()
- dot-h2o.__checkConnectionHealth()
- dot-h2o.__CREATE_FRAME()
- dot-h2o.__DECRYPTION_SETUP()
- dot-h2o.__DKV()
- dot-h2o.__EXPORT_FILES()
- dot-h2o.__FRAMES()
- dot-h2o.__IMPORT()
- dot-h2o.__JOBS()
- dot-h2o.__LOGANDECHO()
- dot-h2o.__MODELS()
- dot-h2o.__MODEL_BUILDERS()
- dot-h2o.__MODEL_METRICS()
- dot-h2o.__PARSE_SETUP()
- dot-h2o.__RAPIDS()
- dot-h2o.__REST_API_VERSION()
- dot-h2o.__W2V_SYNONYMS()
- dot-has_model_coefficients()
- dot-has_varimp()
- dot-interpretable()
- dot-is_h2o_model()
- dot-is_h2o_tree_model()
- dot-is_plotting_to_rnotebook()
- dot-leaderboard_for_row()
- dot-min_max()
- dot-model_ids()
- dot-pkg.env()
- dot-plot_varimp()
- dot-process_models_or_automl()
- dot-shorten_model_ids()
- dot-skip_if_not_developer()
- dot-uniformize()
- dot-varimp()
- dot-verify_dataxy()
- feature_frequencies.H2OModel()
- generate_col_ind()
- get_seed.H2OModel()
- h2o-package()
- h2o.abs()
- h2o.acos()
- h2o.adaBoost()
- h2o.aecu()
- h2o.aecu_table()
- h2o.aggregated_frame()
- h2o.aggregator()
- h2o.aic()
- h2o.all()
- h2o.anomaly()
- h2o.anovaglm()
- h2o.any()
- h2o.anyFactor()
- h2o.api()
- h2o.arrange()
- h2o.ascharacter()
- h2o.asfactor()
- h2o.asnumeric()
- h2o.assign()
- h2o.as_date()
- h2o.atc()
- h2o.ate()
- h2o.att()
- h2o.auc()
- h2o.aucpr()
- h2o.automl()
- h2o.auuc()
- h2o.auuc_normalized()
- h2o.auuc_table()
- h2o.average_objective()
- h2o.betweenss()
- h2o.biases()
- h2o.bottomN()
- h2o.calculate_fairness_metrics()
- h2o.cbind()
- h2o.ceiling()
- h2o.centers()
- h2o.centersSTD()
- h2o.centroid_stats()
- h2o.clearLog()
- h2o.clusterInfo()
- h2o.clusterIsUp()
- h2o.clusterStatus()
- h2o.cluster_sizes()
- h2o.coef()
- h2o.coef_norm()
- h2o.coef_with_p_values()
- h2o.colnames()
- h2o.columns_by_type()
- h2o.computeGram()
- h2o.confusionMatrix()
- h2o.connect()
- h2o.cor()
- h2o.cos()
- h2o.cosh()
- h2o.coxph()
- h2o.createFrame()
- h2o.cross_validation_fold_assignment()
- h2o.cross_validation_holdout_predictions()
- h2o.cross_validation_models()
- h2o.cross_validation_predictions()
- h2o.cummax()
- h2o.cummin()
- h2o.cumprod()
- h2o.cumsum()
- h2o.cut()
- h2o.day()
- h2o.dayOfWeek()
- h2o.dct()
- h2o.ddply()
- h2o.decision_tree()
- h2o.decryptionSetup()
- h2o.deepfeatures()
- h2o.deeplearning()
- h2o.describe()
- h2o.diff()
- h2o.dim()
- h2o.dimnames()
- h2o.disparate_analysis()
- h2o.distance()
- h2o.downloadAllLogs()
- h2o.downloadCSV()
- h2o.download_model()
- h2o.download_mojo()
- h2o.download_pojo()
- h2o.drop_duplicates()
- h2o.entropy()
- h2o.exp()
- h2o.explain()
- h2o.explain_row()
- h2o.exportFile()
- h2o.exportHDFS()
- h2o.extendedIsolationForest()
- h2o.fair_pd_plot()
- h2o.fair_pr_plot()
- h2o.fair_roc_plot()
- h2o.fair_shap_plot()
- h2o.feature_interaction()
- h2o.fillna()
- h2o.filterNACols()
- h2o.findSynonyms()
- h2o.find_row_by_threshold()
- h2o.find_threshold_by_max_metric()
- h2o.floor()
- h2o.flow()
- h2o.gainsLift()
- h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModel-method()
- h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModelMetrics-method()
- h2o.gains_lift_plot()
- h2o.gam()
- h2o.gbm()
- h2o.generic()
- h2o.genericModel()
- h2o.getAlphaBest()
- h2o.getConnection()
- h2o.getFrame()
- h2o.getGLMFullRegularizationPath()
- h2o.getGrid()
- h2o.getId()
- h2o.getLambdaBest()
- h2o.getLambdaMax()
- h2o.getLambdaMin()
- h2o.getModel()
- h2o.getModelTree()
- h2o.getTimezone()
- h2o.getTypes()
- h2o.getVersion()
- h2o.get_automl()
- h2o.get_best_model()
- h2o.get_best_model_predictors()
- h2o.get_best_r2_values()
- h2o.get_gam_knot_column_names()
- h2o.get_knot_locations()
- h2o.get_leaderboard()
- h2o.get_ntrees_actual()
- h2o.get_predictors_added_per_step()
- h2o.get_predictors_removed_per_step()
- h2o.get_regression_influence_diagnostics()
- h2o.get_segment_models()
- h2o.get_variable_inflation_factors()
- h2o.giniCoef()
- h2o.glm()
- h2o.glrm()
- h2o.grep()
- h2o.grid()
- h2o.group_by()
- h2o.gsub()
- h2o.h()
- h2o.head()
- h2o.HGLMMetrics()
- h2o.hist()
- h2o.hit_ratio_table()
- h2o.hour()
- h2o.ice_plot()
- h2o.ifelse()
- h2o.importFile()
- h2o.import_hive_table()
- h2o.import_mojo()
- h2o.import_sql_select()
- h2o.import_sql_table()
- h2o.impute()
- h2o.infogram()
- h2o.infogram_train_subset_models()
- h2o.init()
- h2o.insertMissingValues()
- h2o.inspect_model_fairness()
- h2o.interaction()
- h2o.isax()
- h2o.ischaracter()
- h2o.isfactor()
- h2o.isnumeric()
- h2o.isolationForest()
- h2o.isotonicregression()
- h2o.is_client()
- h2o.keyof()
- h2o.kfold_column()
- h2o.killMinus3()
- h2o.kmeans()
- h2o.kolmogorov_smirnov()
- h2o.kurtosis()
- h2o.learning_curve_plot()
- h2o.levels()
- h2o.listTimezones()
- h2o.list_all_extensions()
- h2o.list_api_extensions()
- h2o.list_core_extensions()
- h2o.list_jobs()
- h2o.list_models()
- h2o.loadGrid()
- h2o.loadModel()
- h2o.load_frame()
- h2o.log()
- h2o.log1p()
- h2o.log2()
- h2o.log10()
- h2o.logAndEcho()
- h2o.loglikelihood()
- h2o.logloss()
- h2o.ls()
- h2o.lstrip()
- h2o.mae()
- h2o.makeGLMModel()
- h2o.make_leaderboard()
- h2o.make_metrics()
- h2o.match()
- h2o.max()
- h2o.mean()
- h2o.mean_per_class_error()
- h2o.mean_residual_deviance()
- h2o.median()
- h2o.melt()
- h2o.merge()
- h2o.metric()
- h2o.min()
- h2o.mktime()
- h2o.modelSelection()
- h2o.model_correlation()
- h2o.model_correlation_heatmap()
- h2o.mojo_predict_csv()
- h2o.mojo_predict_df()
- h2o.month()
- h2o.mse()
- h2o.multinomial_aucpr_table()
- h2o.multinomial_auc_table()
- h2o.nacnt()
- h2o.naiveBayes()
- h2o.names()
- h2o.na_omit()
- h2o.nchar()
- h2o.ncol()
- h2o.negative_log_likelihood()
- h2o.networkTest()
- h2o.nlevels()
- h2o.no_progress()
- h2o.nrow()
- h2o.null_deviance()
- h2o.null_dof()
- h2o.num_iterations()
- h2o.num_valid_substrings()
- h2o.openLog()
- h2o.pareto_front()
- h2o.parseRaw()
- h2o.parseSetup()
- h2o.partialPlot()
- h2o.pd_multi_plot()
- h2o.pd_plot()
- h2o.performance()
- h2o.permutation_importance()
- h2o.permutation_importance_plot()
- h2o.pivot()
- h2o.prcomp()
- h2o.predict()
- h2o.predicted_vs_actual_by_variable()
- h2o.predict_json()
- h2o.predict_rules()
- h2o.print()
- h2o.prod()
- h2o.proj_archetypes()
- h2o.psvm()
- h2o.qini()
- h2o.quantile()
- h2o.r2()
- h2o.randomForest()
- h2o.range()
- h2o.rank_within_group_by()
- h2o.rapids()
- h2o.rbind()
- h2o.reconstruct()
- h2o.relevel()
- h2o.relevel_by_frequency()
- h2o.removeAll()
- h2o.removeVecs()
- h2o.rep_len()
- h2o.reset_threshold()
- h2o.residual_analysis_plot()
- h2o.residual_deviance()
- h2o.residual_dof()
- h2o.result()
- h2o.resume()
- h2o.resumeGrid()
- h2o.rm()
- h2o.rmse()
- h2o.rmsle()
- h2o.round()
- h2o.rstrip()
- h2o.rulefit()
- h2o.rule_importance()
- h2o.runif()
- h2o.saveGrid()
- h2o.saveModel()
- h2o.saveModelDetails()
- h2o.saveMojo()
- h2o.save_frame()
- h2o.save_mojo()
- h2o.save_to_hive()
- h2o.scale()
- h2o.scoreHistory()
- h2o.scoreHistoryGAM()
- h2o.screeplot()
- h2o.sd()
- h2o.sdev()
- h2o.setLevels()
- h2o.setTimezone()
- h2o.set_s3_credentials()
- h2o.shap_explain_row_plot()
- h2o.shap_summary_plot()
- h2o.show_progress()
- h2o.shutdown()
- h2o.signif()
- h2o.sin()
- h2o.skewness()
- h2o.splitFrame()
- h2o.sqrt()
- h2o.stackedEnsemble()
- h2o.startLogging()
- h2o.std_coef_plot()
- h2o.stopLogging()
- h2o.str()
- h2o.stringdist()
- h2o.strsplit()
- h2o.sub()
- h2o.substring()
- h2o.sum()
- h2o.summary()
- h2o.svd()
- h2o.table()
- h2o.tabulate()
- h2o.tan()
- h2o.tanh()
- h2o.targetencoder()
- h2o.target_encode_apply()
- h2o.target_encode_create()
- h2o.tf_idf()
- h2o.thresholds_and_metric_scores()
- h2o.toFrame()
- h2o.tokenize()
- h2o.tolower()
- h2o.topBottomN()
- h2o.topN()
- h2o.totss()
- h2o.tot_withinss()
- h2o.toupper()
- h2o.train_segments()
- h2o.transform-H2OTargetEncoderModel-method()
- h2o.transform-H2OWordEmbeddingModel-method()
- h2o.transform()
- h2o.transform_frame()
- h2o.transform_word2vec()
- h2o.trim()
- h2o.trunc()
- h2o.unique()
- h2o.upliftRandomForest()
- h2o.upload_model()
- h2o.upload_mojo()
- h2o.var()
- h2o.varimp-H2OAutoML-method()
- h2o.varimp-H2OFrame-method()
- h2o.varimp-H2OModel-method()
- h2o.varimp()
- h2o.varimp_heatmap()
- h2o.varimp_plot()
- h2o.varsplits()
- h2o.week()
- h2o.weights()
- h2o.which()
- h2o.which_max()
- h2o.which_min()
- h2o.withinss()
- h2o.word2vec()
- h2o.xgboost.available()
- h2o.xgboost()
- h2o.year()
- H2OAutoML-class()
- H2OClusteringModel-class()
- H2OConnection-class()
- H2OConnectionMutableState()
- H2OCoxPHModel-class()
- H2OCoxPHModelSummary-class()
- H2OFrame-class()
- H2OFrame-Extract()
- H2OFrame()
- H2OGrid-class()
- H2OInfogram-class()
- H2OInfogram()
- H2OLeafNode-class()
- H2OModel-class()
- H2OModelFuture-class()
- H2OModelMetrics-class()
- H2ONode-class()
- H2OSegmentModels-class()
- H2OSegmentModelsFuture-class()
- H2OSplitNode-class()
- H2OTree-class()
- housevotes()
- initialize-H2OInfogram-method()
- iris()
- is.character()
- is.factor()
- is.h2o()
- is.numeric()
- Keyed-class()
- length-H2OTree-method()
- Logical-or()
- ModelAccessors()
- model_cache-class()
- names.H2OFrame()
- plot-methods()
- plot.H2OInfogram()
- plot.H2OModel()
- plot.H2OTabulate()
- predict.H2OAutoML()
- predict.H2OModel()
- predict_contributions.H2OModel()
- predict_leaf_node_assignment.H2OModel()
- print.H2OFrame()
- print.H2OTable()
- prostate()
- range.H2OFrame()
- row_to_tree_assignment.H2OModel()
- scale()
- show-H2OAutoML-method()
- show-H2OParetoFront-method()
- staged_predict_proba.H2OModel()
- str.H2OFrame()
- summary-H2OAutoML-method()
- summary-H2OCoxPHModel-method()
- summary-H2OGrid-method()
- summary-H2OModel-method()
- use.package()
- walking()
- zzz()
R Codes
- adaboost.R
- admissibleml.R
- aggregator.R
- anovaglm.R
- astfun.R
- automl.R
- classes.R
- communication.R
- config.R
- connection.R
- constants.R
- coxph.R
- coxphutils.R
- datasets.R
- decisiontree.R
- deeplearning.R
- edicts.R
- explain.R
- export.R
- extendedisolationforest.R
- frame.R
- gam.R
- gbm.R
- generic.R
- glm.R
- glrm.R
- grid.R
- import.R
- infogram.R
- isolationforest.R
- isotonicregression.R
- kmeans.R
- kvstore.R
- locate.R
- logging.R
- models.R
- modelselection.R
- naivebayes.R
- parse.R
- pca.R
- permutation_varimp.R
- predict.R
- psvm.R
- randomforest.R
- rulefit.R
- segment.R
- stackedensemble.R
- svd.R
- targetencoder.R
- tf-idf.R
- upliftrandomforest.R
- w2vutils.R
- word2vec.R
- xgboost.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: h2o
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